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Posts posted by fsoftball

  1. I have shipped a number of items as I do a lot of selling on eBay. For something like a laptop I like to goto the UPS Store (formerly Mail Boxes Etc) and have them pack it. I use them mostly because there is a store in my town. It cost a little bit more but it is well worth it, IMHO. I go in with the item, and ask them how much they think it might cost to pack it for me. I then use the shipping calculator with in eBay so the buyer can calulate the shipping to their zip code. I'm able to add the estimated packing cost the final amount that the calulator provides. I have had pretty good luck with it being pretty close to what the actual shipping costs.

  2. Hi,I have a NetGear wrg614. It has worked great for quite a while now (almost 2 years). Recently however, it has been dropping connections if my cordless phone rings or we make a call with it. The cordless phone and the router have coexisted this entire time. This issue has just starting happening a few weeks ago. has anyone had experience with this sort of thing before?

  3. Hi,I'm realtively new to PHP and I'm considering creating some login functionality. However I want a group of users to use the same loginname and password. They will be loggin infrom different machines. The users will know they are sharing the account.Can anyone give me an idea of what kind of effect this might have on my sessions? Will it create any odd hiccups or other strange things?

  4. Hi!I am sure you will enjoy all of the forums here on Xisto. I have been on here for a week or two and I am having fun and learning tons.I am 33/m/boston. Feel free to private message me or IM me!

  5. Once you read some of the stuff in the book (any book will probably give you a decent foundation), I think the best way is to google for what yo are trying to do. Like if you are looking for the syntax of a 'while' statement, just google "php while loop". There are enough sites out there that you should find something useful in one or two clicks.http://www.phpfreaks.com/ has a good tutorial on session IDs.The list of mysql functions on php.net is simply nothing short of awsome!

  6. I think there are good arguments both for and against leaving your computer on all day and all night.The argument for leaving it on: -the electronic components withing the computer will function better if they are not cooling and warming up all the time.The argument for turning it off: -leaving it on obviously uses more electricity. Even if you are not paying for it, it has its cost to the environment. That is a cost we all pay one way or another. I believe however that the monitor is the power hog.-leaving it on means the fan is running. The fan will suck in quite a bit of dust. That dust can actually insulate components causing them to heat up. More heat means shorter life span for most components. Clean out the CPU box regularly and you will avoid this danger.If you are going to turn it off, I would suggest doing so for overnight periods. I think that the start up wear and tear is too stressful to do multiple times a day.

  7. Does anyone use a remote access software package? I have tried a couple, but would be interested to hear about what folks thought of some of the other packages/services out there.I have tried GoToMyPC, but I didn't like having to pay for their service. Luckily I found a free one called LogMeIn.com. It works pretty well. However, I have recently had issues when I disconnect from a remote PC. It seems to hang some of me browsers. I need to use Task Manager to kill those browser's porcesses.What have you all tried? What have you found to be successful and useful?

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