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Posts posted by bluechip

  1. these are my special tips on how to ask a girl out but you need to be cautious because they are a stinger first and foremost never show her how much you like her because she will use it to her advantage and you will drill over her the rest of your life,again try to get to know her better like start by being friends knowing what she likes and what she do not always make sure that you match in every single bit because you end up regretting the relationship.

  2. at your age l guess you should concentrate more on education than girlfriends,there is still more to come when the right time comes u will not even ask yourself it will just lead u into the way trust me friend l have been in the some situation that u are in sometimes l would cry and wish if l could just be far away from the world, but now am happy dear.

  3. at your age l guess you should concentrate more on education than girlfriends,there is still more to come when the right time comes u will not even ask yourself it will just lead u into the way trust me friend l have been in the some situation that u are in sometimes l would cry and wish if l could just be far away from the world, but now am happy dear.

  4. l hate dreams because sometimes they show you that u cannot have want u really think u can have in life,but honestly dreams l believe in them because my mother used to tell me that believe in dreams because there is something good in it hey.

  5. From smoking one has more to loose than to gain. I have started by making my concluding remarks, now I will expalin whuy I said so. To begin with, think smoking has never and shall never helpanyone in anywhere instaed it is habbit that is harmfuul to ones life and shortening their life span. on another level it yields very nagative aspoects to those around ypu. The non smokers to be [recise who inhale the smokers exhailed smoke.

  6. Wow, you're mean. I like you ;)
    If you really do hate someone, why are you going to go and tell them that? Just don't think about them and don't go telling them you hate them. Its just... why? Do you want to do something bad to them? The only reason you would tell them that is if you want attention from them. Otherwise just stay out the persons way, and forget about it.

    You are young, i take it? Don't be stupid.

    IT IS not good in life to be candid lky that,telling someone that you despise him/her.I think that should be an inner feeling,the fact is 2day you hate that someone for a specific reason,and 2morrow that someone will correct his/her mistake and what will you do and there is a possibility that the next day you might end up being top freinds,so never ever try to tell someone that you hate him

  7. I think they have a reason to have the most powerful rig there considering that there are more than one supercomputers in the DOE. What I found funny was that neither IBM nor Cray Inc owns anything close the systems they build for others. Is it because they can't afford them or they don't need that much power at their centres?
    The companies' own supercomputers occupy #84 and #87 on the Top 500, IBM owning the more powerful one. Intel is at #74. I wonder what they use at research centres for companies like Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, AMD(this one should lead by example).

  8. I've always wanted an Explorer with tabs. Can anyone point me to the one with tabs from the one which u have used. I need the one that will intergrate into the shell and become the default explorer on my rig. I want something that installs like Teracopy. I also need the cab files so that I can slipstreamit into my XP installation CD. Pliz help on this one.

    (Note: Page is part of a frame from http://mustangpeak.net/) and it doesn't seem that bad. If you try it, tell me how it goes!

    Why is it that 2 in every 10 links in the posts dont work?

  9. You know I never saw at C# that way. I believe this is going to be the the language of the future for real. I want to study programing but there are things like that that I need to know for me to make to make a wise decision before wasting my time on something that I'll end up abandoning before I even go anywhere. Let's just hope microsoft doesn't get in the way of such a promising platform.

  10. Hi guys. I want t know if it is posible to have so many entries for one object in a field in MySQL. I know my question may not be clear because I lack in terminology but pliz try and help. What I want to do is for axample have a database of my clients with the following fields for every client:fname, lname, more than one photos, contrubutions(comments, jokes, testimonials posted) etc. I want to have the things like the photos in the same field but they have to be unique so that my php code can deal with them individually llike they are coming from different fields.

  11. Just what are you talking about. Which tools are these what do they do. Is everyone supossed to know things like this coz I'm totally lost. Why are you looking for cons for Logic? U think it is a great product and I'm sure eeryone will agree with u especially if Logic is made by the smaller company of the two. Just like Microsoft and anything else

  12. I also think firefox is by far the best browser out there. IE is just so pathetic that I only use it for windows update and when I want to check my other accounts with the same email service provider with signing out. With firefox u can surf check emails and do a lot of stuff with even touching the mouse. Firefox is beautiful, fast, robust and reliable. I think IE is better when it comes to downloads. I've had a lot of corrupted files with firefox that I nolonger use it to download anything above 5MB. I've tried Flock, NotJustBrowsing, Opera, Netscape Navigator, IE5-8beta, Safari and some that I have forgotten of but I keep coming back to firefox. Opera had a lot of problems with beta versions of most web sites eg Rediff.com, Yahoo!. Flock is just too clustered for my liking. Netscape had nothing to offer that I could not get in Firefox. The rest were a wste of time. Even when the latest Safari came out I didn't see why the media was making a lot of noise about it.

  13. I really dont think the fourth dimention is time. It could be a something but time but like Dooga said it can allow two points to be in the same position with out overlaping. It can allow us to turn a soccer ball inside out without damaging the surface. Sounds impossible, huh? Well think of it this way. If u and I r point on a plane-say a paper 1-999999999999999... -so thin we can ignore the thickness. On this plane we are a metre apart and there is no way we can ever dream of coming in contact without closing the gap. Now when we introduce the z-axis the plane can be folded so that we can come in contact without attempting to close the gap btwn us. In the fourth dimention u could be some where close to me right now

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