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Posts posted by TheBlessedOne

  1. Well.. in our country in some cases ...mostly in the province I think there is still need of allowing weapons, because the people there should have something to protect from the gypsies and the local bandits that rage there, and this is some kind of comfort when you live in a house with farm and animals, I think it's part of the business, and you cannot just stay and wait to rob your estate...

  2. The beehoney has very valuable qualities for the human being. Its components are:

    Carbohydrates - (70 - 80%), presented mainly - glucose and fructose, sucrose and about 20 other saccharides. The whole amount of glucose and fructose vary between 65 - 75%. The content of sucrose is below 5% , but in some cases (honey from acacia, lavander and other) can reach up to 8%.

    Water - composes about 15 - 20% of the composition of the honey. When the content of water is more than 20% have conditions for fermentation processes.

    Organic acids - in very low quantity

    Mineral substances - potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, sulphur, magnesium

    Proteins - about 0,1 - 0,5%

    Amino acids - in the honey they are about 20 - lysin, glycerin, phenylalanine and others...


    The beehoney is often used as a medicine. It is used mainly or subsidiary medical tool for curing gastritis or irregular acidity of the stomach. It has healing effect in diseases of the respiratory system and also for inflammation diseases of the skin and the mucous membranes which is due to its antibacterial effect.

  3. My archive manager is WinRAR and since I found it (before 3 or 4 years) I've never change it. Before that I use to work with WinZip a little but I'm not very impressed. WinRAR 3.71 Pro has full support of the archives RAR and ZIP. It has high effective algorithm to compress the data. Interface that supports the technology drag & drop and also interface for command line. Full control of archives from other formats (CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE). Support of continuous archives in which the stage of compression can be from 10 up to 50 % more than the normal methods of compression, especially in compression of high quantity not big similar files. Support archives in many volumes. Recovering physically damaged archives. Additional functions that advanced users may find for example are coding, adding comments to the archives (with full support of ESC - sequences ANSI), conducting protocols for mistakes and so on...

    Other big advantage of the program is that it is supported in two versions:

    - version with graphic interface (GUI) - WinRAR.exe

    - console version - Rar.exe, working from the command prompt in text regime

  4. Smoking leads to age prematurely of the skin and the body as a whole. After years of smoking the skin start to wrinkle and become drier, the fingers turn yellow and if the person who smokes is a sportsman he may start losing energy... I don't mention the serious diseases like cancer of the lungs, changes in the genes, serious problems with the oral cavity (bad breath, darken teeth or yellow teeth etc.), impotence and other problems that already were said.

  5. I use to clear the red eyes with Photoshop. There is a special tool called Red Eye tool. First go to the picture, zoom the area with the red eyes, select the Red Eye tool. In the options bar you can select a pupil size and a darken amount depending on the photo. After that just click in the centre of the eye to remove the red. The pupil area now should turn to black.

  6. When people talk about some kind of addiction they usually connect it with the drug abuse or drug habit (cocaine, marihuana, ecstasy etc.) but I think that every thing that is consumed in high quantity can be considered as injurious to health and it's after someone need it for ceaseless use so we can say it's addiction. I'll give you an example with one of my friends that has addiction to Coca-Cola. He always come to work with at least 1 bottle of 500ml, but often he can be seen with 2 litres bottle. He drinks Cola all the day, in work, in the caf? or just walking on the street carrying large bottle with some kind of dark liquid. I have some cases when he hadn't any Coca with him and he was begging me to give him from my Cola but because I'm quite squeamish and he was ready to drink from the cap of the bottle!I remember when it was January and we were walking on the street little after snowstorm and he took out from his bag Cola and start drinking on - 15 degrees centigrade... really madman :lol: ... and what about you mates, do you have Coca-Cola addiction?

  7. Yes, there is reincarnation but a human being cannot reincarnate in animal, bird, fish, insect or plant, only in another human body... It's the process of revolution of the human soul into perfect one, until then the soul doesn't stop to reincarnate. There is no such thing as eternal suffering when you live bad on the Earth or the opposite it's at least very naive explanation for such evaluated minds in 21st century. Of course depending you made good or bad things in your temporary life on the Earth after each reincarnation you gain karma which can be positive or negative. In your next life you can have very good start, you can be born in some intelligent, careful and also wealthy family and you ... you can be born with talents, good physique, beautiful and intelligent or with the more reincarnations gaining positive karma, you can be even born genius! Of course if you gain negative karma in your next life you can be born in poor, uneducated family and you also to be bad looking, without any talents with some kind of diseases or even cripple... And how and when a soul became ready to leave the Earth?...Well a soul is ready only when it interrupt the dependence from earthly needs, everything connected with the materially and when... it depends on the person.

  8. Many people...actually more than 70% of the people in the world think that problems are caused by outer source but as the wise men said "The life is such as you made it" so it depends on you. You see yourselve as an outsider, but is there someone who called you outsider... no? Well, then it's only in your vision so if you become dependent on this illusion you make it real, it materializes itself because you allow it to exist. It's like this: Question: "Which people are slaves?" ... "These who allowed to be enslaved"... think about that ...

  9. There are many methods of stealing flash animations. When I like some kind of animation and want to work out my own version for the sites I made, I use software called Flash Saver. It's quite easy to use and it's a small program. With this software you can easily download .swf files and after that use some kind of decompiler like Softhink SWF Decompiler that makes your .swf to .fla file so you can edit it under Adobe Flash.

  10. Excepting the Photoshop CS3 Extended which is the best for me, and that's why I use it in the Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium packet, you can also try the Corel product which is very good for photo editing and any type of images, but I'm not very in it, because I haven't work since the last 2 years, but my colleagues praise it as a good tool:

    Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2:

    Posted Image

  11. Greetings mates.

    After the question is given in such way I may examine two cases:


    1. When we talk about media player and...

    2. When we talk about only audio players with the functions of decoder, encoder and so on...



    For media player, or in case I want to watch some kind of video format xvid, dvdrip, avi, mpeg4, wmv, I use the BSPlayer Pro 2.26 because is used by more than 60 million multimedia fans throughout the world and it has been translated into more than 90 languages. All the downloaded versions of our FREE version exceed the sum of all the downloads of competitive players and payable solutions. Because it does not use much of the processing power it is suitable for all those who use slightly less capable computers. Enjoy the multimedia playback of the highest quality. Last, but not least - BS.Player ™ media player is a product for the world public, so it is equipped with a treasury of subtitle options which enable the users to watch video content with subtitles from many popular subtitle formats (.sub, .srt, .vobsub...).


    BSplayer is video player that supports almost any existing video and audio data formats, such as:




    Playlists support

    The playlists support is great. They may be imported from BST and M3U (Winamp) records, saved, edited and added new files from any folder, as well as URLs.


    Display subtitles

    Beside the basic functions such as font type and size selection, the program supports many others: shadows, outlines, subtitle location on the screen, etc. Bad subtitle timings can be fixed within the program itself.



    All multimedia files on your computer's hard drive will now be listed in the BS.MediaLibrary™. From now on they will always be within your reach.



    BS.Player™ 2.16 is an international product, targeted to all and any user worldwide. With its multilingual support it is greatly helpful to those who cannot speak English.


    Resizable movie window

    Want to experience the cinema feeling in the comfort of your home? Here are the instructions: choose your favourite movie, make some pop-corn and adjust the movie window size to whatever you want. A full-screen movie is only a click away.


    Fully skinnable

    Though the BS.Player™ 2.16 proudly bears a modern look that sets new standards in this field, we have added an easy skin selection option and the option of adding your own custom skins. You may create your own dream look or choose from the many pre-prepared ones found at http://www.bsplayer.com/.


    Drag & drop support

    Are you looking for a way to avoid the timely multimedia file opening? BS.Player™ 2.16 enables you to drag and drop your file your file from any location on your computer to your player and the fun can begin.


    Resolution changing

    Use the resolution changing feature and avoid the oversized picture if you wish to watch your movie on your TV screen, projector or plasma screen. The feature will adjust the TV resolution and optimize the quality of movie reproduction.


    Frame capture

    Would you like to keep a photo of your favourite movie scene? Use the Frame capture feature to do that easily. Now it depends on you alone whether the picture will find its way to your wall as well.


    AVI files with more than 2 audio streams supported

    This feature supports the use of two or more audio stream channels. AVI files with more than two channels, i.e. multilingual files are supported. The BS.Player™ thus offers you the choice of the laguage of your playback.


    Supports embedded subtitles/chapters

    BS.Player™ 2.16 also supports embedded subtitles/chapters), not only for OGM but for all formats. This means that also the subtitles, embedded in the file itself can be played.


    External audio file support

    Do you wish to merge your favourite music with your favourite video? Next to the normal movie playback you can now load an external audio file and enjoy a secondary audio along with your movie. This feature offers the playback of background music, even though a movie is already being played in your BS.Player™ 2.16 .


    S/PDIF output supported for AC3 files

    The feature enables the digital AC3 file output with an intervideo audio reader. The settings for the pre-installed modules such as Winamp and Equalizer can be found here. This means that the audio reproduced by the BSPlayer is the original unconverted sound.


    INI files

    Using an INI file you can set all the movie parameters of your choise. The BS.Player™ 2.16 will play them just the way you set them. Do you want to watch your movie full-screen with white subtitle text? No need to adjust the settings each time, your favourite setting will be saved in the INI file.


    Custom playback modes

    BS.Player™ 2.16 offers different playback modes, such as hidden mode and VMR-9.


    Remote control support – WinLIRC


    This feature will bring a smile to the faces of those who wish to have their own home cinema and to manage their multimedia files with the easy of pressing one button.



    As easy as bookmarking the pages of your favourite book. If you like a scene of a movie so much you would like to show it to your friend, simply bookmark it to find it easily later on.



    BS.Player™ 2.24 offers an advanced frequency level equalizer.


    Playback rate

    Play your favourite scenes at a lower rate and have them pass by more slowly. You can play your multimedia files at normal speed, half-speed or twice as fast or as slow as you would normally.


    Desktop mode

    Do you wish to enhance your desktop with an interesting animation or your favourite video? Your video or movie can play in the background of your desktop without disturbing the operation of other desktop features.



    For all the users who like to change the look of their player. The BS.Player™ 2.24 will not stop even if you decided to change your settings to active functions.


    Used file info

    The BS.Player™ 2.24 offers a treasury of information about the file you are playing. A separate window will open to give you information about the used codecs, file author, refresh rate...


    Capture Video to file

    You can capture video from any source directly into any format that your preinstalled codecs support (such as most popular DivX, XviD, 3IVX...).


    Integrated subtitle editor

    Easy to use but extremely powerful subtitle editor. Edit and convert various FPS rates to the ones you need (23FPS to 25FPS for example), correct bad subtitle timings and save repaired subtitle to a .srt file...


    Network file buffering

    BS.Player PRO will buffer desired portion of a file to a cache, and play it from cache instead of playing it directly from drive. You can buffer from CD drives, network drives, wireless networks... No more laggy playback!


    DVD playback

    Play all your DVD's with low CPU requirement and with highest quality. (mpeg2 decoder required)

    So... I think it's the best solution for now and you can enjoy all the tools you need to tune it for your needs, no spam, no useless plugins, and very light comparing WMP 11, yeah most of the tools you can see in WMP 11 but it's most likely made for gathering personal information, that's why I don't like such spam media that Microsoft Corporation wants to advertise.



    For the audio player I use foobar2000 and I can say that there's nothing...nothing better and lighter than this program, there's no audio format that this masterpiece couldn't play (or there's no plugin that can't be added to do it so), but because the topic is "The Best Media Player" I won't make comparing and info about this program but you can see my next review specially for foobar2000 next time...


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    Anything you copy must have Quote tags put around it.

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