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Everything posted by Wasabite

  1. I used what it is said to use in cPanel : Nom d'utilisateur sur le serveur de courrier : dummy+mydomain.com Serveur de courier entrant : mail.mydomain.com Serveur de courier entrant (SSL) : iota.xisto.com Serveur de courrier sortant : mail.mydomain.com (le serveur exige une authentification) port 26 Serveur de courrier sortant : (SSL) iota.xisto.com (le serveur exige une authentification) port 465 Protocoles de courrier entrant acceptés : POP3, POP3S (SSL/TLS), IMAP, IMAPS (SSL/TLS) Protocoles de courrier sortant acceptés : SMTP, SMTPS (SSL/TLS) I don't use google apps.Should I?
  2. I am unable to setup Thunderbird to make it work with the email accounts I created on my domain.I tried with both normal and SSL connections, none work.Can anyone provide me detailed instructions so I can get it to work please?I created a dummy account if you want to try anything :login : dummy@mydomain.compassword : dummyThank you very much
  3. Thanks but I'm on Xisto - Web Hosting so credits don't apply I think.
  4. ... and my password looks like "lnnnnnnnnnssnnnln" (l = letter, n = number, s = symbol like !@#$%?&*())!?
  5. Thank you very much! :)Your honest answer and the package are very much appreciated!
  6. Except for the disk space, the bandwidth and the free domain, what is the difference between both?With Budget Freedom I get more disk space and bandwidth and I get a free domain on top of that for the same price as the Plan E package?Thanks!
  7. The different kinds of symbols in dreams Personal symbols These are the ones that casts us into the memory of an event that would be the origin of a feeling that has been triggered in this past event. For example, A bench in a park could make you think of a desire of romanticism. If you know this bench, and that when you think of it, it brings back old and tender memories with a person, even if it happened 20 years before, this bench informs you of a coming event of that kind, but not necessarily with the same person that was in your memory. Historical symbols These are the ones that usually are in identification dreams (identification of ourselves). Historical characters are part of our future as well. What we project on them kind of becomes our own history but in a "reduced" way. Fable symbols These are in the dreams that force us to receive teachings of life. They tell us about our phlegm, our insufficiencies and force us to do realizations if we want to live without too much problems. They indicate our lack of wisdom or, the opposite, our wisdom. Myth symbols There are the ones who invite us to meet our inner hero, to awake to the prince that must wake up the princess, that is to discover how to love on the perfect planes. They cast us into the fights of life so we vibe to the discovery of our inner self. Belief symbols Those are the ones that place us in the trajectory of the sublime. They decide of what has a sacred dimension. Yet, they have to be perceived in a positive way, without any mental block caused by a too strict education. They can inform us of neurotic places caused by a misunderstanding about religion, by a misleading education. Usually, they pop in our dreams to encourage us to draw in the remotest part of our infinite source, to prey, to elevate ourselves in the astral plane. We usually dream about those symbols in the critical moments of our life. Feminine symbols Represents what is hidden. Negative : What lies under something, unseen, that can be a threat. It symbolizes the regression, the failure. Positive : It symbolizes something new that is still in a "spouting" stage, when nothing can be seen yet. It symbolizes the fertility. Keyword : Passivity, receptivity. Masculine symbols Represent what is concrete. Negative : What is forced to remain unseen by a lack of confidence or a feeling of weakness. It symbolizes the repression, things that remain unachived. Positive : What is expressed in confidence and strength. It represents what is underway, what will soon achieve in success. Keywords : Action, energy. General symbols Various symbols that are related to a principle. For example, sharp and elongated shapes are masculine. Round and convex shapes are feminine. Number symbols (Very important!) Numbers decide of the realization or the non-realization of the content of the dream. Numbers can be written, but most often they will appear as the number of objects, people... Color symbols Color have a resonance that can be identified to the high or low astral. Colors of the rainbow represent the 7 spirits of god in front of the throne. Dirty, opaque, strong, too dense, fade, dark and black-spotted colors come from the negative side, from under the darkness. Transparent, bright, clear and limpid colors come from the positive side, from the light. Musical symbols Music tells the emotive impulses of the soul being either happy or not. Archetypes Archetypes like the sea, the sun, trees have an universal meaning. They are the fundamental code of the dreams. They are part of the old basic beliefs of humanity. Some are unknown but the most part of them are known to us. Up and down, front and back , right and left symbols. Up, front and right : Future, discovery of new possibilities, growth, what we live consciously, what is seen, what is concrete, what is conventional. Down and back : Past, memories of thing that have happened, what is unseen, what is secret, what is unconscious, what is unconventional.
  8. First, I was soooo happy to find that there was a spirituality forum! I have a looooot to share in this field >:PSecond, English is not my first language so there will probably be errors in what I write and maybe a lot of misused words since I have never wrote about this subject in English. So please, if you find such errors, tell me so I can correct them. (:Everything I'm going to share here is based on Carl Gustav Jung's works and studies. This will help you a lot to analyse your dreams :)Carl Gustav Jung is the creator of the analytical psychology, often referred to as "Jungian psychology". Carl G. Jung's theory of the unconscious is based on Freud's theory of the unconscious, but where it differs is that Jung added to it the concept of "collective unconscious" (Freud highly disagreed with that). While the unconscious relates to personal psychology, the collective unconscious relates to collective psychology. The collective unconscious according to Jung is where all of the experience of all human beings from the beginning of humanity are recorded (to me, it's the same as the akashic records). According to him, everybody can access these records when they dream. The informations from these records appear in dreams as what Jung calls "archetypes". Archetypes are innate prototypes of ideas that mean the same thing for everyone. For example, the sun, the concept of "mother", water, etc. are archetypes. So, If you dream of a bright sun in the middle of the day, it will mean the same thing as if anyone else dreams of a bright sun in the middle of the day.So, what I will talk about in this thread is : The different kinds of symbols in dreamsThe different phenomenons in dreamsThe different symbolic characters in dreamsThe different kind of dreamsThe difference between color dreams and black&white dreams.
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