Now there is only one thing for EU to do:To invite Serbia, if you want take Montenegro too (but they are boring so you can chill them out)That will be the only smart thing to do.Does anybody read my messages!?SRBIJA DO TOKIJA Kakv sam car!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for not trying to read what you have said, but it was too long and i'm trying just to get my free hosting...\Ok, I hpoe I havent afended you?
Notice from NilsC:
This is the kind of junk that will get a denied when asking for hosting. Don't bother applying again
OK, I realy dont want to afend anyone but you americans are all the same...What the *** do you give a dame for uzbekistan!!!!!
Look at your own yard! Live and let live!
100% peace!? that will never hap...........
Notice from BuffaloHELP:
Do not write profanity! Removed a word
Ok if we are talking about food i would like to contribute voting for italian food.Mhm, pizza, pasta,....
Or for a serbian food
Sorry for my bad english i'm still learning
Ok i am writing this just to get free web hosting so dont mind me...\I am writing this, oh i said that all ready.. ok
Now something on serbian: Pisem ovo samo da bih dobio besplatan hostinh....
So how R U at the moment?