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Alexander VS

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Everything posted by Alexander VS

  1. The present idea is a novelty in business. Universality of the idea allows to use it for development and creation of new branches of business in different spheres. Intention: scents of specially selected compositions stimulate planned reactions of psyche. Initial point: every substance influences by its scent on the state of a man. Such scents can be given as an example: roses, valerian, alcohol, coffee, perfumery, essential oils, food, liquid ammonia, incense, fragrances. Some of these smells excite, others relax, third bring into contemplating state, forth stimulate physiological reactions. Essence of the idea: the use of perfumery for new purposes. We have detected a number of substances, the compositions of which can regulate with the help of their smell such manifestations of psyche as concentration, will, activeness, creativity, relaxation; they can originate mental stimulation, feeling of comfort, receptivity to knowledge, and so forth, which can be applied in many spheres of business and social activity. Examples of use: 1. Just to drive a car is one thing. But when you drive a car and its scent awakens confidence, concentration, and attention, than the sensation is different comparing with the one, when you drive a standard car. 2. During negotiations the atmosphere of easiness, friendliness, and mutual favor can be created. 3. If speaking of a woman, a standard cookery book with typographic smell and a book, the pages of which provoke appetite or the desire to feed a man, will make much difference for her. Through variation of different components and technological process one can achieve different psychical reactions, the quality of which depends on the type of a product, circumstances, and purpose, towards which a producer is aimed. With the help of new application of scents one can achieve the distinction of goods on the market and rising of their competitiveness. Compositions can be spread for independent use of producers and consumers. Compositions can be made in accordance with the order for specific needs. Areas of use: ? Cars. ? Packed clothes. ? Computers (reduction of tiredness). ? Sport. By application of compositions one can raise the effectiveness of sportsmen. ? Construction industry, hotel business, restaurants, caf?s (creation of comfort atmosphere in different premises). ? Business and politics (negotiations, relaxation after stresses, search for new decisions etc.) ? Any types of packed products, except those which have their strong smells. ? Furniture (for creation of comfort atmosphere, business surroundings). ? Offices and educational establishments. Place for working and studying in the purposes of creation of a psychical reaction, corresponding to the type of activities. ? Perfumery. Use in the form of perfumes, sprays, in the new purpose. and so forth. Know how: only a specially trained person can select compositions. This person should feel psychical reactions of the organism for substances up to deep levels, he should be able to determine reactions of other people ad be able to use intuition for indication the components, correlations, and ways of technological development. We carry out: ? Experimental production and development of compositions. ? Organization of mass production of compositions. ? Production of unique compositions for special needs. ? Development of special compositions for bathrooms, Russian baths, and saunas. ? Expertise for detection of unconscious psychical reactions for smells of different substances and compositions. Development of recommendations for improvement of product quality. ? Preparation of specialists in the given area. Cooperation in the following fields is possible: 1. Realization of compositions. 2. Intermediation in the process of obtaining of orders. 3. Joint production. 4. Organization of production on your territory and specialists training. Russia, Saint-Petersburg, 2008. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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