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Posts posted by -Sky-

  1. Hello Starchaser, welcome to Xisto Free Webhosting, No Ads! ^_^


    cPanel seems to be alright for me, and probably for everyone else. If cPanel goes down, It's only temporary. If your cPanel keeps failing to connect to your account after 10 tries, then It's a connection problem between you are the server.


    Make sure your allowing access to Xisto servers etc, and have a good, maybe excellent connection signal "If with Wireless" to your Internet.


    If for somewhat reason you still cannot connect then again post back. My cPanel is working fine for me, no reason why it's not for you. :lol:.



  2. That's what you think think about Trap. Trap is actually the FIRST best Free hosting I've had, and the SabreHost (paid) is the first best paid host. Because I am a friend of the owner of SabreHost, actually a very good friend, he let me off $5 for the Elite Volume package and gave me a free .com domain. ^_^Yeah, hopefully when I have finished with development with my webpage I will continue to advertise my site around. :lol:-Sky

  3. Don't worry your cotton socks gjaldon. Xisto owns 110mb, ulmb (UnlimitedMB) and all them other rubbish hosts. Xisto will blow your socks off. I've been with Xisto now for 27 days (since I registered) and the service has been great. Since the day I was hosted It's been fabulous and I cannot move hosts. I must stay with Trap. These dudes have so much great features, services, support, the forums, and network are awesome. I recommend to everyone looking for hosting Xisto WebHosting, No Ads! :lol:-Sky

  4. Hello everyone. Since we have this forum that includes GTA (Grand Theft Auto) aswell I have decided to create a topic for everyone to post their pictures of their GTA gameplay, cars/bikes/planes/modded vehicles etc etc.


    I have done a bit of modding for my game so It's better then the default/original gameplay. I have taken a few camera photo's with my Camera and I will unload them here. Any suggestions of witch other nice good cars I could install, I'd be appreciated if you could post links to them. ^_^


    Posted Image

    My Police car and Aston Martin Vanquish. :D


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    Police car back.


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    Police car back, more view.


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    Police car, sideways. (left)


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    Above my Police car for the roof.


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    Again, above the car with more view.


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    Side of my Police car.


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    Side again, looking at the 911 sign.


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    Full view of my Police car. Like the wheels? :D


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    Front end of the Police car.


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    Looking at the interior inside the Police car.


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    Front of the Police car, looking at the bumper.


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    Full view at the Police car.


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    Birds eye view, of my Vanquish.


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    Back of my Vanquish.


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    Back again, but with a little more view.


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    At the side of my Vanquish. I love the color Blue. :D


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    Front of my Vanquish.


    I know your liking this car even when you look at it! :lol:


    Post your pictures now. :D



  5. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079116/

    * During filming, tourists were still allowed onto the island, and a new boatload would arrive every half-hour. They became so much of a distraction that the majority of filming was moved to night shoots.
    * Film debut of Danny Glover.

    * The windshield wipers on the two front windows on the boat at the very beginning of the movie were installed specifically for that scene. Originally, the two front windows had bars going vertically down the center, similar to the numerous other windows surrounding the pilothouse.

    * The guard to whom Doc shows off his "accident" in the carpentry shop is named Mr. Zimmerman. "Zimmerman" is German for "carpenter".

    * The dangerous escape down the prison wall and into the water was performed without stunt doubles. Director 'Don Siegel (I)' twice thought that he had lost his actors to the treacherous currents.

    * Fifteen miles of cable were required to reconnect the island to the city's electricity, and a great deal of work was required to restore the prison to its 1963 state. Many of the improvements were kept intact after the film.

    * Visitors to Alcatraz Island may be interested in viewing the actual cells that had been home to the real-life inmates depicted here by Clint Eastwood (Frank Morris), Fred Ward (John William Anglin), and Jack Thibeau (John's brother Clarence Anglin). Their cells #138, #140 and #144 are located in B Block ("Michigan Avenue") along the bottom row. The cells used in the film, however, are located in the C Block, middle cells on the Broadway side along the bottom row.

    * The Warden, who is never named during the film, at one point refers to his "predecessors, Wardens Johnston and Blackwell." Warden Blackwell was the actual warden at the time of Frank Morris's escape, and this script reference was clearly done to avoid legal trouble.

    * Fresh water had to be hauled in by boat to create the rain in the opening scene. Using saltwater would have damaged expensive equipment.

    * The boat bringing Morris to Alcatraz in the very beginning of the movie (M/V Warden Johnston, named after the first warden of Alcatraz) was actually used to transport prisoners to and from Alcatraz and was not a mock-up. The boat was built by prisoners in McNeil Island in Washington for this specific purpose, and was used for much of the time Alcatraz was in service as a prison. The makers of the movie borrowed the Johnston from the Sea Scout crew who was operating her at the time (Sea Scout Ship #145, based in Redwood City, CA). Gary F. Warren, who is listed in the credits as a guard, was in fact the boat operator, and was also the leader of the Scout crew at the time.

    This is one great movie. I watched this on Sky+ 6 months ago, and it was good. You should watch it, It's pretty good saying It's on Alcatraz. The escaped convicts didn't even get caught.

    I don't get why the Warden never went looking for them, when they found a few traces of where they got to. Unless they was suppose to leave a few things at the water.

    Watch it people, you'll like it. :lol:


  6. Yes. Nabb is right. Once you get on that page login, and/or click here: Change cPanel Password.
    You then will come to a page like that says:

    Change/Reset your Web Hosting Password

    This action will cost you 10 hosting credits.

    Once the request is successfully processed, you will be sent an email to your address stored in our records at Forum.

    This Page must be used incase you have forgotten your CPanel Password and cannot login to your account.

    If you have access to your CPanel and want to change your Password, Please use the CHANGE PASSWORD option in CPanel to change your password.


    -Sky :lol:

  7. This is the reinstallation details which came up.

    Even after this i tried to access from frontpage to publish the site. but it is not accepting the password.

    I tried ftp which is working and accepting my password but i dont know why frontpage is not allowing me to. The point is my site has a few forms which need frontpage to publish the site to be effective..

    kindly suggest something

    Your re-installation process has an error of the following text:


    Error: The document root of the web server where you are trying to install the server extensions already contains a disk-based web.

    This obviously means they are already installed on your cPanel. If this is the case then backup your cPanel files and everything in your "home" directory uninstall the frontpages and re-install them again.


  8. Do headshots with crosshair aimed at lower body? Come on, seriously (I know recoil will bring it higher and higher till get their head), but I will surely die first before it reachs head

    No, I said the following:

    Like some computer bots they shoot at other players legs, and lower body.

    What's the smoke for? I just usually use that to escape from AWP'ers. The rest of that, I cannot see enemy coming because of my smoke and teammates complaining. But thanks, I always bring smoke with me.

    Use the Smoke Grenades for a better advantage of moving from one place to another so your opponent doesn't know witch side you switched to, they'd think your still in the same/current position.

    teammates complaining

    If sv_alltalk is set to 0, warn your teammates that your throwing a Smoke grenade via using your microphone, or team chat. If they still complain, then tell them to shut up, and say you did warn them.

    It's there fault if they run into the smoke grenade.:lol:

  9. This can be frustrating and so annoying at times. I lost my skills a few months back, but kept competing against other players that are way better then me. I played on the same server with 4 Professional players, and in a matter of 2 hours I got better and had past the level I lost.Use a Deagle and an M4A1, He-Grenade, two flashbangs, 1 smoke grenade, Armour and a knife, with your M4A1 don't be too scared to run into your opponent shooting him. Like some computer bots they shoot at other players legs, and lower body. Make sure you always aim for there head when shooting.It can be difficult at times, but keep doing it every time you play, and your skills will improve to a higher stage in the game. If you come to the point where your shooting your opponents and you need to reload, don't stop and wait for your weapon to reload. Quickly switch to your Deagle and shoot them in the head. Also when shooting with your Primary weapon try going to them shooting then crouch and keep shooting. This then makes it a tiny bit harder for them because they need to move their cross hair scale down to your body.If your on a Sniping Deathmatch server, get to a better advantage point with some crates and barrels to protect you. Just don't hide behind the exploding barrels with little health. You'll loose some health and the other team has a more of an advantage to kill you. :)Try everything I said, and post back with your new results. :)-Sky

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