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Posts posted by tuckinfypos

  1. It matters on your metabolism. I can eat 2 big macs and a large soda and fries from mc donalds every day with a milk shake and all the candy I want and not gain a pound. One of my friend Adrian is the same. I know its not good for you though. Thats a obvious duh but who cares nothing is good for you any more... Even just talking on the cellphone can give you brain cancer. I heard star light can even give you cancer =/. Im not to sure on that though. Its possible .Also exercise and how long you exercise will make a huge diffrence

  2. Masturbation is perfectly healthy. I recommend it highly. Otherwise, you'll just be sexually frustrated, which makes it difficult to concentrate on work/school. Young people are especially sexually obsessive. Mother Nature's way of compelling young people to reproduce and propagate the species. Some people can suppress their urges. The boring people. Most people can't. Masturbation is preferable to unwanted teenage pregnancies.

    yup. Exactly what he said.

    My awnser to every addiction though is if it makes you happy its good for you. Unless its meth =X

  3. Well yeah give your self a new chance to try going out with new people and whatever. If the break up with your ex was really bad like you were saying then yeah I wouldn't recomend trying things with the same person so Id say go out see what works for you. If you got various options like other people that you may see your self with in the future with then go ahead and call :3 shouldn't hurt to much if he says no witch I doubt ;) . Plus since he's known you for a quite a while it wont be just puppy love like most guys like a girl beacuse they're hot or cute or whatever. And since you know the person really good it wont end in disaster like last time so whats to lose? worst thing would be to be just friends again.

  4. Nothing really to it. If she likes you she likes you if not oh well theres like 39024247247 more to ask. Some tips I found out was practice, don't be nervous and start studdering, don't tell her beacuse she's hot or cute (its a big turn off for girls), and DO NOT HAVE YOUR FRIENDS ASK FOR YOU! I messed up big time when I did that... Oh and theres this little trick girls love it when you make em laugh. My friend told me say "how much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice!" a bit after greeting her. Worked for me and him apperintly. I don't recommend it though.

  5. The easiest way that I found out how to tell if a girl is just trying to use you is tell her, " you know what its over I don't know what to tell you but yeah" and put on a serious face like your pissed off. See what her reaction is. If she really loves you you'll see it effects her alot like hits her like a ton of bricks. My girlfriend pulled something off like that on me and told me she was pregnant and gave detail and every thing, trust me she's good better then I am. I felt so *BLEEP*ed up after that but all my reactions to her showed I still loved her and it showed her I'll be there no matter what and whatever else. Its a good way to test some people with big things like that and also can be funny at times but other people will take it seriously and get really upset and throw a fit over it. If you really really care about her I'm sure she wont get to mad. Probably just hit you. Reminds me the time I told my girlfiend how mad would she be if I had aids, hahaha was classic.

  6. What you say about no music better then any other I think theres one exception to that. Theres a type of music called noize and its is the worst piece of **** thats out there and should not be heard by any being. Sounds like some one dropping rocks into a blender while a Vietnamese prostitute is dieing in the background. Its just idiots hitting random notes and mumbling. Other then that yeah every thing is just opinions...

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