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Posts posted by darjin

  1. Where can I obtain the tutorial which explains how to build comments system with ranking. This is really familiar to forum scripts, ranking depends on the amount the user wrote certain amount of characters in comments field.
    Ranks like: novice, and so on.

    Yes, I would like to know how this works as well. Do we rank each other or do the admins rank?

  2. Mysql, PHP, Apache downloads were easy enough. Then came the setup process. This seemed to be an endless mess of going back and forth trying to get the programs to work together properly. Finaly I got them working after about 48 hours. There are great tutorials on the setup process, but only one or two actualy were easy enough for me to understand. I would like to see if I was the only one who had issues with this setup. Are there easier ways to setup the three?

  3. I am bit surprise you didn't mention ot make sure your email accounts have complex passwords so hackers can't get into them like with an easy, common password such as god or admin. Of course if you plan to sign up for a service it is recommend that you have a dummy email account so all the spam and other wonderful will go there, and not to your primary account.

    Dummy accounts are a must. Otherwise you will never stop the endless spam.

  4. Well, surfing through the forum I learned about some mails that I didn't know about, so know I've a question, which is the best (performance,security,etc) mail that u have used. I know Hotmail is the one with more ppl but for me it isn't the best Yahoo! Mail is much better, I've Yahoo! Mail,Hotmail,GMail,Lycos and Mail.com.
    Which one do u prefer and recommend?

    I have been with yahoo mail fo years and getting tired of the service. Seems to be slow recieving mail.

  5. There is also market for a new company, specially for a new email service, free that is, yahoo mail and hotmail were the best and when gmail came most of us would not use it because we were happy, but gmail proved it wrong, at least to me because i like gmail better now, but if in the future, a new and better free email service comes arround, i will try it and perhaps i will change my personal and usual email adress, who knows, it is possible, very possible in fact.
    Of course google has tons of security weaknesses, the gmail and google search engine, specially the last which is today the number one hacker's tool and friend, that is a fact, beleave it because it is the truth, you can even find passwords and weaknesses in websites, servers, networks and systems connected to the internet, nonetheless, i prefer the gmail and the google search engine to find whatever i want and to receive my email.

    I have not tried Gmail but it sounds interesting. I am tired of yahoo and will give it a try. Have been with yahoo forever.

  6. I will try to find a free one, because I'm not going to have a web-site for business purposes. If you find the one, please let me know.

    I can not find any free sms server sites. They are all pay sites as far as I can tell. This sounds interesting and I will research it further.
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