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About EpicRevolution

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 1]
  1. When i asked my girlfriend out for the first time i just said i had two ticketes to the movie theator and asked her if she wanted to comeshe said sureand from there it was smooth sailing
  2. Some tips-act urself-dont be stupid-act like she acts dont rush here to anything-watch her mood and act on it like if she sad ask here whats wrong
  3. i dont think so i dont think its possible to change but if it is it should say. Anyways im glad Viacomn is sueing youtube,youtubellc and google they diserve it!
  4. I think what your trying to do is to big to handle or somewhere in your coding process you must of forgot something and it compiled
  5. k im and expireneced java program and yes it is all possiblethe best way for an advance java/c++ person is to code the game in c++ use java as the client.a good example for you would be http:://http://www.runescape.com/ its more like what your talking about2d it has timers images and all the above its browser based javai think that Xisto offers itim working on a game myself identical to what your talking about and its going great!
  6. That should be enought to empress here lol! But yeah girls love good higyne!
  7. I play i really like it i think the original version is much better then halo 2 or halo 3. The best part is alot of other people aggree with me (everyone that playes halo pc ((online)) ) Yup!
  8. There are many ways to make money it all depends on your cb lvl.if you 90+ you could try godwars/daggnoth kings good drops and good money!
  9. Google offers there Adsense but i would reccommened it if you arent haveing alot of traffic onto your site. All pay to have sites (put up ads) are based around the idea of traffic. They might give you 2-5c for having it on your site but whats the point if you dont have many visitors.
  10. I dont think so. Microsoft is pulling Windows Xp off the shelf's as we speak. Why would they spend money on something old all they care about is improving Windows vista,Working on the future project,Making Customer support bad and thats about it.
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