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Posts posted by dhruv

  1. Text: ScoopSub-Text: Tezee AdministrationGraphic type: signatureSize: (In Pixels!)400 x 100Images/Renders: Well any hot girls which looks rather sexy.Colors: anyAnimation: n/aForum link: n/aOther Necessary Information: Just a sig with sexy girls on it and little bit of effects. When someone creates one PM with it :)Anyone can create one, i can do with differnt ones :PThanks.

  2. Well depends what you mean by smallest. Could it be the fasted load time? With very small website files? Well that would require little images, and content.
    If you mean page size, go for this site...


    That's a pretty neat site. But you can enlarge it on Firefox by scrolling with your wheel and pressing ctrl ;)

    I was playing ping pong on there lol got addicted, wait it's not called ping pong. Whats the name of the game on that site?

  3. Has anyone heard of this "Luci dreaming"? Well if you haven't it is :

    a dream in which the person is aware that he or she is dreaming while the dream is in progress, also known as a conscious dream. When the dreamer is lucid, he or she can actively participate in the dream environment without any of the inhibitions or limitations that otherwise would feel natural to persons who incorrectly believe they are in the "real" waking world.

    i seriously want to be able to do this it sounds great. Tips to start doing this involve writing a diary int eh morning write your dream, but i think this wouldn't help and is a headache to fill out every morning.
    Does anyone lucid dream here?

    Can you share your expreicnes and how you actually lucid dream so others like me can if we wanted to ?

    Notice from electriic_ink:
    Remember to QUOTE text when you copy-and-paste it


  4. Wow i didn't even thinking dreams could be only black and white. I can't remember to this date if i have ever and i mean ever had a black and white dream. All have been in colour. But i have a tendencey to forget my dreams in the midday, i can remember most when i wake up but atfer its gone which sucks.I want to learn how to lucid dreaming it sounds awesome.

  5. Weed also know as pot and marijuana(not sure if thats correct spelling), do you think it's addictive?Well my opinion on it is that, weed is only addictive mentally not physically. So if you do it or wish to do it or want to quit you can do it with will power no additional help such as nicotine patches which some smokers use to get rid of there addiction for smoking. If you compare weed to alcohol and cigarettes you can see a clear difference. Weed is illegal and alcohol and cigarettes isn't, yet alcohol and cigarettes are addictive and cause more problems in our society today.

  6. Ok so say i want to run a glype proxy on my hosting. I downloaded and uploaded he .zip file to the public root file and extracted it. What to do now how will i make it work?How do i make any scripts or anything work?Any tutorial links is much appreciated, as i don't know how to use the cpanel to it's full extent and the video tutorials aren't that useful for other things.Thanks.

  7. This is very interesting. I haven't heard of this game, yet "thousands" of people are playing it. It seems interesting, but it sounds riduculous that someone would buy a virtual piece of land on the game. If this player knows he's going to make real profit then ok he should and rightly has done so to buy it, but what if he fails, what if the game servers crash or the company decided to stop hosting the game , then what happens to his money? I think it's silly but people want to do what they want to do.

  8. Seriously I don't know whats wrong with it, It does everything needed, its reasonably good looking and is easy to naviagate and it works, so why change it?

    Just for a change from the normal. As default themes are used like hoes around differnt forum software.

    Also and Kobra i could give the logo a try, but not any time soon after exams.
    If someone could remind me after June 20th that would be good :D


  9. Some girls really need make up and without it they look terrible. The make up covers there skin color any spot's or anything wrong with there skin. hence making them look wonderful and catching the boys "us" eyes. Some girls can get away without make up. They are naturally beautiful and moisturize and have no spots or anything wrong with there skin.But theres all types of make up these days, sometimes you can;t tell if she is wearing any because it blends in so nicely unless she has used tons of it which makes it blatinley obvious to the people observing her that she has used make up. But girls should be looked on with or without makeup, how you like them through personality etc is up too you.

  10. The term virgin means : " Person who hasn't had sexual intercourse with the other sex," so a male and a female can be virgins.And the world is made this way so that girls are virgins and don't start having babies when there born.How would they cope with periods etc at a early age. Honestly it's a ridiculous question to ask.Life is like this and through evolution this will certainly not change.

  11. The skin here is default to my knowledge.So it doesn't make it differnt and unique from other forums.I suggest to invest in a skin. Simple as this and easy to look at but differnt hex colors etc.On Zeta boards you can change through differnt themes. I'm not sure about I.P board, but if this is possible you can keep this also and give a selection of themes so people can decide on what there prefer.Also the banner could do with some updating. The outer glow on the top text make's it look well, not very good. Everyone who's used photoshop knows it's pretty simple to do. Don't take my advice wrongly please :DJust some suggestions.Thanks.

  12. I strongly support full legalization of marijuana. Marijuana is not a dangerous drug and while I do believe that it is a gateway drug, other things can be considered gateway as well. As someone said above i agree also.I do pot. I've done it through a pipe and roll ups which include tobacco.Somking through pipe is less dangerous then through a roll up. You just get the fumes of THC from the marijuana and this is a great feeling. If you do it through roll up, depending on how much tobacco you use it can be very harmful, so avoid using a lot of tobacco. Even though through roll ups its relaxing smoking peacefully and inhale and out haling like that. I think if marijuana was legalized the world will have more money to spend on the world to prevent crimes. More CCTV more police protrolling. But the government doesn't get this and there thinking of increasing it from C grade to a B grade drug in the UK, which is even worse.

  13. The only problem i had with it was that it wasn't compatible with most software such as games, programs, and such free were virus and spy ware removers.Software is a big part of computers and if compatibility isn't there, then i find it hard to change until everything is compatibleBut vita user interface is great i love it and the editions microsoft have done to it is far better than XP it's just the software compatibility as i said that effects my opinion.

  14. I think it is possible for dreams to kill a person. Dreams can be from anything to anything, your happiest memory to your worst.If your worst is something which involves committing suicide, then possibly you could follow this track and do something like that.Also if theres something your dream that effects you greatly it could affect your brain and theres endless possibilities of how you would react and take to it. Also blood pressure has something to do with his to a sudden jerk or something in your dream can cause a possible heart attack.

  15. Ok so people opinions are divided between if sit ups are good or bad for you.In my opinion sit ups are good if you do them right, but if you still do them right you can still hurt your back so you should stop when you feel pain in your back. Do not get mistaken if you feel pain on your stomach/abs this is working the abs and is good for you. The harder you work the stronger the burn on your abs and if you workout while you feel this, it might hurt but your working it more rather then if you don't feel nothing. Sit up's are also argued to be the best or not the best way to get a well formed abs. I personally think it is not.I think bicycle crunches are the best.

  16. Personally for me a good web design requires a lot of things.It must have a good color scheme. theres no point of contrasting colors such as red and yellow. his is also a safety hazard to users for eye strain and such related injuries with computer screens. The banner must be created well and professionally according to the bissnes/website type. Such as if there was a graphic dedicated site and the banner was not very good it would say a lot about the site, like what kind of graphic site are they running if they can't create or get a nice looking banner. The user interface must be of good standard so the user doesn't get any stress by trying to figure out how to navigate though the site.

  17. I think there is a God.No matter what anyone says. There has to be a begging for the universe and that's God. Whatever form he/she/it might be.I don't believe it all started from one point and boom it was there.Although you can argue were God comes from. How was God created. Theres so many questions people can ask about beginning, but to be honest on one knows.Religion might be there for something for people to believe in, because in the early day's no one knew scientific theories of the world's creation and though the world was flat and there nothing beyond the earth moon and sun.

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