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Posts posted by goldtupac

  1. Yes i can't wait for rainbow 6 vegas 2. New weapons and features will be awesome. My gamestop is getting the shipment on the 18th but they are not selling it till the 19th but rainbow 6 vegas 2 comes out on the 18th.I will own it for xbox 360 and it will be great but they need to tone down the fammas. Also i hope they make some of the gadgets limited like the motion sensor go away when you die and or disappear when you throw 3 or more.

  2. The reason why i skipped school is it just is basically pointless. Even though i could have learned things from school i never listened and or fell asleep. For me it was about doing things better then school (like hanging with friends).But because of all that i dropped out and got a ged and going to collage. Maybe you should ask your 17 year old why he/she skipped school.

  3. I really hate all of the people that think video games train kids to kill. In the colombine school shootings, they said that the kids played video games, which is why they committed the crime. I'm not saying that they are wrong or right, but if you look at the statistics, as video game sales increase at a substancial rate, the number of violent crimes are starting to decrease. I want to put a story on my school's website about people's reactions to this. I would be interisted for some feedback about this from all of you out there. I figured that we have a pretty disperse group of folk on this website, I would love to hear everybody's reaction to these video games.
    Personally, from looking at the statisistics (computer gaming monthy has a story on this), I'm standing by my opinion that video games are not completely corrupting our minds, and turing us into zombies. I am also saying that some people do not have the mentality to realise that these are games, and do what they see in the games. From research, I've figured that the amount of these people are about one in every 5 million.

    Yes people some times think that the world and video games is the same or what ever. But i know that video games dont lead to violence. How? i know how because i have been playing video games since a youngster (5) but i have always been violent because of the way i was raised not how many video games i played. These study's on "violent video games making people violent" is just false. In no way has video games made me more aggressive toward other people (besides crap talkers online).

  4. C'mon face it, video games are a complete waste of your time! Every time you turn on your console you should be asking yourself "Is there something better I should be doing with my time... like reading a good book... or watching a good movie... or flirting with a beautiful girl? Do I get anything out of this, does this make me a better person?"

    Hey man just because you don't like video games don't mean you have to come on here and say that. You must play sports right?? well in a way video games are like sports ok you could watch a movie, read a good book. flirt with a beautiful girl but yet some one still play sports and or video games. Why don't you go read a book, watch a movie or flirt with a girl and how about not posting this because people like video games. "Is there something better for you to do right now?". Video games is like crack to me, and i do play sports (with friends no school). Just a form of entertainment.

  5. I notice that miniclip.com put runescape in their web site how did they do it?

    im still wondering...

    Well runescape is just a java type game so they probably got the code some how or the makers of runescape gave them something to copy for their website. I am still trying to figure it out.

    Oh i see they are affiliates so they shared the game with them.

  6. This site http://cashlagoon.com/ is a site that actually pays. When you do an survey they give you points and when you get a certain amount of points you can request a check and or paypal. They have their own forum named http://ww38.forumlagoon.com/ and see their testimonies. The company owns alot of these website like: gaminglagoon.com musiclagoon.com hostinglagoon.com videogamelagoon.com phonelagoon.com nascarlagoon.com and much more. I just recently received a 1600 microsoft point card from gaminglagoon.com. If you do sign up there will be free surveys, credit card surveys, phone surveys. I must insist that you do free surveys because you might spend money without knowing it. Remeber its free not a scam and http://cashlagoon.com/ is where you can make cash via check or paypal.

  7. I haven't started collage to be a video game programmer and lead designer. But i have a great idea for a game and i wanted to share it with some people to get their opinion. The game is a first person shooter (and can be made a rpg) and its about 2030 and man kind has just found out a way to reach the next solar system that has alien life on it. When it all goes wrong and we have to save our planet from destruction from aliens. You are sent out to stop them on lots of missions to destroy their "mother ship" or a planet (not sure yet). Thats it so far its a work in progress and i still have lots of time to evolve this idea (around 3 years maybe) so give me feedback on what you guys think.

  8. Well after 13 years of being the top dog in the billionair clue Bill Gates, the Microsoft Guru is now in third place with only $58 Billion dollars compared to long time Friend , Warren Buffet's $62 Billion Dollars. Heck maybe Vista is Microsoft's downfall, but more likely the lost of $1.3 Billion dollars from European Union, the War on Open Source, and of course the facth te stock market has been really crappy the last three months. Either way their is a new King in town and although he plans to donate like 95% of his money Warren Buffet is the richest person in the world.



    Man bill gates wasn't the richest man in the world. There are others but i just cant seem to remember there names right now

  9. I would have to say xbox 360. To me it would just be hard to play on the computer without a controller. But if you have a controller then i am not sure which is it best on. The xbox is most likely the best because of its online system. I would have to also say the computer because you can make your own maps and have them downloaded.

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