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Posts posted by raghukishore

  1. Before going to deep i'll explain two true incidentsone isIn a study a person in a hall gave predictions to 20 persons who believe astrology is correct. he gave 20 letters to them and said "I predicted your characteristics based on your date of birth. If you feel it's correct rise your hand". 18 out of them raised their hands. then he said "i gave same content to all of you with general description like you are charm gentle, you had little unfortune." second isIn mid if 18 th century a person wanted to prove astrology is wrong. for that he collected so many birth charts from various fields and he compared them. He observed that a person who is in army has influence of Mars in his birth chart, a person who is in the field of science has influence of Saturn and a person who is in politics has influence of Jupiter in their birth charts.He concluded that astrology is not wrong.First incident says that 90% of astrology recipients blindly go with astrology.second says that astrology is correct when astrologer is correct. People always look for an evidence to astrology.I feel astrology is a science with belief. It can be proved with only experience.If any one asks me, is astrology true? then I say astrology is true for a good recipient from good astrologer only.Do anybody wants to comment on it.Raghu kishore

  2. Scientists say that dreams are just replica of our natural life. what ever you see and think just that comes in your dreams. But most of the people believe that dreams effect on our daily life. Dream readers say that watching a light, elephant, stars, etc... makes good fortune. and black hole, eating etc... makes reverse. And there is also a saying that dreams in the early morning comes true. I have a few personal experiences which came true with above (may be thats coincidence). And It also seems correct that we watch dreams as we see and think in our life. My question is that do you really have any experience that your dream predicted your life? And second is which is correct in the following 1) Dream influences life 2) life influences dream Raghukishore :lol:

  3. Hi, I heard about ouija board when i was in seventh standard. I tried it so many times from that but i did not get any (ghost) spirit (holy or evil). I read articles of experiences on ouia board from internet its hair rising. But the thing is if it is true it should happen to any one. Why it happens to only a few. and a few say that calling spirits through ouija is a bad practice. Any one here has experience with spirits or ouija board. do really spirits related to ouija boards.If yes do spirits respond to uoija board callings. If yes Is this really a bad practice of calling spirits through ouija board?????Raghu kishore

  4. On a side note, there are more than 10,000 varieties of tomatoes in the world and the tomato is the world's most popular fruit.

    I wonder to see that number, 10,000 varieties.

    Coming to health issue of tomatoes, there is a roomer that tomato with the combination of spinach may cause stones in kidney. Is it true. I eat tomatoes but I am afraid to go with the above combination when i heard that.

    Raghu kishore

  5. HI,People probably start smoking for fashion. In the initial stages they feel that smoking is in their control , It's true until they addicted to it. They even don't recognize that they are in the trap of smoke. When they realize, condition goes out of their hand.Once a person addicted to smoke, as smoke goes to his/her lungs makes a feel of refreshment to him/her. Tobaco kills somany people per anum.It's a sad that people spoil their lives for smoke. I feel its not the issue of men or women. and I strongly feel that governments has to take right steps to stop it. Raghu kishore

  6. Hi, I am raghu kishore marupaka from india.I am new to this forum. and this is my first posting. I completed M.tech and I am working as a software engineer on dotnet (vb.net). developing games on dotnet is my passion. I developed a few games like brain battle, sliding numbers, manio ball, kriya etc...My hobbies are watching TV, listening to music, swimming. and I love cricket. At present IPL matches are going I am not missing them. By the way As I am from hyderabad of india i support deccan chargers of IPL. My favorite cricketer is Sachin Tendulkar. I love his batting and his balance at crease. Thats all about me.regardsRaghu kishore marupaka ^_^

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