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Posts posted by MichaelA8

  1. I used to write all the time, but have slowed over the years as coursework became more prominent in my life. Are you an author? I'd love to hear your experience...I'm currently enrolled in a science writing course and have rekindled my interest in the craft, but it's hard to get motivated. I like to hear what others are up to :)

    What's up, mout?

    Thanks for posting.
    Yes I'm an author, albeit un-published. I understand 'slowing over the years'. I was a writing fool into my late teens. Then life took over. It's only been over the last few years that, I too, rekindled. I'm working on three projects, and querying agents. I stay active on forums, and work on my craft, while learning the business. It's not say that all who participate want to become published, there are just as many who do it for the love of prose!

    As far as motivation? Well, why not resurrect something from your past. Maybe a part of your life that fell to side. EX: I played in a METAL band until I was 22.......
    How about a 'catharsis' telling of your travels through 'coursework'.
    My favorite is to write about something that I'm passionate about.

    Have at it, and keep posting!

  2. I used to write a lot back then. When I was in high school, I did feature writing and some editorials for the school paper. When I was in college, I wrote for leisure, although I still wrote reports for the college paper. In my later years in college, I have turned to blogging but now, after the whirlwind of job-hunting, landing a job, fitting in and, well, working, I find that I have not written for quite a while. My last blog entry was dated January 2008 and my last piece of prose, even further into the past. Please don't ask when I last wrote poetry :)
    Now, I'm trying my best to get out of this immense writer's block. There had been a lot of false starts but it seems I have lost the ability to see a piece through. Have you, other writers, any advice?

    Hi Sal,

    Excellent question.

    I'm happy to hear that you're 'dusting off the pen' ! Look to solid writers forums. There's a wealth of advice from those published and un-published alike. Also, since BLOGGING has gained immense popularity, you can find threads dedicated to them.
    Anyway, here's how I combat the block:
    1)Quick-write:I take a piece of blank paper, and a timer. I set the timer to 2 minutes. Then I write whatever words come to mind. No sentences, don't care about spelling.....just two minutes of scribble. That seems to help.
    2)Music: Generally instrumental pieces. I listen and let the music create visuals. Then I jot them down.
    3)People Watch: I'll sit in a park, mall, wherever there is traffic. I watch folks go about their day, and interact with each other. This time, I visualize what their thinking, what their saying, where their going........

    It's all about stimulating that inner author.

    Hope this helps. Keep posting.

    Also, here's thread link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  3. No way. I don't think our world will explode MichaelA8. However, it may be possible in another thousand years, maybe billion years. 2012 I think will still be going on but everything might be more of a future electronic world, like in IRobot. :( Chicago I think it was, was all futuristic then our time now.


    1012, 4 years time? I really doubt it will be the end of the world in 4 years time. :) Even if this "end of the world" thing really did happen, it most probably would happen at night time, not in the daytime.


    And wow, if it really did happen at day/night time, I'd be scared. :D




    Edit: Fix a spelling mistake

    Sky, I agree. No BOOM! Hopefully the date represents a shift of thinking on a world-wide level. I know that once we accept that we're all of the one, things will change. It's the end of the world as we know it, I feel fine!


    ~Michael :)

  4. I would offer that "The end of the world" is a subjective statement. Are we talking 'BOOM' everything is vaporized, or something different? Hmmmm.....Maybe it's, like REM sang, "The end of the world as we know it"? This, to me, seems to be a greater possibility. Let's not forget, that the terminology of things has greatly morphed since the Mayan's walked the Earth. This adds an additional 'twist'. I'm not big on 'destiny', as a whole. I believe that we 'create' as we go. So the only 'destiny' that we have is one of 'creation'.Just my opinion.Michael

  5. WELCOME!First, let's get this out of the way: If you would like to read or post samples, please visit our neighboring forum. OK? OK. This is a gathering for us to discuss the craft, and business alike. It's for support, encouragement, and yes, venting. Share your experience, exchange thoughts, ask questions, network. Are you quering agents? Considering a contract offer from a publisher? Did you just ink a deal? Let's hear about it! Anything do do with the writing as a whole is why we're here. So don't be shy, let's get going! What are we waiting for?

  6. At birth, our minds a blank parchment. While we grow, others sketch on it. This is what form our perceptions. Their opinions become ours, their fears, believes, interpretations, likes.....all of it.Then, at some point, I'll experience something. I'll see it, scan my memory bank and find a 'programmed' response. Here's a simple example: If I were born and raised in an isolated area, where I was taught that the color of grass was purple, then, once I came to the USA, people would think I was insane. Perception is reality, to a degree. At some point during our journey, our soul begins to burst at the seams. It becomes 'uncomfortable'. Pain, being the great motivator, is what often spurs us on to look beyond the box. That's, when it happens. First I must discover what I am not, in order to manifest what I AM.~Michael

  7. Nicely done indeed!The theme is supported by the song! Nice touch. What I would look to 'tweek' are these: The 'red' text on the scrolling marquee is a bit uncomfortable. The Red in the info box works well.In addition, within the info box: I'd go with Blues that are a shade or two lighter. The darker blue that is currently present(for Admin. etc.), boarders on un-readable.Short of that?I like it!Alot!Michael

  8. Hi,I'm not exactly sure what type of feedback you're looking for. I will say that the previous reviews all have merit. From a 'viewer's' point, I'd agree with changing font, and colors. Perhaps some relevant wallpaper. Also, I'd make sure that, while keeping it clean, there are few empty spaces. The ones that are kept, should be stratigicaly placed. Now, if you're also looking for a review of the specific content, let me know. I think it will be a powerful advertising tool, with some work. I was a painting contractor for years, so I know a little about a little. All in all, nicely done!Michael

  9. mm contract work is Ok but id be loosing half, or more, of my earnings through the designer taking his cut.
    Ive made a design that is one of my best and once ive posted it up in a new topic ill link it here (leave all feedback in the other post though of course)

    I went to the library today to see if there were any books but alas its all how to learn CSS and HTML etc.. which i dont need.

    The link to my post is Here At the time of writing this it isnt yet active, it needs to approved by the mods, so if you get a board error check back later. Thans.

    I feel you. I think this is why many graduates end up in a profession other than the one they are degreed in. It can get frustrating. Remain patient. It's your best friend right now. Patience shouldn't be allowed to become 'passive'. Keep on, keeping on.

    I'd advise that you get a pt job. Anything really. Not only will it produce some income, but it will aid you in avoidance of feeling, 'not good enough'. I don't mean to imply that you feel this way now, but experience has taught me that the longer I'm out of work, the greater probability of this. Hang in there!

    Oh, BTW: Once you get a job, you'll need this: http://www.gamesbox.com/games/2600/Whack_Your_Boss_17_Ways_NEW



  10. have that personally happen to you before?or any examples? because i don't quite understand, is there such a company like this

    Not me personally, and not 'company' but 'companies'. Many of them, with more starting up each day. I didn't get burned. This is because I took my own advice. Being involved in many author groups, I've heard horror stories. As to 'lenders', well we need only look at the state of our contry's 'foreclosure' situations, and the practices of the financial institutions involed with many of them.

    Thanks for the post!


  11. Much like preditory lenders, who covet misguided, 'newbie', or desperate people, there are functioning 'publishers' and 'literary agents' who do as well. There is little difference between these two groups. Although in different markets, their approach is the same, as is the outcome for many who sign with them.These 'companies' are the destoyer of dreams. With the lender, you're stuck with un-reasonable terms, poor support, and empty promises. They get their hooks in you and wait. Once things begin to crumble, they descend like a vulture. Your home, your dream, is gone.With the publisher, they prey on the innermost desires of aspiring authors. Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, they are masters of the 'swirve' tactic. Painting themselves in a most virtuous light, you'll think that they fell from the sky. Believe me, they have not. Like the lender, they lock you in, knowing EXACTLY how they will earn off you, and are not concerned with what returns you receive. That is how they operate. It is in fact, their business plan. Trick you in, sign you up, suck you dry, let you die. That's it.So, how do we avoid these types?First, if they come to you, out of nowhere, tread light. The companies with proven track records don't need to seek you out. They may welcome your business, but they don't NEED it.Second, REASEARCH-REASEARCH-RESEARCH! Find out whatever you can, from whoever you can. look to 'watchdog' groups. Visit as many seperate sites as you can. Look for a patten of behavior, and then coroborate. Ask questions to both the prospective company, and the groups that you searching with. Make a check list. Two columns: Pro/Con. This has helped me. Also remember this theory: If one says you're a duck, you're not. If two say you're a duck, you might be. If three say you're a duck, start quacking! Also, watch for what I call, The Inverted Red Flag. This is, while amongst a sea of confirmed evidence, there are a small number who say the opposite. CHECK AND RE-CHECK the minority opinions. At times, these sleazy, yet crafty, orginizations set up, and even FUND their own advocacy groups.Be patient. Check things out. You owe it to yourself. It's your money. Your time. Your life. Your Dreams. Nothing dies more painfully, than dreams.Just my opinion.~MichaelA8

  12. The mind is such a powerful thing. If it percieves stress, anxiety, depression, etc, it begins to effect the body. Long term 'exposure' has tragic consequences. The good news is this: If the mind is so powerful that it can alter us 'negatively' than it must be powerful enough to alter us for the positive! It' s all about a shift in our perceptions. If I 'see' something, I can choose how to 'view' it. See the miracle in all things. Think not of 'stress', but of comfort. Avoid anger in leiu of tolerence. It can be done, if we only choose.Excellent post! Thank you.Michael

  13. Aracley,Please see my posting to Sammy.I will add this: First, the old,'It's not what you think' line, tells me that he believes that you're a 'mark'. Secondly, the fact that he took advantage of a vulnerable and needy person, tells me that he is a preditor. So I ask you this: 'Do you value youself enough to gravitate away from such people? Boy, it's tough. I know that it feels like knives in the chest. I know that everything happens for a reason. Perhaps it is better that you learned these things now, rather than 2 years from now.My prayers are with you, and with him, as he needs them every bit as much as you do.Michael

  14. Hi Sammy,I'm going to break rank here. I am not 'sorry' to hear what happened. My friend, you have just experienced something wonderful. I know that it doesn't feel that way, but you have none the less. You have experienced love. This is priceless. However, what you are going through now, is the grieving process, which is also priceless. Grieving is said to have 5 stages: Denial, Anger, Bargining, Depression, Acceptence. From your post, I'd say you're well into it. A quick web search will prove time well spent on this subject.Know this: Her infidelity, and betrayal has nothing to do with you. NOTHING! No matter what is thought, or said, regardless of all the excuses, rational or otherwise, we are responsible for our own actions. In short, she chose for herself. Avoid falling for: It was because of this, and, if only YOU had done that. Think of it this way: I lose my job, and struggle to make ends meet. So, I go out and rob a bank. Imagine me standing before a judge and telling him that the fault lies with my ex-employer. Guess who's going to jail. SHE is responsible for her choices. SHE is accountable for her actions, not YOU.So you too, have choices. Do you get back together? Hmmm. That's a tough one. I do believe that people can change, espically when so young. The question will be this: Why am I (or is she) going to change? If I change so that I can 'get her back' than I am probably going to end up miserable. Even if I believe that I need to change, it should be because 'I want to be different' not because 'I want her back'. Doing the right thing, for the wrong reason, is doing the wrong thing. Do you see?I know that it hurts. You will love again, for it is our nature. Move forward, slowly at first. Embrace your feelings, all of them, and move forward. This, my young friend, is called courage.All my best,Michael"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your Love and affection."~Buddah

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