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I know what you mean. One of my friends first suggested I read the series, and originally the first book started really slow for me so I stopped for a while. After a couple of months I picked it back up and I really got into the series. For a while every time the next book would come out, I would re-read the whole series.
Does anyone here read the wheel of time series? If so, does anyone have an opinion on the final book? I am not really sure how good it is going to be since it is going to be co-authored. I have high hopes though, because it has been such a great series. please, post up your favorite parts of the series, either an event or even a whole book if you want.
ok. Atheism is not a religion. My personal view of a religion is something where you go someplace to worship a being greater than you. you essentially say "you are so much more awesome than me, and I trust you will make everything right." Atheism on the other hand is simply "there may or may not be something greater than me, but if there isn't, i am not going to have wasted my time." besides. depending on how you want to look at it, atheism is the best bet. if your an atheist and you are right, then you didn't kill time your whole life going to a building to talk to yourself (not a slam, just the reality if this case were true). If you are an atheist and are wrong, then this all merciful being will forgive you for not worshiping it, knowing that your mind was unable to comprehend the full awesomeness of this beings power, in which case you are still going to be "saved" but back to the origional question. No, i do not think atheism is a religion.
I remeber the good old days with NES and SNES and N64. last summer I got my hands on a NES and a SNES but i was only able to find games at one store in a town I was visiting 6 hours away from where i live. needless to say, i bought the good games i could afford, but it leaves my normal longing for some 8 bit fun unsatisfied. then last weekend i walked into a replay ( a store that sells old movies and games) and they had N64 games and games for SNES and NES. it was awesome. I still am looking for a N64 for myself, and I almost picked up 007 goldeneye for the 64. I used to love playing that game on dorm with my friends. we would have hour long marathons where we would just switch off playing. anyone know of any other really good games that i should get for the NES or SNES? i already have mario brothers 1-3 and gauntlet 1 and 2 for NES. I also plan to get contra as soon as i find them.
if people are still reading this thread, i also play d2, on uswest. currently i have some chars on ladder and plenty on non ladder. i am looking to start my clan back up. it disbanded last summer to to total inactivity. but like i said. if people are still reading this and interested in playing in a clan, just let me know, and hopefully i will be able to get a clan up and running soon.
Yes indeed. I am new. This seems like a great site. unfortunately there does not seem to be many people on at 4:30am. I looked around the site, made a couple of different posts, then after a while I noticed I had made the last three posts. But that is beside the point. I am new to these forums, and I am interested in seeing what they have to offer. Have a great day everyone.
I am not sure if this will qualify for a combination topic of being on subject and bringing up others, but I will try to get to the point.As previously said, overpopulation is indeed a problem. The biggest problem is with regards to the maximum holding capacity of the planet. In our world, there are plenty of ways to transport food and potable water to wherever it needs to be to feed those without. that is not the problem, so we do not have to look at individual areas with different maximum carying capacities. only the carying capacity of the world.the first problem is food. there is not enough of it to go around. it is a sad fact, but if we (wealthier nations) stopped sending all of our money out to the poor nations that cannot produce enough food for themselves, then we would be fixing to problems at a slow rate. first off, larger nations would not be increasing their national defecits, and the poorer nations would lower their population.Recent studies have shown that the birth rate in relation to the death rate in industrialized contries is around 1 to 1. some countries are a little higher on death or birth, but an average of 1 to 1. in "developing" contries, the birthrate is about nine times the death rate even counting the epidemics sweeping these nations.so, one method to fix the overpopulation would be to stop sending money out of your own country and reinvesting the money in you own country and let natural selection get back to work. as our nations have grown, the people have essectially told natural selection to go sit in the corner. we have people on repirators and machines to keep them alive, we have people doing dumb things like sharing needles, then we use medicine to fix the problem, even if it is only temporary. we need to let natural selection come back and do its thing.just an idea or two.
I mess around with remote controlled model airplanes in my free time. I have a flight box with a nice panel hook up for a battery i use to start the motors on my planes. the panel has bananna plug recepticles on it. long story short, my charger leads are alligator clips and i did not feel like taking the battery out of the field box. so i decided to make an adapter of sorts using some bannana clips from radio shack. after i got to the store, i looked for about five minutes for the kind i wanted, then i ended up asking someone and still could not find them. i ended up in the sound section and was able to get some crimp style clips but they did not help at all. in then end, one of the bananna clips broke and is currently being held in place with duct tape. so if you buy bananna clips at radio shack make sure you get a solder connection.
I am new to this site, and I was wondering how many people here play diablo II LoD online. I have talked to quite a few people in the past that seem to only play the game off line, but i personally enjoy the features available online that cannot be found offline. Are there any clans or anything like that on this site?