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Posts posted by lamode

  1. phone is one thing and computer also a big thing... i think that's only about 2 years to develop 56k internet connection to 100 mbit internet connection. also look at the cpu speed, i dont know what's the fastest cpu speed for my primary school(i was too little in that time) but i sure it has increased about 2500 mhz in couple of year...

  2. 1. Email Address you can be contacted by (Optional)2. Number of Invites3. Thing(s) you want in return (Optional, this can include Riddle Answer, Posts on a forum, or quite simply, nothing. If left blank, it will be assumed as nothing.)4. Any other information you might want (or need) to include1. ray.lamode@gmail.com2. 35+3. love and hosting credit :)4. that would be very nice if you can find me some php naruto layout for my blog and information about php blog tutorial.send me a email to me if u want a gmail ivitation :lol:

  3. im an AMD fans, since im a gamer i always go for AMD. Firstly their price are much better than Intel and they are not lock all processor, u can overclock it easier than Intel. although Intel shows you high GHZ but that's not what u actual getting, and the AMD 64 bit is a new generation for processor. i think that's pointless to get old technology and upgrade it a few months later.

  4. no wonder, g-mail they currently offering 2113 MB free space for storage and that still increasing. hotmail contain a load of banner adv around the site that make 56k modem users takes years to login. And gmail offer a funtion called "filter" it allowed you to set certain email address that send you incoming mail to a certain folder.

  5. Abit AV8-3RD Eye Skt 939 K8t800proAMD Athlon 64bit 3500+ 2 X 256 MB pc 2100 Ram ( should upgrade this )80 GbMaxtor HDDGeforce Fx 5600 256 MB AGP 8x graphics card15" LG TFT L1511SE MonitorMercury KeyboardLG CD comdo writter 48x24x48Windows XP Professional Edition SP2well, i build my computer because i dont have that much money to get a brand new pc in once go and i cant really see perfet build in the market. i perfer to build my computer by myself mainly i can learn more about hardware when i install it and the feeling that i switch on my computer after ive installed everything ... thats really hard to describe in word.

  6. Abit AV8-3RD Eye Skt 939 K8t800proAMD Athlon 64bit 3500+ 2 X 256 MB pc 2100 Ram ( should upgrade this )80 GbMaxtor HDDGeforce Fx 5600 256 MB graphics card15" LG TFT L1511SE MonitorMercury KeyboardLG CD comdo writter 48x24x48Windows XP Professional Edition SP2i used to use microsoft IntelliMouse? Optical, but i'd problem with my IntelliMouse? Optical after a year. im using logitech crodless now because the reseller give me this mouse when i return my MS intellimouse. i guess i will get logitech mx 518 when it come to the market.

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