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Posts posted by dontknowwhyibother

  1. At last! The thrilling climax of The Apprentice series four is here - and it's a classic. The four remaining candidates have given everything up for this all-important shot at becoming Sir Alan's Apprentice.
    Now, having endured the toughest job interview known to man, one final task must decide which exhausted, elated candidate will secure the job of their dreams.

    For the first time ever, not two but four candidates face this hurdle. But as usual, some favourite faces from the series will return to aid the candidates in their last mammoth effort. You can be sure there are plenty of unmissable moments, as well as lots of dramas, along the way!

    In the final, the candidates are charged with creating a fragrance for the men's perfume market. Working in pairs and backed by teams of previously-fired candidates, they push themselves to the brink in order to win the task - and ultimately, the series.

    As usual, The Apprentice website has three fresh preview clips to give you a taste of the action. The first clip sees the team led by Helene and Alex getting to grips with the perfumery task. Returning team member Kevin is back in full force. Boy, does he have plenty to say!

    From the BBC.

    Can't wait. Hope that Helaine wins it.

    Notice from electriic ink:
    Please quote when you copy from another source.

  2. Chavs are ok, nothing more. The local parks and such are full of them, it's not what you want to see.On a Friday night when I get back from football there tends t obe a large load of chavs around 20 yards from my bedroom window. To entertain myself, I slightly open my bedroom window and start singing Leeds United chants. And others like "Does your Mother know you're here?" It's all good fun, the hilarious part is the fact they're so drunk they can't tell where the noise is coming from and they spend the next 2 hours screaming; "Where are you window man?" :D

  3. I'm quite adept to going on rants, so be warned.... I just want to point out two instances when I have had run-ins with parents over the last few weeks. It goes without saying that this riles me, ever so slightly (I said it, even though it apparently goes without saying) 1) Walking through the supermarket car park, and a man gets out of his 4x4 (don't get me started on those things), which is parked in a 'family' space. Now, as I understand it, this is exclusively for parents with young children who can't walk too far, if at all, correct? So when I see a man getting out of his gas guzzling, environment wrecking, hazard to other road users, armoured vehicle with his two children....approximately 9 and 11 years old I decide to say something. Nothing malicious; Simply "You forgot your baby mate". I was met with a tirade consisting of four letter words I wasn't even sure existed. 2) A shopping centre near me. A woman is stood just inside the automatic doors, asking her approx. 4 year old son if he's done. What's he doing? Urinating on the wall outside said doors. Now....I know children of that age do have problems in 'controlling it' but what annoys me is that there were toilets not 2 minutes walk away in the shopping centre. Let alone the public ones right outside the doors! Again, I did say to this mother 'Couldn't he have gone there?' (pointing to the toilets all of 20 feet away) and I was met with 'He had to go now' I'm not a parent, so maybe I'm not experienced to talk about these things, but could we please have some decency, sense and respect for what's around us?! It always seems to be the 'easy option' for these people and that if it involves moving then it's not worth it. I know it may seem like a bit of a sweeping generalisation but it's becoming more commonplace and I hate it. Yours sincerely A moaning git.

  4. Just read in the Observer from last Sunday that the Mail has been wageing war on Emo kids. All the usual tripe that comes with middle class adults being outraged at a particualr musical genre (like that's never happened before!). They claim Emo is a sinister cult encourageing suicide, the irony being that the Mail has been trying to depress people to the point of suicide every day for as long as I can remember. I know it makes me want to slit my wrists every time I see the front cover. So the question which is the most evil of all musical genres the one that has caused middle aged, middle class white Christians to freak out over the most? I'll kick off with the Daddy of them all - Bill Hailey and the Comets - branded as Satanic and evil by Moral Americans. What an evil barsteward he was. That's the point when society really went to the dogs.

  5. Now, I'm one of Leeds' biggest critics when it comes to Rugby League. I despise Hetherington for the Hunslet saga, and the recent wanting of ?3.2m ordeal with Iestyn Harris. Apart from that though Leeds Rhinos have blown me away this season. They are just a class above anyone else. I'm a big fan of Rugby League and watch the sport as much as I can and have to take my hat off to the Rhinos as they are just something else this season. They were the nearly boys for 32 years and until 2004 hadn't won the top flight since 1972, since that though they have just gone from strength to strength. The demolition of Bradford and Harlequins. The amazing defensive display against the Melbourne Storm and of course those last 20 minutes tonight to keep one of the most dangerous sides St.Helens out at bay to win the two points. Everyone goes on about Leeds' wonderful array of attacking options but what has really hit me this season is their defence. Their record speaks for itself. Anyone that can limit the likes of St.Helens to 10 points deserves a medal. McClennan has really added that extra edge to the Rhinos this year and they just seem like a machine. Little Rob Burrow, only 5 foot 5, pulling the strings and getting stuck in. Anyone remember that tackle he did against Jamie Thackray in 2005 at Headingley? Then Danny McGuire who's defence has really stepped up to the mark this season. Brent Webb, this fella is just something else. The best full back in Super League and which Leeds have had during the Super League era for me. His defence is okay, a bit give and take but his attack and support play is something else. He's just everywhere. And Jamie Jones Buchannan, so injury ridden a few seasons ago and he had so many injuries it could of so easily of ended his career but he's come out the other side a world beater, your real workhorse, just watch his workrate and how many tackles he gets through per game. Infact, the whole squad is superb. The youth system at Leeds Rhinos is next to nothing, the likes of McGuire, Burrow, Sinfield, Jamie Jones, Diskin and Bailey who all seemed to come through at the same time, then later on the likes of Scruton and Ablett, and more recently the likes of Gibson, Smith, Hall, Tansey and Burgess coming through the ranks. The future is very bright for Leeds indeed. Go Rhinos, do the city proud.

  6. Many times if you look over history there have been controversial incidents within football, mainly goals, should football, FIFA, UEFA, or the FA try and bring in new forms of technology to get these key incidents right? The first few that bounce off the top of my head are: -

    Hurst vs Germany ( :D ); 1966
    Astle vs Leeds; 1971
    Maradonna vs England; 1986.
    Leeds vs Manchester United; 2002
    Pompy earlier last season

    ASTLE vs Leeds - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (The rules in those days were that if any player was in front of the defensive line like the West Brom player was it was offside, irregardless if whether they were interfering with the play)

    For those of you who more than likely don't know about the last two basicly the Leeds one cost Leeds a place in the Premiership in all fairness. It was 2002, coming to the end of the season, Leeds were in 3rd place at the time and Man United pretty much had the title sealed up.

    It was 1-1, then Mills (I think) played a cross in, Wes Brown slid to try and cut the cross out and put it in his own net, linesman flagged offside, even though it was an own goal and didn't touch a Leeds player, this cost Leeds the full 3 points and it ended 1-1, Leeds missed out on the CL and finished 4th. If Leeds would of won that they'd of finished 2nd and would of been in the Champions League.

    Pompy - Can't find it anywhere; Anyone help me out?

    I think we should, but only to decide whether it is a goal or not, thoughts?

  7. It's different for everybody however. I'm fairly skinny, I hate it. I'm fairly strong though yet struggle to put on weight. All I drink is milk. I'll get through roughly around 5 pints of milk per day. Being skinny is awful in so many ways, I'm 16, 5'10 and only around 8 and a half stone. Tried a few things but nothing ever seems to work.

  8. I thought i was about the only person who posts about football (soccer) here.
    My favourite team is Liverpool for many reasons.
    1. They are the first team i watched when i was five years old.
    2. They were dominating the game at that time.
    3. They still are the most successful team in England - 18 league titles and 5 Eurpean cup.
    4. Their players behaviour both on/off the pitch are relatively good. No allerged rape or late night bust ups or anything like that.
    5. Their academy produced a lot of good/great players - eg. McManaman, Owen, Gerrard, Caragher though not recently.
    6. Their fighting spirit is normally high - recently shown in Istunbul against Milan.

    My favourite players are Steven Gerrard, Steve McManaman, Michael Owen, Jamie Redknapp and Fernando Morientes

    So basicly, you're a glory hunter; yes? :D

    As for myself - Leeds United. Born in Leeds, live in Leeds, die Leeds. Season ticket holder at Elland Road, in the Gelderd end. Great season we've just had, roll on August time. :(
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