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Everything posted by Utah

  1. Need I say more?Does anyone else feel this way?
  2. The earlier generations of xbox 360s tend to have the most problems. Where did you buy yours from? There's a possibility that your 360 is an earlier generation console. Also, here's a few questions: +Has your xbox fallen since you bought it? +Have you moved it around a lot or traveled with it? +Have you been poking around inside of it, or tried to fix it yourself? (Cause microsoft obviously thought you tampered with it, and voided your warranty) Also, Jopack 134 The red ring of death is completely gone in new consoles. That is a problem only existing in the older generations. So, any new console you buy (all new generations come with a HDMI port, a good way to tell the generation of the console) will not have this problem. I've had my xbox for two years now, and I havent had any problems. :/
  3. Hey guys, I'm brand-spanking new here. And, QUITE INTRIGUED by things. First, before I start saying dumb newbybewby things, i'll introduce myself. My name is Leah, I'm an artist. (currently trying to get money to go to a way-too-expensive art school, RMCAD to be exact) I'm currently living in Colorado, and love the winters here. As for my site, I'm struggling with just making a personal site for my art or making one for my online community, Prypiat. Yeah, it's a stupid furfag rp community, but whatever. I'll just upload some template before I start coding something original. I'm lazy. Anyway, other than art, I'm a complete movie buff. My favorites would probably be Fight Club, American Psycho and The Labyrinth. Enough about me, Let's hear about you.
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