If you do not like Runescape, or if you are looking for something that mirrors in quality to WOW for FREE, you are going to be looking for a long time. You can try out Lost Chaos and all the Aeeria games, but the replay value isn't there. I'm working on a new site just dedicated to this stuff at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ... Check out Aion next week, the open beta is coming out, and if you like that, it's probably worth paying over WoW. Aion already has a big foreign player base. Planeshift has been around for a long time as well but never really emerged. Runescape is pretty decent in HD but it's lacking a solid PVP model which is why their traffic will probably decline in the next few years. They are too paranoid about real world trading and it's ruining the quality of their game. Oh well. Poor management.