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Posts posted by petriedis8

  1. I am not a diabetic ? however, since it is in my family I seek to actively control and monitor my glucose levels with my diet choices. I learned this through my grandmother who WAS a diabetic (she passed because of issues relating to a stroke, not her diabetes). That clarified ? there are many ways to control this disease; my grandmother, with diet, managed to wean herself from the need to inject insulin and was instead medicated with one pill a day and her personal diet modifications.

    These went as follows:

    Add fiber to your diet . . .

    Recent studies have shown that EACH unit of fiber ingested (insoluble or soluble) absorb 7 units of carbohydrate ? one article I found notes some interesting things - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Eat smaller meals, but eat more frequently during the day . . .

    This helps balance blood sugar over the whole day so that your body is neither going from starvation mode to overfull nor having drastic changes in glycogen.

    One of my favorite tricks is ? food separation . . . (if you want to lose weight)

    Suzanne Somers has some great recipes featuring this trick, and a food separation bible can also assist in doing this ? it even evened out my aunt who had issues with LOW blood sugar.

    Another one of my favorite tricks is ? blood type based eating planning . . . (in order to optimize the previous)

    Peter D?Adamo has done some great research on this topic ? it can assist in helping to identify foods which can cause you to go into extremes of sugar overload or otherwise cause your system to mis-function.

    Do not deny yourself the comfort food ? just eat smaller portions with a ration of fiber integrated into the meal

    Trying to deny yourself of all of your favorites is a key way to cause a diet (as I like to call it ? a life adjustment) to fail ? miserably . . . this is where a bottle of fiber (oat fiber or another type or edible fiber) added to those comfort foods and stirred in so that you cannot tell can assist ? so that you can safely add your treats ? once a week

    Physically do a cross check of all of the crevaces of your body ? DAILY . . .

    My grand-uncle was also a diabetic; after he lost several of his toes due to lack of circulation (and the propagation of gangrene due to this lack) ? he was not as capable of focusing on some of the dietary issues just because he lost some of the incentive. After he had this loss it seemed to lose focus on diet and got more convinced that diabetes was going to ?get? him.

    Making sure you stay on top of the physical issues which can be caused by diabetes can ensure that your spirits stay up and you have one more day to turn things around.

    & Don?t give up.

    I hope this helps . . .

  2. I like paypal - however, since their integration with ebay, they have gotten out of the range of the people whom they are supposed to provide service to. One time when I and my mother were in the process of purchasing a laptop from ebay we had issues with how they were withdrawing money from our accounts; instead of taking the funds from one of the credit cards (as we specified) they took the funds from the savings account linked to the paypal account. After causing an overdraft on the account, they went on to another account which was closed, and finally after complaining to us about NOT being able to withdraw the money and asking for an alternate payment source (which we had already given them [the credit card we had wanted the full balance taken from]) - the full amount was paid out to the vendor whom had sold us the laptop.As a sour after note - they informed us (after we had already paid the vendor, and we were VERY satisfied with our purchase) that (for some reason they did not disclose) that we DID NOT have to pay the vendor for the product rendered.I would hate to be a business depending on Paypal to make a living.

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