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Posts posted by Cloudd

  1. You may have read the thread in this section of the forums entitled "Another Bad Note For the Olympics." This is the outcome of the article that was talked about there. I posted in that thread saying that i thougt they should have taken away the medal from the wrestler that purposely dropped it and walked off during the medal ceremony, and now they have done just that.

    The Swedish wrestler will probably look back on that day with remorse. He should have been happy with what happened. I have always been taught that the referee/judge is always righ no matter what when i am playing sports. Even if it is obviously wrong, the person who is in charge is always right. If this guy would have realized that truth he would still have his olympic medal.

    You can read about the event in the original article.

  2. I recently joined too. Luckily i already knew a lot about posting in forums with posts that are clear and informative. I recently just got accepted for hosting too, although i haven't done anything with it yet... but that's beside the point. Its nice to meet everyone hewre at Xisto. After being in the forums a couple of days I have really started to like how Xisto is run. I like it that people cannot pot one line posts without them being considered spam. My problem with most other forums is peopl spamming all the time, but this place really just blew me away with the high quality posts. I will be trying out the web hosting later today to check out the speeds. :)

  3. That was totally retarded on his part. How can someone be so ungrateful. The officials probably could have kicked him out the Olympics completely for yelling and for be so unsportsmanly. He did not even deserve to have the bronze medal, he deserved to take dead last. It is not wrong for him to feel disappointed with himself for not doing better if he knew he could do better, but it is wrong for him to throw a temper tantrum like a 5 year old spoiled brat when his mom refuses to buy him some candy or something. I can understand that not meeting his goal would be disappointing, but he just went too far in what he did. This is just another bad note at the Olympics as the title of the thread states. I hope that this type of thing does not happen again because someone decides they want to be afive year old once more.

  4. I think that microsoft has fixed most of theproblems with the Xbox 360, but no matter how many fixes they make there will always be something wrong, it is like that with evry system. Although the Xbox 360 has had problems i still consider it the best console out there right now. The Xbox 360 has more benefits than problems. The biggest benefits of the 360 is Halo 3 and Xbox Live. These two things alone could make the Xbox 360 worth buying in my opinion even if there were no other things that came out for it. Thats just my opinion though. Microsoft has been speeding up their customer service for those who have bnought faulty Xbox consoles. Instead of taking up to more than two weeks for a console to be repaired and sent back to its owner thay have fixed consoles and sent them out in as low as one week inside the states.. I think that is a great improvement considering how many systems get sent in.

  5. I do not think that global warming is true. I think that earth does have normal cycles and warming is one of them. I think that in the future when the earth starts cooling down in the other end of its cycle people will be freaking out about it just like they are freaking out about global warming. I do think that we do need to do our part to stop pollution on our planet though but not to the point of bankrupting our economy. It is stupid to spend millions and even billions of dollars on things that really haven't even been proven true. There are as many articles about global warming being false as there are articles about it being true. I do not believe that we can make true predictions on the weather if we do not have records that go back more than at least 500 years. People may hate to admit it, but our research in weather is very young still. We can not say that the earth has had unnatural weather the past years when we don't even know if it could be a simple cycle that the earth goes through every 200-1000 years. i think that we are just seeing the extreme end of earth's cycle.

  6. I have tried this transformation pack on my 512mb of ram crappy compaq desktop computer. It makes it look like vista very well. It did slow down my computer quite a bit, but did not make the speeds unbearable. I kept the transformation pack on my computer for about a month before i removed it. I only removed it because i wanted to speed up my comuter. If you have a computer powerful enough to have one of these transformation packs but do not want to buy windows Vista i would definately recommend it. When I uninstalled the transformation it went pretty smoothly. Everything went back to normal just the way it was before.

  7. Halo 3 is very good. Some people don't like because they don't like the "unrealistic" type of battle. I like it far better than any other shooter i have played. I like it because of the fast paced action and super cool looking spartan that can beat an entire alien race with very little help!!!!

  8. I think there is going o be Halo 4. Do you remember the ending of Halo 3? the planet with all the lights and buildings that they are orbiting when their ship gets ripped in to while passing through the portal. It will probably have better graphics than Halo 3. (hopefully) I like all the weapons the way they are but they need to improve the melee system. they should not make the melee less powerful they should just make it so that you push the button first you can tell. i don't like how it looks like you get the melee first and then die.

  9. As far as the apps go the iPod touch and the iPhone can run all the same apps. I would personally suggest buying the iPod touch though. The iPod touch has more storage and no monthly fee as compared to the iPhone which has a monthly fee(service plan) and not nearly as much storage as the iPod touch. :)

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