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Posts posted by Damann

  1. *sigh* ok forget the newbies for right now. What are you trying to do? if your trying to make a pic blend into a background make 2 layers one with the bkground on it and one with the pic. then if its a PICTURE of something you might not want to do this but if its like a sig or just an abstract pic press (i think its ctrl+shift+u) to desaturate or you can look thru your settings to do that then use the lasso tool on the layer with the picture and circle the part you want to be most visible and hit Layer Mask. ok now that you have the black and white blending its time to add the color again, press ctrl+U then mess around with the bars. if it makes no change when you move them click colorize...then click ok when the image is the color you want.. another way to add color is hit the button with a half dark and half light circle under layers and click color levels. mess around with those settings if you want,If you didnt understand any of that go use the tool "google" its the best tool to make any type of pic

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