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Everything posted by jesseruu

  1. Hey Kerco, At the moment I'm hosted by Servage (servage.net) Servage is really great! Heaps of web space and bandwidth. The support at servage has also been really great, almost instant. Webspace: 750 GB Bandwidth: 7500 GB When you use this coupon you get extra 25GB of space: CUST67301
  2. Hey, If you want to learn how login scripts work, you might want to have a look at this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This login script includes the following features: -Admin Functions -Forgot Password function -Different member levels -Users can edit their account details
  3. Hey,Just wondering is there a way to modify/change the OS or firmwar on your phone?If this is possible how risky is it?I'm asking this question about all mobile phone brands.
  4. Heres a good link for good HTML and other webpage language resources http://www.w3schools.com/ W3schools online provides examples ect. Once you have the basics of making a website signup for free hosting and try out your code!
  5. Yeah, I will gladly put a small banner and a link from my site to Xisto! Xisto is the FIST FREE host that I have found that has c-panel and no forced adds. But I'd still be willing to put a Xisto banner on my site... Jesse
  6. What my login system needs pretty much is some code that displays each user with their own page after login. I want this page to contain a table (from a datatabase) where they can add certain values if that user has a high enough level ect.I am reading through a bool called 'Sams teach yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache'. Now I am begining to understand PHP better...Anyway I'll have a look at the links given to all thouse ready made login systems. Thanks,Jesse
  7. I would recomend using a HOWTO found here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope it helped. Jesse
  8. Hey, That is a really great first post! Better than mine. A Javascript login system is better than no seccurity at all. It will mabey stop 40% off the people who want to get into your site. As I said before its better than nothing but I wouldn't rely on it! Great post! Jesse
  9. Hey, What is 'kernal' and 'initrd'? I don't know which file is which. According to device.map my sd card is 'hd0'. I am really confused...
  10. Hey,I am running opensuse 10.2 using its the opensuse grub boot loader.Now I want to dual boot with DSL running off my SD card in my laptops inbouilt cardreader.I know all I most probably have to do is add a few lines to some file. But since I don't want to spend days trying to figure out how to add a OS to grub.DSL says the SD card is 'sda1'.My computer is an EeePc. Thanks
  11. That also Is quite a spammy site! The site above did not seem to exist for me? Mabey its just my internet connection. Anyway 'whyaffiliates.com' is pretty much a site with a link to a compleatly different site. Why not just use good old google adds. Jesse
  12. Hey Mate, I have also been dreaming of running a mmo! =D I also I am 14... Jesse
  13. I'm loving Xisto so far! Heh I applied for hosting yesterday but got declined... (I only had 8 posts and 10.87 points ) I'm going to save up for the 30 credits hosting and then save up for domain! I cant wait! Jesse
  14. Yeah, I'm reading throug on online tutorial... found here http://www.php-mysql-tutorial.com/ You can download redily made systems like this http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ that gives you admin features and more. The only problem with ready made systems is that anyone can view the source code of your login system if they find out where its from. Jesse
  15. Hey Admin, I'm really new here at Xisto, in fact I only joined today. Anyway how can I view how many points I have? The system says I am not authorised to view it? Any ideas? Regards, Jesse EDIT: sorry I did not read all the sticky's well enough.
  16. HTML is a very easy and nice language to learn! I Have been learning HTML for a while but at the moment I'm leaning PHP. When I was learning I went to http://www.w3schools.com/ I found them really ausome. It deppends on how keen you are on learning and how much time you have to learn it. Even though HTML is simple it can be very effective when you know how to use it properly. Good luck in learning, Jesse
  17. I switched to linux because I really wanted to try something different I was getting really tired of windows. I'm not ANTI-windows but Linux just simply offers more variety and customization! The best thing with linux is that it is FREE!!! Jesse
  18. YES there is!!!! How do you do it? Depends on which linux distrodubtion you want to install. Usually you can install it the same way as windows. WARNING: some distrobutions may wipe out windows without asking! so you might want to read the WIKI for that distrobution before installation. The methods said before should all work! Jesse
  19. Its not HEX, binnary or any other commen encoding. [0]THEUNITHETED It seems like in the code repeats the same sort of text. that could be 'THE UNITED' or something like that... Jesse
  20. Hey everyone,My names Jesse and I live in Australia.I make webpages as a hobby. I was searching through the internet when I found Xisto. I have not seen any other FREE hosting service that could offer so much! Great to be here and I look forward to getting to know you all!Jesse
  21. Hey everyone! I am helping someone make a login system using MySQL databases and a PHP login form. I have a fair bit of experiance in HTML and some javascript too. I have virtually no experiance in MySQL or PHP. Anybody know of any good PHP login systems that allow you to creat a personalised page for each user and when they login the system transfers the user to their page. Another thing that the system MUST have is a way of stopping unwanted users entering someones page. For example lets say I register and my UN is jesse123 and my personalised pages address is: http://myDomain.com/members/jesse123.phpThen I decide I want to view someone elses page....http://myDomain.com/members/admin.php I know you can make the users page names more complicated but if someone uses a search engine they could easily find out someone elses page address. Does anyone know of a way to create a login form like this or know somewhere where you can download one? kind regards, Jesse R.
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