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Posts posted by outwarsecrets

  1. i don't think it is something wrong withmysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET car='$carid', money=(money - price) WHERE uname='{$uname}'");because i use it on another page on the site and that works fine. I will give it a try, but i think it is something with the if/else statements somewhere. Because everything works except when u click the link. It says "The car has been purchased" but nothing in the database changes. If anyone knows another way I could write something like that I would try to get that to work.

  2. I have checked, the db connection works fine. The list of cars at the bottom was taken from the database. Alos the other table is coonected correctly too. the users table has the following fields: uname, car, and money. Those all match up fine with what i have there.

  3. here is the code from the entire page. Everything seems to work except for the update query. Any suggestions on how I would go about fixing this?

    <?php include ('includes/header.php'); ?><table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" width="100%" bgcolor="000000">  <tr>     <td align="center">Car Dealer</td>  </tr>  <tr>     <td bgcolor="444444"><?php$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cars` ORDER BY `price` desc LIMIT 0 , 30"); while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($query)){ $carid = $rows['id']; $price = $rows['price'];$year = $rows['year'];$name = $rows['name'];$image = $rows['image'];$description = $rows['description']; echo"$year $name for \$$price <a href=?buycar=$carid>Buy</a><br>"; } //check to see if there has been a call to delete a row if($_GET['buycar']){ //check to make sure that id exists   $check = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cars` WHERE `id` = '$carid'"));     if($check < '1'){       echo"Invalid ID";     }else{       mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET car='$carid', money=(money - price) WHERE uname='{$uname}'");       echo"Car has been purchased.";     }  }?></td>  </tr></table><?php include ('includes/footer.php'); ?>

    this is also what the page looks like

    1992 Saturn S-Series for $600 Buy
    1987 Toyota Tercel for $500 Buy
    1991 Chrysler Town and Country for $400 Buy
    1989 Honda Accord for $350 Buy
    1993 Ford Ranger for $300 Buy
    1995 Geo Metro for $200 Buy

    the words Buy are links like the 1995 Geo Metro for $200 has the link dealer.php?buycar=5

    If anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it.

  4. GTA SA was awsome, i beat it in about 3 days, side missions and all. Now I'm starting over with no cheats this time. I was gonna do it without cheats the first time, but then I got to a mission I was having trouble with and wanted to unlock the other parts of the map. So I cheated. I'm about 23% without cheats now :(

  5. Does anyone know of a good tutorial on how to use phpMyAdmin? I kind of get how to do some of it, I also really need a very detailed tutorial on how to connect to a db after it is created. If it helps you any on what I'm talking about, I am making a site like http://www.jetphotos.net/. Mostly just to learn how to use php.Thanks

  6. It seems like a lot of you like it, I wasnt thinkin about getting it until now, I think I'll do whta I did last time and get it for my sister for x-mas and see if its any good, then when she gets bored of it I'll try it out maybe.

  7. Is there a way to have php act as an iframe? I dont want to have to change every single page when i want to move something around. If anyone can give me a tutorial or somethign telling me how that would be great, or ven another way of doing this without frames.

  8. Yea I know, I plan to become active again, with my computer back and all. But I there might be a time again where I become active because I am bringing my computer back to really get it fixed this time. So when this thing is fixed I will be posting like I was before I left.

  9. About a month ago I brought my coputer in to get the DVD drive replaced because it stopped working. I figured it would take a few days to fix, a week max if they had to order parts. But here I am a month later just got it back today, and it isn't even fixed. Wow does this *BLEEP*. I hate HP and or Comp USA.

  10. I have a lt of hobbies, I'm surprised I'm on the computer as much as I am. If I'm not playing Ice hockey i'm playing roller hockey, if im not playing roller hockey i'm hanging out with my gf, if im not doing that im playing my guitar and if im not eating, sleeping, working, or driving my sister around I am on the computer. I guess driving my sister and working isnt a hobby but o well.

  11. Yes Outwar does *BLEEP*, but is very addicting at the same time. They weret always so stupid though, as soon as they found out they could make a ton of money off their game they became greedy. I don't send them money any more, after they charged my credit card for like $150. I tihnk the only reason I still play is because of my site. As soon as I almost quit someone gets me into it again.And now I'm starting to make some money off my site so I dont think I'll ever be able to quit

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