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Posts posted by dolar123

  1. People talk about cholesterol all the time. Just to make sure you understand the basics, let me run through this with you.


    Based on good solid research over a lot of years, an association (risk) was found between cholesterol levels and heart attack and stroke. As the data was further evaluated and studies done, the risk was confirmed. High levels of blood cholesterol are associated with an increase in stroke and heart attack. The good news is that the same studies showed that lowering the cholesterol lowered the risk of heart attack and stroke.


    As the average cholesterol level in US citizens has declined, so has the incidence of heart attack.


    How do you interpret cholesterol tests?


    Some of the parts are measured and some are calculated. The basic formula is:


    Total cholesterol = LDL Cholesterol + HDL Cholesterol + Triglycerides / 5


    LDL = bad cholesterol


    HDL = good cholesterol


    Triglycerides are another type of fat in the blood. Also bad in high levels


    The "goals" are as follows:


    Total = under 200

    LDL = under 100

    HDL = over 40

    Triglycerid = under 150


    Total cholesterol / HDL = under 5.1 (optimum 3.5)


    Stricter levels are recommended for people with diabetes or heart disease.


    I hope this information is helpful.

    May be this Blog can help you beauty-health-1.blogspot.com/

  2. well i run a fansite & a myspace layout site, and as i browsed for top affiliates & what not, i have seen sites who somehwere on their site have a small paypal DONATE link, [you can go to your paypal account&create one as well] as for if they actully get money, i wouldnt know, i got myself a link up and got a one dollard donation, haha(:. just dont beg, dont be like "OH CLICK HERE, HELP DONATE, blah blah" look professional (:

    How this blog?

  3. you can come up with something that is of some use to others... Blog is not a very bad thing to be discontinued.. You can still do lot of things with a blog, though there are millions and millions of blogs out there. So Blog from my side is not a very bad option...
    So... if you think you can provide some real good information via blog..

    Why blog and no website?
    It is very easy to do things in a blog (which is hosted free...) rather than having your own website... Lots of things come into picture when you star a website.. like hosting, domain, management and the cost incurred..

    So... these to be kept in mind.

    How this blog?

  4. I'm deciding to take down my site, it's getting kind of old and boring, but I don't want to just stop with having a site.


    I need some ideas for something that provides a service of some sort to people. There are millions of blogs, I really don't want to post about my life on a daily basis anyway. All ideas will be welcomed, I can't seem to think of anything at all, so Im asking you. What could my new website be about?

    My Blogs:


  5. I would like to make some money off of my site. I know it's not professional or anything, but this one kid I know said he was able to buy a web cam with the money he got from donations! I feel uncomfortable having PayPal on my site, you know? Do you put donations on your site? I mean, I wouldn't give any out, but do some people actually do that? If you could provide information on how you do it, how you think I should do it, or why people would give out donations then (please!) TELL ME! Also, how much would they give out if they chose to do so? Thanks for all of your help!

    my site:





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