I think cruelty is one of the worst things a person can do. Once, my neighbor had a little puppy. We were both like, 10, or something and we were trying to teach her dog a trick, like sit or lay down. The dog just looked at us with her head sideways all cute and stuff. The dog wouldn't do anything, and she kicked this puppy and called it worthless and stupid. she kicked him as hard as she could into that little puppy. I said "What the heck ARE YOU DOING?!?! She said "Beating the dog so it'll do right!" I said " That's NOT how you Do it, IDIOT! You PET them and hug them. NOT KICK THEM< IDIOT!!!" Dhe said "Fine! YOU can have the dumb dog! it can't do any tricks anyway!!!" So, I took the dog in, and gave it love and care. She Knows like 12 tricks now. Oh, By the way me and that girl were never friends again. She tried to Drown Me, too once in my own pool when I Tried to be friends with her again. She held my head underwater for a minute before I lifted up. My mom came out just a second before I would have drowned. She lived with her grandma and I hear she beat up her Grandma when she didn't get what she wanted. I hear she's in Juvie now.(yeah, the dog thing happened a year ago and I'm 11 and she's 12 so she is a dangerous person) Her name was Valerie. I just hate it when i here her name. But, at least she's in Juvie now. I know i did the right thing taking Ki (Dog's name) From her. Reply By: Kagome Higurashi