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Posts posted by icemarle

  1. Well, gee... it's about time... I was wondering what took them so long-- not that I use Hotmail anyway. I was just wondering why it took so long for them to do it after Gmail and Yahoo! jumped into the heat. (Of course, Gmail's still in the lead when it comes to capacity.) Lack of funds? Anyway, good for those people who still use Hotmail. I know quite a handful that still do.

  2. Ugh... I was waiting for someone to vent this out too... ;) I know what you mean. It's very hot where I live now and it's like the sun is burning my skin. Vehicles keep polluting the air and it stinks. Who cares if an alternative to gasoline is expensive? The earth is dying and we'd rather suffer temporarily while changing old ways instead of waiting 'til the place we live in gets destroyed by human selfishness.I also hate seeing trash on the streets. Is it so hard to keep that candy wrapper in your pocket or bag until you find a trash can? I even see litter when there's a trashcan... with a lot of room for trash! People nowadays don't care about such things until Mother Nature comes back and slaps them in the face.It pains me to see polluted rivers where I live. I haven't seen a clean river in the city areas yet... Even the bay is littered with trash near the shore. Why is it so hard for people to throw trash in the proper place? They just throw it there and forget about it. It's never gone... especially if it's non-biodegradable... Again, it'll slap you on the face eventually. ;)

  3. Jeez... why are they making a big deal out of this? China can shoot down satellites! Yay! So what? It's none of our business and it's like they're looking down on China like this... "Oh, that kind of country was able to do it?" I mean... jeez... why do people think so highly of themselves? Just because China isn't America or Britain or whatever... doesn't mean that they can't do something great on their own.

  4. Let's see... I think cloning is useful when you use it to help people lives better in health-related issues. Though there's always a risk involved in it. The other side of the picture would be the moral issues involving human cloning. I'm against such concepts... We are all unique and having another you walking around won't make you special anymore. How do you think the human clone would feel? Then again... do they feel? It's too eerie to think about. We're humans... a superior race that is capable of logical reasoning. If we played god and made a clone of someone, who knows what they could do... They might revolt against the human race or something. It's scary...

  5. I believe in the concept of soul too. A lot of people have already experienced things related to it. We are also a highly complex race that has a huge variety of languages, cultures and races. We're much more than animals will ever be.I'm not sure about the part about us being aliens... I mean, aliens are generally foreign creatures. Are you saying we don't live on earth because we're foreigners?

  6. That's the worst thing I've heard all day. :P How could they do that to an honest student? So if the kid didn't turn the gun in the first place, he would've been better off? I can't believe how unfair they're becoming nowadays... They found the culprit, so what's the problem? Is handling a pellet gun now a good reason to expel someone even if that someone just happened to find it? I'd understand if the kid actually USED it, but he didn't. They really ought to do something about it. It's way too much...School meets gun... school freaks out and makes rash decisions... They're thinking about it too much... it's just a pellet gun and the kid didn't USE it.

  7. The study implies either that eating a vegetarian diet makes you more intelligent, or that a more intelligent person is more inclined to eat a vegetarian diet.

    I kinda agree with the latter, though. But won't a vegetarian diet lack other essential nutrients? Things have to be balanced... But of course, veggies are good. I love veggies but I probably can't just eat only veggies. An average of an IQ 5 higher than meat-eaters doesn't seem much to me.

  8. The most I got was that dating thing too... though I still find it highly annoying because my mom could peep behind my shoulder and see the ads... :P Then I'll have to go explain. I haven't gone to such sites either, which is strange. But I'd be really happy if I never saw them again here.

  9. Yeah I heard about it from the news. The thing was, the DSL people told me it was just my area that had a problem and told me to check cable connections. It was fine! It's their problem... :P I mean... if there's a problem with them, they should just say it. I lost my connection momentarily from Dec. 28-29. It came back on the 29th for almost 3 hours then disconnected again... this time until yesterday.

    *mbacarra, I love that Death Note sig. XD "Kyukikikikikiki" Reminds me of the lovely days when I played Mario Kart the whole day*

    Um, ok, so, I'd really have to say that you don't have a life if you can't survive a few days without internet. I've gone without internet for entire months and, hey, I'm still here and none the worse for wear.

    Possibly. :P I don't mind people telling me that, but if I didn't have a life, I'd be dead, don't you think?

  10. Nothing's perfect. Even Google isn't perfect. At least they rely on the people to sort out which is spam or not. AI ones would probably be worse. When I do get spam in my inbox... (which is rare), I report them right away so I can help others out. Spam doesn't bother me much... as long as they're out of the way as they should be.

  11. A few days after Christmas, I lost my internet connection. It came back the next day which I was able to tolerate. I lost it that same night again and it came back for almost 3 hours in the afternoon the next day... then I lost it again! This time, I lost it for days. New year passed without me having internet. I know I didn't stock up on a lot of credits, so my site got suspended as expected. I complained to the ISP... and they gave indirect answers at first. I was already annoyed because I needed to do my homework and I couldn't do it without the internet... School was already nearing, so I panicked a bit. I remembered that I had to keep up with my fansubbing group and the scanlation group I work for. I needed to catch up with a lot of stuff~~~ >_<The annoying thing was... they never suggested repairs until recently. They were supposed to come at 4pm today. The guy came at 10am! :P Do they ever listen to instructions!? I shooed them away cause my mom wasn't around and I don't want them to work around here with me being alone. Strangely enough... my connection got fixed after their visit. O_o Does his mere presence miraculously fix the cables? I have no clue. He probably fixed it when I wasn't looking. Well... I don't care as long as I get my internet back.

  12. Why green? Do they have chlorophyll like plants do too? XD I've always thought it strange that they're "little green men". Why can't they be brown... furry and cuddly? If you're saying they're us from the future, then they're not humans anymore but some kind of evolved species (providing they look like that)

  13. I like the simplicity of Google and its ease of use. I've always loved things simple. Other stuff like MSN and Yahoo! just don't appeal to me... I love how big it's grown, but how it still managed to maintain that cute and simple frontpage. :lol: Google's cool. But of course, it's not perfect. I admit it's been hyped... but I like it nonetheless.

  14. :/ Microsoft's running out of ideas? How sad... But seriously... it looks a lot like Mac. They might end up losing more reputation with that. They could've kept the same old things instead of trying to "innovate" them and end up having them look like another OS. :lol: Are they seriously trying to ruin their reputation or something?Well... I'm going to stick to Windows XP a little longer. I'm already annoyed that it takes up a lot of RAM by itself because I need my RAM, and I can't exactly purchase an upgrade in my financial state. Sure... it looks pretty, but I don't enjoy lagging 'til kingdom come. I can't leave Windows entirely yet because I need it to run certain programs...

  15. Ads are inevitable, but I hate it when people get desperate. I wonder who came up with the stupid concept of pop-under ads. I thought they went "Ah... it's such a revolutionary creation! It won't distract the user because it pops under!" Yeah right. :lol: It's still the same thing. You have to go close it manually. Besides, people don't usually get to see the ad itself because they close it right away. Some way to advertise...

  16. Sounds a lot like me... Procrastination is one of the skills I have that I want to lose. I often try to do my homework in a room without my computer so I can focus. Then again... I still can't do it entirely, cause I go back to the computer room often and try to check if anyone replied to me, play some music, etc... Sometimes I do my homework at school so I'll have less problems at home. That usually works the best... unless you need to do it at home because of the lack of resources.

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