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  1. If you want to tailor your site for multi-platforming, let me just mention:NEVER EVER use .png formatted images!!!!Internet Explorer fails dramatically, both at rendering them, and at displaying them in conjunction with jpgs and other types.It also, for some unknown reason, likes to ignore transparencies, displaying the whole thing as white instead of the supposed transparent bkg...
  2. I'm new to Xisto and still trying to farm up those initial creds.I want to use Trap for my clan's website. It'll have pretty basic HTML, maybe a CuteNews panel or something, a few php codes if I decide to go crazy, and an SMF Forum.Will Xisto be good to me? I hear a lot about good uptime, which is what turned me away from some other hosts. I see you have the MYSQL databases which I'll need for my forums, so does anyone here think I should be told something I don't already know before I go ahead with farming up and applying?P.S. I'm talking simply the free service. I have no access to money
  3. Shoutcast hosting as a free entity does not exist without sucking. If you want something that doesn't suck, you need to shell out a few bucks. I know a place where you can get a pretty damn nice server (say 50 listeners @ 64kbps) for around $5. The site runs on British money, but Paypal converts it for you no charge anyway, as do the credit card companies. If you're interested, the site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I've been using them for almost a year and I say +1 for them being so affordable and yet not sucking. Seeing as I've never used Sam Broadcaster, I can't promise you anything there. I use Winamp, like its supposed to be done.
  4. I would definitely suggest Audacity for your audio conversion needs.I had to convert the bitrates on a whole load of music files for my online radio station and once I stopped /wristing over doing them 1 by 1 and figured out how to do multiple files, I was very satisfied.
  5. I loved playing Dofus for the short amount of time that I could without shelling out.Every now and then they open up an F2P server... but then its only a short time before said server goes P2P.+1 for the battle system (love the Final Fantasy Tactics-esque system), -3463784638 for turning 100% P2P every so often.It's also a flash based game. Not sure if that really matters, but I noticed that nobody mentioned it before.
  6. At first, I was skeptical, simply because it was hosted by Nexon, and from my days in the past playing Maplestory, I was always jealous of the people that got paid-for stuff and were all like ZOMG WE'RE SOO MUCH BETTER THEN U CUZ OUR MOMS LET US PAY FOR STUFF!!1.Now, years later, I came across this one thanks to one of my friends. So yeah, for a while I was like hell no I ain't playing that @#$%, but now that I've tried it for myself, I can't say enough.Even though what iGuest said has a point, in that Mabinogi can be a bit more blatant money whoring (you can pay to get awesome items given to you for free every week, you can have the freedom to sell your items to other players, which, without this feature, I find to be practically impossible, and hell, you can even pay to be automatically resurrected with full blessings on all of your items (which prevent them completely from durability loss and dropping them upon death)), I still can enjoy this game relatively well without paying for the aforementioned completely unfair advantages.I have a friend who pays and therefore sometimes sells my items for me when I really need it, so meh, I like this game a lot. The battle system is cool, the dungeons are fun, there's a lot of freedom in the way you look, both clothing wise and physique wise (upon eating enough of the certain kinds of foods you can become a burly hunk of a man, a nimble figure, or even fat if that's what you're going for O_o) so its pretty awesome for me.8.5/10 to Mabinogi NA, only because of the blatant money whoring. But then again, how many actually GOOD games do you know that aren't blatant money whores, after all?
  7. I used to love the Pokemon games with a passion, but as they came out with new ones, which were basically nothing but the exact same thing, spruced up and changed a bit, the interest was just lost. I mean come on, really. What's the difference between Pokemon Blue and Pokemon Sapphire, other than the graphics, and world itself?
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