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Posts posted by lethologica

  1. Holy crap! I'm pretty amazed that we can do that now!! This is so cool. We can technically regenerate now :):lol:

    The cells are scraped from the lining of the pig's bladder and then "the remaining tissue is then placed into acid, "cleaned" of all cells, and dried out." It can be turned into a sheet or powder. The pixie dust was sprinkled onto the guys finger.
    The military are interested in this and are going to start trails to regrow skin and fingers of injuryed soldiers.
    I think we just discovered something amazing here...we will probably find out how exactly it works and do even more with this first step!

    For more information here is the article The Man Who Regrew a finger
    I also found videos of them showing/explaining it and also them talking to the guy with the severed finger.
    Video 1
    Video 2

  2. Like other readers of the Da Vinci Code, I wanted to read other books written by Dan Brown. What surprised me was that the Angels and Demons book wasn't the book that took him to the top of the NYT best seller's list.

    Maybe it was cuz Angels And Demons was such a good book that they decided to promote Da Vinci Code? I don't know probably something like that.

    Angels And Demons is my favorite book. I actually read Angels And Demons first and then The Da Vinci Code...Angels And Demons, in my opinion, is better. I was gonna start on Deception Point but after those two books, I kinda got sick of his style of writing. It was just too much the same.

    I might read the book later in life though...

  3. My favorite book is Angels And Demons by Dan Brown. I also like The Golden Compass. I didn't finish the trilogy though. I finished the first two books and by the time my local library got the 3rd book I had forgotten what was going on. But, based on the first two books...especially the first book I couldn't take my face out of the pages. I was so absorbed into the story and imagining what was going on. I also watched the movie...the movie was ok...it's hard for me to not compare the movie to the book. I also couldn't feel the things the way it is in the book plus things were cut out as the book is long.

  4. Sigh...I watch too much TV. I used to watch Lost. I got up til the beginning of second season and then I stopped. It was going a bit slow so I stopped folloowing and never caught up. I want to get caught up again. My friend says it got good again. I just need to find some1 with the DVDs so I can watch it nonstop. My fave shows right now are Heroes and Grey's Anatomy.I also watch Prison Break, Nip/Tuck, Weeds, Prison Break, Ugly Betty, Gossip Girl, American Idol, and Dexter. I got into Weeds, Nip/Tuck, and Ugly Betty over the summer and continued following it on TV.

  5. I haven't seen it...I don't plan to see it in theaters. Some of my friends thought it was bad and some though it was good. Well, the girls thought it was bad and the guys thought it was good. I have a pretty low expectations of it though as I've read the book. I don't think it follows the book much as it's probably more spiced up and glamorized than the book plus the main characters are all Caucasian....I believe the book is much more Asian. The book's called Bringin Down The House for those that are interested.

  6. Seems like alot of people here have uTorrent, where's a good place to get something like this? and would it be worth it on dial-up?A sad High-five to you for also having dial up (yes?).

    You can get utorrent from their website utorrent.com....you'll need a search engine to find stuff like piratebay.org, mininova.org....etc.....It will take forever to finish downloading a movie with a dial-up...imagine downloading one song on dial-up connection and multiplying it many many times. But, it is up to...you can try it out if you don't like it just uninstall it.
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