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  1. I wondered the same thing for a while. I was having massive breakouts but about a month after buying it my skin was clear. Now I only use it when I start to get pimples again. I'd recommend it to anyone with acne-prone skin.
  2. I've never done any form of tanning in my life and I never intend to. I have the palest skin of anyone I know so I usually end up burning even with massive sunblock on. Tanning would just be asking for trouble.
  3. This is an interesting concept. I've always been able to read in my dreams. I remember one time I was reading a book (I'd been to Chapters earlier that day and was looking at this particular book) and when I woke up I remembered what it said. Strange this is, it was scarily familiar to what was actually in the book (I bought it later that week because of the dream).
  4. Wow this is a great topic. Dreaming has always been strange for me. Ever since I was really little (4 or so) I've been able to control my dreams. I can force myself to dream about something, stop a dream I don't like, change what's happening inside a dream, or force myself to wake up. I'm not really sure how I figured it out, it just happened. I've only recently found out that this is actually 'lucid dreaming'.As for waking up, it seemed to happen naturally. I'd focus my mind on being awake and ignore anyone or anything inside the dream. I would refuse to move along with it and sort of plant myself in one spot. After a couple minutes (I think) I'd be awake. I later found out that all this is a family trait.
  5. I don't know about other countries, but in Canada telemarketing is a real nuisance. Especially those 'blank calls' that are counting how many people pick up! I got this information from people actually in the telemarketing business. If you're outside Canada I don't know if they work but it's worth a try. If you tell a telemarketer to take you off their list they are required by law to do that. If you say 'no' three times they are required to stop trying to sell things/get your opinion. Therefore the best way to do it is pick up, say no three times, tell them to take you off their list, and hang up. I've been doing this for quite a while and I get almost no junk calls anymore. Except those blank calls. They still annoy me.
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