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Posts posted by gjaldon

  1. True, it is the competition that makes games like these thrive. In fact, I'm currently into browser-based MMORPG that's called Star Wars Combine and its real fun for me. :lol: It doesn't have great graphics and it could seem quite dauntingly complicated at first, but it's actually very much enjoyable. What makes it most fun is the community, putting some depth into your character through role-playing, and of course competing with others within the game. All this done within a Star Wars universe, which is great for me since I've enjoyed the Star Wars movies and have read some Star Wars books. What's also great is the fact that most SWC players will not become Force Sensitive and will not be able to become Jedi. They try stick as close to the canon Star Wars without adapting the canon characters and stories but applying almost everything else that is canon. It's been around for 8 years already and has quite some in-game history already embedded in it. You could also choose to be part of the Galactic Empire, New Republic, Hapes, Trade Federation, and many other factions that don't necessarily exist in the canon Star Wars. Anyway, hope you guys try this out too.Here's the link: http://www.swcombine.com/

  2. Savge17: Although I very much agree that the human species must find a way to address the problem of overpopulation, I do not agree to your extreme suggestion of having scientists develop a method that would lead to people capable of only having one offspring. That is quite impractical and highly unethical. Instead, I believe it would be best for all those hugely populated countries to set up and effectively execute government policies on family planning that would greatly encourage their citizens to have just 1 child or even none at all by giving benefits (such as tax cuts) to those couples that follow the family planning policy. Also, to impose a punishment in form of added taxes and such. In this way, having lots of children would be a privilege that has to be earned and not a right. The policies should of course also be applied hand-in-hand with education on family planning, especially to those people that live in the less industrialized areas. Anyway, just my opinion on this matter. I'd love to ETHICALLY depopulate the world. No killing or anything. Just implement controls. :lol:

  3. I would like to believe that Hitler did not die during the time the Russians/Allies claimed he did. The information and evidence provided by these parties leave much room for doubt. This may very well be propaganda spread by the Allies/Russians to make a claim for total/absolute victory over their enemy by forcing the leader to his death. The US seems to indulge much in spreading false propaganda to further 'strengthen' their status of being the world power.I suggest you people download and read on the document Saint Michael provided.

  4. Dying is inevitable. All who live owe a corresponding death. To fear death, could be somewhat unhealthy. Based on a certain Theory of Personality in Psychology(by Otto Rank), fear of death could lead to an unhealthy avoidance of it. And since it is quite impossible to avoid it, what people do is to unconsciously choose not to actually live their lives by indulging in neurotic routines/activities. It is in this non-indulging in life that a neurotic person hopes he would not have to pay the debt of death and that he/she would have immortality. Point is, one must learn to accept that one can not escape death. It is this acceptance of the inevitability of death, that should lead one to actually LIVE his/her life and make the most out of it. Hope you guys find this helpful. :lol:And to answer the question, I actually fear death. But hopefully not to a point that I'm actually living neurotically(at least according to Otto Rank). My fear of death comes from the fact that I do not know what it would bring me and that no one is able to enlighten me on what it is exactly that is to happen to me(my soul, consciousness, whatever you call it) when I die. I want to move on to a higher plane or something and not just fade way into nothingness. But I don't know which to expect of this. So, I guess my fear of death extends from my fear of the unknown.Lastly, I would just like to let you guys know that the phobia most people suffer from is alto phobia- the fear of heights.. and not the fear of death.

  5. I haven't much experience in online business, but I do know of a friend who put up a forum-type website on a game he very much enjoyed. This site ended up housing a great many significant strategies that were mostly input of the forum members/visitors and not by the owner/admin himself, very much like Xisto but only to a lesser degree. He earns income through the ads he puts up. All he has to do is to maintain or increase traffic into his site by constantly updating it and all that. That is one way of doing business online.

  6. For those that do not know/understand much about SEO, I suggest you search the net for free e-books on SEO. I've actually been able to download two free e-books on this just lately on my other PC. It's easily/readily available on the net, all you have to do is just search. You will find it most helpful to learn from these free e-books. An understanding of SEO will aid you by providing you with know-how in increasing site traffic.

  7. Always learn the basics. As MrDee stated, it is best that you learn about HTML first. It's quite easy to learn about it. And if ever you forget about the other tags/codes, you could always search the net for a list of them and their uses. There are a great number of sites that provide these types of lists. You don't have to do much memorizing at first, just understand them and then you will eventually have them all into memory.

  8. True, this is just an isolated case. It would seem that these young Vietnamese boy has something wrong with his head. If he were a normal and regularly functioning boy, he wouldn't go to the extent of killing an old lady for money to spend on an online game.And Blood, too much of anything is bad. This is applicable to everything in life, even with MMO's. The point is to control the hours you spend on it and keep a balance of this in your life. :lol:

  9. Wow! All these new browser are outdoing IE already?! Anyway, I use Firefox as my browser and there are quite a lot of useful add-ons you could install in it. In fact, there's a thread in here that lists quite a number of useful add-ons for firefox. Try searching for it here. I forgot where it was... :lol: I still have to try Google Chrome. I've heard a lot of good reviews about Chrome and would really like to try it out. I'll let you guys know what I think of it.

  10. It just goes to show that games don't have to be too graphic intensive to be considered great by gamers. Game developers should keep this in mind and focus in making their games more immersive. That's what Starcraft has, great gameplay to a point that it gets its players get so immersed in the game. It's also very easy to learn how to play the game, but it takes a lot of time to learn strategies,techniques and to develop skills. Tactics such as build orders should be learned and you should keep in mind the right way of thinking to defeat your enemy. Anyway, this is a great game and you guys that haven't tried this out should. :lol:

  11. Just as EpicRevolution pointed out, you'd need high traffic to be making a significant amount of money from your site. Adsense isn't the only way to provide you with income through your site though. Once you've got high traffic, your site will attract offers from those interested to display ads on your site. Those that express interest to advertise in your site would vary depending on the kind of site you have and the type of visitors you have. Anyway, basically you have to work on getting high traffic first. :lol:Good luck. ^_^

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