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Posts posted by mrintech

  1. Friend,

    Try these steps:

    1. Clean your system RAM Gently. Yes, Again clean it.

    2. Clear dirt inside the CPU. Also ensure that their is proper air flow.

    3. Apply heat resistant pastes or employ good cooler/system fan, so that over heating will not occur.

    4. Get your SMPS checked.

    Also install SMART hard disk checking utility like from here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/smartmontools/

    And be sure that don't tweak your system hardware of your own. whatever be the reason go to a good vendor and ask him for help. All processor and mobo comes with 3 years warning or so.

    regarding anti virus and anti spyware go for a-sqaured and spyware terminator. you can connect your hard drive to your friends PC to scan it with latest updated virus definitions.

  2. Yes! You are hearing right! Now you can play interactive YouTube game over YouTube! Recently Hexolabs introduced first ever Interactive Video over YouTube! The Game is named as A Car?s Life.


    By interactive means, you can play the game on the Normal YouTube! Video Window! Amazing?!!!


    Posted Image


    A Car?s Life is based on the Fact that while playing the game you have to click on the YouTube! Video screen as soon as a Click Logo Appears. Just click on that logo and you will automatically go to the next level.


    This is really a cool and amazing game developed by Hexolabs. This site/organization is run by IIT Kanpur students and for those who don?t know about IIT and IITians, this is for your information that IIT is the premier Engineering Institute in India and IITians are regarded as having the brightest brian in the country as well as World. Really Hats Off to the team behind Hexo Labs. :lol:



    Here are some of the Game Screenshots:


    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image



    To play this Wonderful Game Click Here. Mind that it's all about annotation technique.

  3. Hey friends,


    Here is the Image that tells you what happens when you Google (please click to enlarge it):


    Posted Image


    The whole process depicted above takes millisecond to complete when you actualy search for any of your query


    Hope you like the Google Mechanism :lol:

  4. Dear Friends,I am from India and recently found Xisto. I have some queries, I request valuable members to please clear them. Your help can benefit me greatly. My queries are as follows:1. I am a wordpress blogger. I want to host my wordpress blog right here at Xisto. Does Fantastico supports latest wordpress version?2. For a blogger, MY SQL Database gets increased constantly after each successive posts and also Images in the blog/posts. Here at Xisto will I get unlimited MY SQL Database?3. More the number of visitors, more is the CPU Usage and resource utilization at the server end. Is there any sort of restrictions on CPU Usage limit?I request you to kindly guide me at your best. Waiting for valuable responses.- With Best Wishes :lol:

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