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Posts posted by comingsoon27

  1. I was really surprised by this move. I thought the Packers really were going to make him rot on their bench all year to a. teach him a lesson and show him that he can't always get his way, and b. not have to deal with the possibility of making a huge mistake that will come back to haunt them. And by that I mean him beating them. Although the Jets are in the AFC, I still did not see anything like this coming. Props to Jets though for landing a hall of fame quarterback, perhaps the best ever, for just a 4th round draft choice in 2009. This makes them an immediate playoff contender.

  2. I'm a huge sports fan but never can really get too much into the Olympics. However, I know some people that live and die with the Olympics. Overall though, I think the Olympics are a lot bigger deal for small countries searching for a source of national pride. Countries like the United States really have nothing to prove. There is one exception though as always in my eyes. And that is the basketball portion of the Games. After the United States, pretty much always regarded as a favorite, and sometimes a heavy favorite, only managed to come home with a bronze in 2004, Coach K and all his players are playing with a huge chip on their soldiers. Some have even guarenteed victory in the 2008 games, and I think it will be very interesting to watch how this plays out.

  3. I agree. I think soccer will always be the worlds game, and will never appeal very much to most of the American people. In my opinion, the Euro cup is the greatest international sports spectacle in the world. More than the Tour de France, any international golf or tennis spectacle, MLB games being played in Japan, or even the Olympics, the Euro cup unites people. The passion displayed by Spain after winning Euro 2008, or even any country scoring any goal in any game, however insignificant it may be in the grand scheme of things, is unbelievable. This level of passion is something that no American sport has ever seen before. Every single player is playing for the sole purpose of national pride andnothing more than that. The passion goes beyond the field too, as the fans make the Cameron Crazies seem quiet. They are singing their national anthems at the top of their lungs to start the game and continue singing their homemade, creative hooligan songs for the duration of the game. I got chills every time a goal was scored, just by simply watching how much every player simply loves the game they are playing, and their determination to win it all for their country. It is an event unlike no other, and football is decades upon decades away from even thinking about having anything of the sort.

  4. Everybody needs to keep in mind that these baseball players are the absolute best in the world at what they do. Especially with the best Japanese players now coming to play in the United States like Matsuzaka and Godzilla, the American MLB is filled with the best of the best. Just as the top doctors and top lawyers make millions upon millions of dollars, so should the best baseball players. Although they do not techincally "play" 12 months a year, they work 12 months a year just like everybody else. Baseball players are all too competitive to take any time off during the offseason. Even a month or so off could cause a player to fall significantly behind in his weight training or lose his swing. On top of being the best of the best, baseball players should make more than the top doctors and lawyers because their practice and their playing generates millions of dollars. This money from the tickets, TV deals, merchandise sales, and food sales goes not only to the team, but also to the television companies and to the United States as a whole and it is only right that the players earn some of this money they are generating for all these people.

  5. In response to echo of thunder writing...MLB Should and needed it a long time ago. but with this ruling. Home Runs Only. I have seen many a fair ball being called foul buy some blind umpire, or foul when it was fair. As for a call at the bases? That should be left to the Ump and the crew chife to decide on. Also I feel as All umpires should and need to be checked ever year making sure they are all up to date on where the strike zone really is. Some have such a small zone and yet others is as big as a house. To me that isnt fair at all.When you have a player say he is 6'5 then the next batter up is say 5"7 That zone will have changed a mile. They should have 1 strike zone only to fit ALL players. but back to the replay. Yes it is a great idea. As long as it is not abused in any way. Home Runs ONLY!I think that most people agree that introducing the instant replay system for home runs is a good idea which can seemingly only do good to the game. However, i'm scared of the MLB adding more and more things to that list over the years (kind of like football has). I really think it would take away from baseball being as pure as it is if things such as calls on the bases being decided by an instant replay system and hope that day never comes.

  6. Even though baseball players might overall be the worst athletes of all the major sports, I do not think they should be making less than they do. First off, the 162 games season spans over six months and is easily the longest of any sport. There are rarely complete off days when the team does not play or travel to their next destination. However, just because I think baseball players should be making as much as they do doesnt mean that i think they deserve to. What I mean by this is that the money generated by the teams and the league has to go somewhere. And obviously, the players are the core of the team. Without them there is no team. As long as the baseball market continues to grow larger and larger, the players should earn a constant percentage of that market and thus make more and more money.

  7. I think its a little bit to say that Francisco Liriano and King Felix Hernandez are available. They have both already made huge impacts in the majors and are viewed as two of the future cornerstones of their prospective teams. Teams very rarely trade their young proven pitching talents like these. Lirianos stock is dirt cheap right now, and the Twins would never part with him at that value. They are doing anything they can to get him back in their rotation, such as trying to deal starter Livan Hernandez. They have neverwanted nor hinted at trading Liriano. As for Hernandez, the Mariners cant back down from their "no one is safe" comment and basically put one player on a pedastal. Theyre trying to send a message here, and would never part with King Felix at a time like this

  8. Hey there and welcome to Xisto.com!While I do really appreciate your offer to help out with some photoshop-ing, I do not think that I currently need any photoshop work. I will surely update you, however, should I find any assistance needed with graphic design for my website. Once again, thanks a lot for the offer, and I really appreciate your dedication to assist all of those members of Xisto who may need help. Have a great day and I will be looking forward to talking to you on the forums again!

  9. Hi there, Dan, and welcome to Xisto.com!I would love to take advantage of this opportunity to welcome you to this community of excellent webmasters and people! I am sure that you will shortly realize that you made a great decision to come to Xisto.com. I hope that down the road, you will be kind enough to show all of us your finished website that you will be hosting here. I like the fact that you gave us a little preview of your current site, and I wish you the best of luck into making it what you dream of! Once again, it was wonderful talking to you and I will be looking forward to talking to you on the forums!

  10. Hi there and welcome to Xisto.com! I would like to take this opportunity to give you a warm welcome to this wonderful community of webmasters! I wish you the best of luck during your stay here at Xisto and I am hoping that you will share your work with us as soon as you have something to show! Once again, the best of luck and success, and I will be see you around on the forums.

  11. hey there and welcome to Xisto! like the person above me said, i am sure that you will fit perfectly into this thriving community of wonderful and unique people. Lakers, eh? Yeah, I am a Lakers fan as well, but, unfortunately, us Lakers' fans had to live through a tragedy in the finals.. so let's not talk about that. haha. anyways, I wish you the best of luck in your future website and stay here at Xisto, and I will be looking forward to talking to you more on the forums!

  12. I am all for MLB adding instant replay to their games for so these "boundary calls." I just suspect that they are going to end up going to far with the instant replays, and will continue to add circumstances under which instant replay can be used. This would take away from the tradition of the game and the overall importance of the umpiring teams. As a Cubs fan, I have seen a foul ball called a home run win the game for our team earlier in the year. (I think it was at Wrigley against the Phillies and the Cubs ended up winning by one) Although any baseball fan would gladly accept this error in judgment, I can't even imagine how the Phillies fans felt after watching that one slip away in that way. A home run will just about as often as not change the dynamics of any given baseball game, and thus it is very important to have home run calls made accurately, no matter what it takes to do so. And as they say, all luck evens out eventually, so thats why I am all for the addition of instant replay.

  13. Hi there and welcome to Xisto!! I, too, just recently joined and am very excited to join this wonderful community! I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Xisto, and I will be looking forward to seeing your future website. Talk to you soon on the forums!

  14. Hi, I will be starting my college career at the University of Wisconsin at Madison this fall and still am undecided about my future plans. I have always been a math person and know that I want to go into one of engineering and business. My question is if anybody knows anything about some sort of way I could possibly combine the two majors? I assume double majoring in two completely different fields is a little bit unreasonable to do in four years. If I am wrong though, please let me know. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

  15. Does anybody know if any studies have actually proven if there has been any sort of link between artificial sweeteners and cancer or other medical problems later in life? I know there has been a great amount of speculation about the topic but last i heard, nothing had been scientifically proven. I'm interest because I drink a good deal of diet sodas and my friends often comment that the stuff will kill me, joking of course. Any comments or input would be appreciated. Thanks.

  16. Yeah I don't know if there is too much you can do as height is mostly genetic. Even if you do everything doctors have said will maximize your height and nothing to stunt your growth (like consuming any caffeine), the effects would be minimal.On a different note, does anybody know what percentage of people continue to grow in college? By grow I mean an inch or more. Any feedback would be appreciated.

  17. I've heard a bunch of things about sit-ups. I think that sometimes the reason you feel pain and stress in your back is because your core and abs are not yet strong enough to fully handle your body weight and your back has to help out. Also, I've been told that just doing sit-ups while laying on the ground is not nearly as beneficial as doing them on a fitness ball for example. A fitness ball allows you to move your abs in their full range of motion, thus maximizing the results of your sit-ups. Laying on the ground and doing them gets in the way of this, as the farthest you can go is when your back is touching the ground.

  18. What do you guys make of the whole Tim Donaghy saga? First him getting caught and now his allegations of 2 other refs fixing a 2002 playoff series. Do you believe him? Commissioner Stern claims that these allegations are "baseless" but he does have good incentive to say so. If these allegations are true, what should the NBA do? That would pretty much render the whole 2002 playoffs worthless. Should the NBA strip the champions of their rings? This has without a doubt become one of the biggest sports stories over the past couple days and I look forward to watching it unfold in front of us.

  19. What is the general concensus on the Civilization games? I have always been in love with them and found them to have the age over the Age of Empires series just because there seems to be more strategy involved.Also, I have recently heard that a Civilization 4 is out. Has anyone played this? Would you suggest buying it? What is new in this game that hasn't been in the previous versions?Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks.

  20. Well i really want to see that movie, do you have the full cast in voices or any lead where i can find it?

    telatoyo...here is a list of most of the cast and their voices from imdb.com

    Cast (Cast overview, first billed only)

    Robin Wright Penn ... Wealthow (as Robin Wright-Penn)

    Anthony Hopkins ... Hrothgar
    Paul Baker ... Musician #1
    John Bilezikjian ... Musician #2
    Rod D. Harbour ... Musician #3
    Brice Martin ... Musician #4 (as Brice H. Martin)
    Sonje Fortag ... Gitte
    Sharisse Baker-Bernard ... Hild

    Charlotte Salt ... Estrith

    Julene Renee ... Cille

    Greg Ellis ... Garmund

    Rik Young ... Eofor

    Sebastian Roché ... Wulfgar (as Sebastian Roche)
    Leslie Zemeckis ... Yrsa

    John Malkovich ... Unferth

  21. I also just saw The Strangers in theatre last week. It is the latest horror/thriller and the movie website describes the plot as this: After returning from a wedding reception, a couple staying in an isolated vacation house receive a knock on the door in the mid-hours of the night. What ensues is a violent invasion by three strangers, their faces hidden behind masks. The couple find themselves in a violent struggle, in which they go beyond what either of them thought capable in order to survive. I thought it was very good until the ending. Everything about it was scary, and it was not too cliche like many of the latest horror movies. However, the ending left me feel cheated, as no real conclusion is drawn.

  22. I just watched Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story yesterday. I went into it not expecting the knockoff movie to be very funny. The commercials when it first came out got to the point where I would change the channel when they came on. I was very pleasantly surprised by the movie, as it had me laughing more often than not. Some of my friends told me it's a very smart movie too, meaning that you could pick up more jokes you had missed the previous time(s) every time you watched it. Overall, a very funny movie that should be appreciated by anybody who is even remotely into music and the history of music.

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