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Everything posted by Variablez

  1. My favourite animals are dogs, MANS BEST FRIEND!
  2. I like Trap 17 it has good hosting, but I think a little more could be done with the credits system, like a low credit warning message. Then it would be great. It seems great so far, I just need to get hosted and hopefully that should be soon. Regards,Variablez
  3. If it is down, thats a shame I was looking forward to using it with my account. I guess we need to get some help.I hope it gets fixed soon anyway.Regards,Variablez
  4. Maybe, the world is big, and living on earth is small conpared the the universe and how kings and queens rule and the government. Think about it, like is really crazy, but best not thing too far ahead.
  5. I played that game when I was little! It was a fun little game and really funny when you donate and that. Its an okay game but you really should grow out of it if you still play.
  6. You should also look for things like if it comes with a memory card you can store data on, and if it does, it should be at least 3 or 2 GB as this will store about 200-400 photos depending on the location light and shadow. Also you should look for the megapixels, the bigger the mega pixel, the clearer your images will look. Also you should look for vibrant colour, sound to replay stuff like clips, long lasting battery and also a camera lense cover so your lense doesnt get scratched.Regards,Variablez
  7. Google translation is really funny because I know a lot of french so when I try translating somthing all the words are messed up and everything! But on the serious side its a good translator if your doing a couple of words only, but using it for somthing big like a paragraph of sentance wouldnt be too wise. There are many translators on the web that ARE capable of doing long things but Google's version really just isnt one... maybe in the near future they will expand so we can use it more better. I like google video and maps there cool, just need to expand on their language feautres. Go Google.!
  8. Try adding in alot of data into the network, tonnes of it. This way the system will lag. Maybe use a proxy server to do things you want, or just keep adding files. I havent tried this but it seems logical, the more space, the more slower? I dont really know because I use vista and dont really use networking so whatever your going to to, Good Luck!Regards,Variablez!
  9. Hey all! I want to discuss with you somthing I find useful on Firefox. Its the quick search at the top of the bar. If you have google as your search provider, just type in somthing in the bar eg "Youtube" and Mozilla automatically does a "Im Feeling Lucky" search to go straight to YouTube, its quick fast and effictive! Have a go.
  10. Are you sure thats a real version of vista? Ive tried many installations with real ones, all of them worked without the flaw. Try contacting Microsoft, they will help for sure. Good Luck Sky!
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