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Posts posted by maplestory

  1. im not sure if its real but sure is good to try i cant access the site but im not sure i use my own site (not from here) to get paid well u guys should try that my suggestioni just tryed it and it doesnt work the website still wont open there is nothing there but adds plz remove the link i think he want people to click the lick so he gets paid im not sure but can u all try if it work at you houses i NOW SAY FAKE

  2. i suggest that u dont work all on it by yourself ask your friend or trusted people to help you it does save lots of times and fixes problems fast.aswell try to find a fast computer like you might need fast internet but id you host on 4 computer it will be better so ya the 4 internets will become one huge one so it will be really fast so try that next time. also follow tut on the website here or somewhere else it will help.

  3. i have the almost same problem like im not sure but i wena know how do i open ports because this this do happenanyway my idea is that your port updated and got locked to over due of use if you have a router port forward from the router website if you dont there a Microsoft tutorial somewhere in the internet i used that one but i switched after i got a new computer and needed a connection to go to both try it and give me feedback

  4. TY SO MUCH FOR DOING THIS I NEEDED IT my friend is looking for this he is so happy right now i respect you and you make more tuts plz your very specific and it helps alot of us understand more so that 1 thing thats nice but also you give it to us as like you had this problem but next time say why does this problem help but i liked it and it was usefull ty so much.

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