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Posts posted by mm22

  1. I've had the issue with a couple of other websites. BBC, for instance, acquires the rights to broadcast some content in a particular geographical location so if you aren't in that location, you'd get a message indicating that you can't view the content. It's primarily a licensing issue for BBC, but as the previous poster mentions, it could be because your government forbids such content.

    Is all this an indication that the World Wide Web is not as international as its name and fame might suggest? Or maybe it is finally paying the price of being too "wild" before and big players (like YouTube and BBC) are starting to be willing to pay money and decrease their audience in order to do things properly and comply with local and international regulations. After all no other media can claim a reach as wide as the Web so it just seems strange for it to be "limited" but that is what normally happens with TV stations being localized to a certain area.

    Just now I am thinking about satellite TV which is I assume available worldwide or at least in an area covering multiple countries, provided you have the right equipment (dish, decoder etc.). How is the "confinement" carried out in this case? Is a decoder whose sale is only legal in certain countries the only form of copyright enforcement?

  2. I found a link to a YouTube video, described as "german party song", and tried to view it from Hong Kong. The message I got instead was "This video is not available in your country." (see attachment)As it is the first time I see this message in Hong Kong and I don't think the content is blocked by the central government (doesn't seem to have anything to do with the June 4th movement...) I guess there is some kind of copyright issue and certain content is only shown in certain regions.Is that so? I didn't know you could set that on YouTube.post-62444-1244095612_thumb.jpg

  3. Hi!
    When you are starting off your career, it's okay to change your job about once a year for 2 years. If you've got 4 years of experience at 4 different firms, it certainly would show that you were a job-hopper. 10 different jobs in 14 years definitely looks bad on a resume.

    If you are getting a significant increase in salary, then your job-change is justified but if you switch jobs for a mere sum, it just isn't worth it.

    Nitin Reddy

    Yes I think you are right, moderation and common sense are always a good thing. But what if the job-hopping follows a career path like for example narrowing down your job description and becoming more specialized in some area of your industry? I am just thinking sometimes your current company could not offer you the chance to develop your skills in one particular area in which you discover being more interested than others.

  4. So ultimately how does open source compare with proprietary software? Is the disadvantage of not having an official support (or at least not a proper customer support) offset by the advantage of having potentially thousands of developers tweaking the code and fixing bugs?Surely if Google uses open source the reason must go beyond the price to pay for proprietary technology and should also be not only that of setting an example and believing in open source as a philosophy. It must be a real technological advantage.

  5. I think they must be running several systems because it look like they run on different servers as well for different subdomains. But yes I also think especially Google uses some open source, so that they can customize it to their needs without bothering asking the software house and having to sort out copyright details. Surely they must develop a lot on their own too. I think the answer to these questions could be easily found if one bothered to read all the disclaimers / terms of use that come with Google or Yahoo's application. If open source software is used it should be mentioned there.

  6. they could assume 1, you are not a very trust worthy employee and can't keep your job for very long, or that 2, you just aren't very good at long-term commitments and can't settle down. They could be ok for summer jobs, but for something like that, that is just insane.

    Insane or not that guy managed to get hired from one company after another even though his CV clearly spoke of him not being a "loyal employee". So apparently there are companies out there ready to hire someone by just looking at his past job performances and considering how much they (the company) can benefit from this guy. They don't think he will go in less than a year time because they think they don't have to teach anything to this guy but just "exploit" him until he decides to leave, or they decide to let him go. Under the right circumstances I think the process is beneficial to both parties, I can think of enthusiasm as a leading force for the newly hired employee and yet another advantage for the employer.

    Can the same thing be done by all employees? I don't think so, at least not for all types of jobs, it would be interested to see which industry this guy was working in. But after all you have to look at your own good, and what you can learn from a job, then if your employer gives you enough reasons to stay with him you don't have any reason to leave. But if the only reason you stay for is loyalty or fear of change then you should look elsewhere.

  7. On the plus side, with a water wheel this would be entirely possible. Water fills up buckets dangling from the wheel mid way, and then dumps them at a lower level on the other side. With this model you could work out how much of the water from each bucket you could take without stopping the cycle.

    Actually yes this would be a much better way to do the same thing, provided you can build a big enough wheel, and in fact I think this method has already being used. The whole idea here is being able to use some of the energy which is "freely" available by having an altitude difference between two tanks. Of course it is not "free" energy, but it is certainly a better way than transforming that mechanical energy (of the water) into some other form of energy, for example electricity. That would involve losses and create issues as to how to store it.

    Although thinking about it now, I am actually leaning towards the possibility that it isn't possible. The pulling of water from the first tank to the top is based on the pull of the water in the pipe between the top and the last tank. To extract water from the top position without allowing air to enter into the system requires more water to be pulled from the first tank, and therefore would cost as much energy as pumping it from the tank in the first place. A smaller pipe on the way down wouldn't help either, as it would only pull enough water to keep itself full.

    I think here you are forgetting that the pipe on the way down can be (much) longer than the one on the up side, therefore the total volume (i.e. weight) of the water it can carry can be bigger than the volume in the up side of the pipe even if some water is pulled out at the top.

    But yes I cannot say for sure whether it will work or not, I so want to try it out now! Please if someone tries it first let us know :P

  8. I think in this system there would be 3 tanks. An input tank, an output tank and a ... middle tank.
    In the normal syphon system the input tank is higher up than the output tank, but the pipe between the input and output tanks raises up higher than both tanks.
    I guess the question is how can we take some water out at the top of the system into the middle tank without breaking the syphon.

    OK, so in its simplest form this system would transfer water from a higher tank (h2) to a lower one (h1). The pipe (or syphon) connecting the two tanks though raises up higher than both tanks (h3) during the trip. Now we wonder if it is possible to extract water from the highest point of the pipe (h3) without causing the flow in the pipe to stop.

    It is indeed an interesting question... now I fully understand the original idea. At first I would say that yes it is possible because for doing that we would only use part of the energy generated by the flow of water from h2 to h1 (which is what you explained in your previous post, i.e. 100kg of water ascending vs. 200kg descending). But, as stated by the original poster, if water goes out at the top of the pipe (h3) air must be allowed in in order to fill the space previously occupied by water. This air must be allowed down the pipe into the lower tank (h1).

    I could think of the same "solution" the original poster came up with, i.e. having a smaller section pipe in the descending part of the pipe so that water could continue its travel after some water has been spilled out. I don't know if theory and modeling alone could answer this question. I could imagine the laws of fluid dynamics are likely to be involved, when we think of how the water flow behaves when it is "punctured". In this case there might be different behaviors with different speeds and only experiments could say if this idea is viable or not.

  9. mm22,There are several 'versions' of sNews CMS that are not 'official' releases.
    Wander around their forum site to get a feel for many of the Mods that are available. The most popular combined Mods are available as 'packages' if you know where to look. Let me know if you need any more information. I hang out there once in awhile and know most of the packages.

    I set up sNews and that was really quick, only had some issue with some "version mismatch" on the website, as you suggest the forum is more up to date... so far I especially like the fact that by only spending a few minutes looking at the php I could get a feeling of how it works and fix a small problem I encountered because of the configuration of my local server. To be fair I should give Joomla a try as well so until then I cannot say one is better than the other, but surely sNews does the job of setting up a blog-type site very quickly and effectively.

  10. As I understand the main idea in this design is to have the output tank of the syphon higher than the input tank, yet the output tank will fill because a lower pressure is maintained in the upper tank, thanks to a system of valves.


    If that is the case I believe it would be hard to empty the upper tank "into the holding tank which we require to fill" (as suran puts it) without letting the outside pressure (i.e. that of the holding tank) get into the output tank whom we intended to keep at a lower pressure so that the syphoning process could continue.


    Did I get the point?


    ps iGuest where was this idea originally posted?

  11. Thank you everyone for your suggestions.I think I will try using sNews (which looks very promising) and Joomla (which I knew before) at this point and see where I can get with each of them, then I'll stick to the one that looks better to me... I will not consider Wordpress at this point as it looks a bit more main-stream and as zakaluka indicates could be more difficult to manage at the code level.rpgsearcherz I like the look of your blog, it's very neat and pretty much the style I like myself... I see you have already added the date on each post which is something you feel it's needed in this kind of website or else you find yourself wondering "is that stuff old or what?", of course you say you update it daily but first time visitors or random googlers are not necessarily aware of that... anyway that's for the other thread :)

  12. I want to create a blog-style personal website and I would like to use a template to create it.


    These are my requirements:


    - I want to host my website (for example on Xisto), don't want to use a blogging service like blogger.com etc


    - I want full flexibility in customizing my blog and also the possibility of adding features, pages, sections, also of a non-blog nature (i.e. ordinary website)


    - I can use PHP so I would like the template to be built mainly using PHP and the code be editable


    - if possible no strings attached (I am ok with citing the source in the footer or showing a banner but no more than that)


    I see many people use WordPress for this kind of things, is that the best choice? any other suggestions?



  13. A RAM drive is a drive like the drive c, which is created using the hard drive space of your c hard drive, all with a program for that purpose of course, and once you have it, programs can use that memory which is pretty much 400% faster then to use your actual ram on your motherboard.

    I thought a RAM Drive worked the other way round, that is using the RAM (physical fast access memory on the motherboard) as if it were a hard disk. In this way a program, like Firefox, can be started "from the RAM" and thus run much faster, provided there is enough RAM available.

    Nevertheless what you report is a useful tip to run programs faster.

  14. that link doesn't work for me either... anyway I was wondering what do we mean by "fast" when talking about a browser? does it run faster on the local computer (i.e. memory, disk usage) or does it use the available bandwidth more effectively so that our pages can be displayed faster? I suppose it is a combination of both, but then why don't the Mozilla guys do it in that way in the first place? any potential pitfall?

  15. Reading about this on Wikipedia is not a good area, either.
    Do either of you happen to have any scientific journals documenting this stuff is true? It would help greatly in understanding the truth behind it.

    We are talking about quantum physics... of course Wikipedia is not the best way to "understand the truth behind it" :D Most concepts go beyond anyone's reach and the maths required to analyse them surely requires more than an article on a scientific journal to be understood.

    Having said so I think Wikipedia is a good way to meter how popular/known a theorem is and how much discussion has been going on around it. That is what I wanted to find out when I checked it out and that is all I have time for right now... although these are very fascinating topics and one could spend years of serious studying in order to grasp a little understanding and, probably, be caught into their net.

    On the other hand if we are only interested in hearing an example of how this theorem could impact the "real world" I think what truefusion reports serves the purpose... very interesting indeed!

    Concerning Bell's theorem, here's the flaw that it is said no one has ever found for it: just because it's logical doesn't make it true. Simplicity hasn't much to do with it not being able to be disproved. Bell's theorem deals with cause and effect; it's really nothing new. It also concerns predictions. An example of Bell's theorem would be a set of dominoes stacked in a huge line so that all would fall. If the first piece falls, the decision has already been made for all the other pieces to fall, even for the ones that haven't already fallen; though in this case, we would be calling the first event the last domino piece, or a domino piece in the middle, which obviously forms a paradox. So Bell's theorem is a bit flawed, as it appears to imply an infinite regression, at least according to your explanation of it.

  16. I just wondered how that chrome ID works? If I reinstall my OS, at this case Windows, I install Google chrome again and it gives me a different ID? or when I login to some google service again with Chrome, it knows that and oh Whola, it's Quatrux again and gives me back the previous ID and logs all my data again? :D :D
    Maybe thats the reason in google TOS (terms of service) that it's forbidden to share your google services with other people, even your family and friends.. that would explain something ;]

    a bit of topic:

    I agree about the cameras thing too, in most of places there are cameras recording data, especially in the city, cameras are on the corners of buildings, inside buildings, especially all the shops.. Some time ago they've finished in my a city a project, where on almost every crossroad they've put new traffic-lights and cameras to watch traffic, so every time I walk, they have it recorded, OMG! Even though as I know in London it's even worse with the cameras all around you, sometimes it feels that going to live to a little town is not such a bad alternative, just that better paid jobs are in the cities.

    Yes our privacy is really breached everyday despite all the disclaimers and reassuring Terms of Service. See what Google Earth

  17. Have you ever heard about Bells Theorem? I am sure not, It provides very amezing relations between space-time dimensions. I am citing this extract as I found it on net.a physicist in Switzerland, and he’s saying that reality is nonlocal . . . he’s saying that one event can affect the other, even before the first event decides to happen!

    ONCE YOU HAVE faster than light effects happening, not only is this sort of thing possible, it has to happen! Once you exceed the speed of light, you’re going to have events in the future affecting things in the past! Physics guarantees that!

    Anyone having more information about it, please share.

    Interesting post because it made me aware of this somehow fascinating theorem I had never heard of before. As I read on wikipedia it is surrounded by controversy and many experiments have been setup in order to prove/disprove it but without a definite answer.

    I am not sure though I can relate what you are saying (basically things in the future affecting those in the past) to the theorem itself as enunciated on wikipedia ("No physical theory of local hidden variables can ever reproduce all of the predictions of quantum mechanics.") but I am certainly not an expert of quantum physics and we know quantum physics does not follow "common-sense" so anything can come out of it.

    Are you really reporting everything that physicist says? It'd be nice if you could explain it a bit more into detail :D

  18. Its impossible to be at 0mph anyway - the universe is moving and expanding faster than light can travel.And how do you know if you are travelling at 0mph in space?

    Nobody can really define such thing as "absolute speed", although some people (i.e. Einstein) gave some insight into it. But it is possible to travel at 0mph with reference to a relative reference system, such as the Earth, which is what the original question is about, as I understand it.

  19. The best thing to practice this on is the moon, since the moon doesnt spin and it has gravity

    Good idea to do it on the Moon, it certainly poses less atmospheric problems. But the Moon does spin around its own axis, just its spinning period happens to be the same as its revolution period around the Earth, that is why we always see the same face of the Moon.

    @ darasen: sure if we change the frame of reference we can always find one about whom the ball does not stop... I think the original question was "Does the ball come to a stop with reference to the Earth?"

  20. In theory, a ball thrown at 0 degrees it will come to a complete stop and come down in the path exactly as it was launched from. But if you went slightly to the left, right up or down then the ball with have an angular path, and will keep its speed.

    to be precise it will not come down exactly in the same path because of the Earth rotation beneath it... when the object is launched it has the same horizontal speed as the Earth (tangential component of the Earth spin), we launch it vertically so now it'll have a vertical component as well, assuming no friction/wind/etc the horizontal component of the velocity will stay unchanged while only the vertical component will be subjected to gravity as already explained.


    Now, when the object reaches a certain height it will still be moving horizontally with the same speed it had on the surface, but since its distance from the center of the Earth has now increased it would need a higher horizontal (tangential) speed in order to maintain the same angular position it occupied on the surface. Being the speed lower than that the object will move a bit "backwards" and will land in a slightly different position from that it was originally launched from.


    Of course all of the above effect is completely negligible if the object is launched only a few meters high, but we are talking about theory :D

  21. Through Synaptic package manager when marking packages for installation and hitting "Apply," you have the option (a checkbox) to download the packages only. Choose all the packages you want even if you don't want to install them and check the checkbox. This will download them all into the apt cache located at /var/cache/apt/archives. To clear the cache afterwards type in the terminal

    sudo apt-get clean
    So if I get it right I can only connect the computer to the internet once and use Synaptic package manager to download all the packages I want without installing them. That sounds not too bad :D thanks!

    (to Ash-Bash: it's not a matter of wireless/ethernet, it's just that at the location where I want to use ubuntu I have no internet connection whatsoever... I can though bring the computer, an old laptop, within internet reach but I don't want to do that every time I find out I need a specific package, so if I can download most of the packages I will possibly need in one or two sessions I am happy enough...)

  22. I have installed Ubuntu 7 on a computer which does not have internet access. It was a bit of a pain because I am not experienced with Linux and I could not count on real-time web support while configuring it, anyway I overcame most of the problems and it now runs smoothly with its basic features...Now I'd like to make my installation a bit more complete thus adding a few packages which you normally get through apt-get... I browsed through the package directory on the Ubuntu official website but there are so many packages it'd make no sense to download all of them one by one! moreover I only realize which packages I might need while I am using Ubuntu and at that time I don't have internet access...so I was wondering if there's a way to download the whole package collection (or at least big chunks of it) so that I can burn it to cd/dvd, whatever it takes and take it to the internet-less computer to be installed when needed...any help appreciated :D

  23. This is a grate idea but the problem is since they will be talking about their technology and inventions they will be making wont there be a problem for others to steal their idea??

    yeah that was my first thought as well (see my previous post where I talk about patents), then I thought that not all "inventions" or ideas are patentable because they might be refused by the patent office or the inventor might not have the money / the knowledge to file a patent application...


    so a platform like this where people can share their applications would be a meeting point where people can discuss and maybe work something out together... sure there is the risk someone "steals" an idea but generally speaking I think not everyone is ready to take up someone else's idea and develop it into something successful, just like that... rather I see two or more people working together on an idea, maybe putting their pieces together and maybe come up with some better idea, something that can be turned into the next step...


    besides inventors don't have to reveal all the details when they first post their idea, just outline it and see if someone looks at it... then develop it together in some sort of distributed team, sure this process will not always been just and there would inevitably be people taken advantage of, but keeping your idea in your drawer won't get you much further anyway :D


    i mean its a good thing but you should also think about this before you get people to help you with investing for your website. Also i am interested in this but sadly im broke and no job currently (damn the economy!!!)

    just to be clear, i am not the one who originally proposed this, that user hasn't showed up ever since... I just found the idea of some interest, which doesn't mean I am looking for someone investing money, rather some people contributing their expertise and share ideas on the topic to find out if anything can come out of it... sorry you lost your job :D anyway thinking about this idea won't cost you anything :P
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