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Posts posted by Vacant

  1. If your referring to dot tk, no they do not provide any domains apart from .tk, as the name would suggest :D Also they are a domain redirect service and nothing else. Just thought id point that out!In my experience, using a website with a very bad layout is suspicious, especially one that uses Comic Sans as the default font. That may be just my prejudice... well, use it at your own risk is what im saying. (im refering to the one you linked, not dot.tk!)This post has been edited (twice) by Vacant, as he keeps forgetting to add things.

  2. Not wanting to offend anyone here of course, but who would fall for that? I mean, maybe its me just being over cautious but I wouldnt agree to anything over email, unless i was certain of the source. And especially nothing to do with adopting an ostrich.That last bit was random, i shall now go and discipline myself.

  3. Could you please stop writing in capitals? Its unbelievably hard to read. I realise I am in no position to say this, not being a mod, so if you want to beat me up I can live with that. Also, WrItInG LiKe ThIs (although you didn't do that) is even worse... ive seen it in several places on the forum :P There, thats my complaining/accessability issue over for the day....and BTW, i have no idea what your talking about either :P so ill just nod and pretend i understand, ok??

  4. Hey guys

    After much CSS fiddling and head scratching, here is my website homepage. I say homepage, for as I speak the majority of the site isnt uploaded yet, due to the general rubbishness of my PC. I realise this really annoys people, though I'm getting straight to it.

    The site itself documents/will document my "skills" as a web designer, with a sort of "CV" and examples of what I can do. I was trying to do something a little different this time, not your usual conventional page.

    Anyway, what do YOU think of the design? did it work? could it be improved?

    Any constructive critisisms welcome!


  5. Cool :P takes a while to load though, if you don't have a broadband connection. I hope you have a text only version for people that don't have flash :lol: well, if not I'd suggest it. on the whole though, 'tis excellent. :P I like the banner, the text is somehow well integrated into the design... wish i could do that

  6. <a href="#" onclick="this.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)';this.setHomePage('PUT YOUR URL HERE');"><font color=navy face=verdana size=2><b>Click here to set this as your home page</b></font></a>
    Technically thats JavaScript, not HTML, even if it doesnt say <script> anywhere. Just though i'd point that out... Cool though, I'll be using it :lol:

  7. Arent you all being a little harsh? I mean, I cant actually verify that what you've said is true, but so what? I have an antivirus. And you have to admit that XP is better than the other windows OS's for its ease of use, for the everyday user (eg me). I mean, there are cons (damn you, faded yellow speech bubbles!) but hey, Im still continuing to use it! Edit: On second thoughts, the rate at which it crashes is alarming...What does Windows XP stand for anyway? I dont actually know :lol:

  8. Its real nice in my opinion. The colour schemes good, the nice little planet thing....the one thing I would say is that the email ad and stuff looks like its been done in MS wordart, its kinda stretched vertically. The cyan doesnt fit that well :P On the whole though, its cool :lol: I hope you appriciate this constructive critisism!

  9. I live In England, Im 15: my school is immensely dull, we study from 9AM to 3:30PM, but then we get coursework, so the "fun" doesnt stop there. Its killing me, slowly. Okay, maybe not, but its kind of harsh. We do ordinary boring subjects: English, Maths, Science etc. Not very inspiring. Im leaving soon tho :lol: no idea what I wanna do....

  10. My favourite band is also linkin park, although I like lots of stuff. Mainly modern rock and punk... Anyone heard Youth Of The Nation by POD? Ive had that one in my head for several days now, its rather annoying me. Like it tho. If anyones got another annoying song that would allow me to forget this one, please suggest! :P

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