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Well I downloaded it, and um...my addon for AVG Safe Search isn't compatible. Any way to fix that or get rid of it for now?
Source Seriously, this is innovative. I can't wait for them to produce these...though you know the sellers are gonna jack the hell out of the price. In any case, I can only wonder what this will mean for desk top and laptop computers. I mean if they can fit a terabyte in a thumb drive with this technology, think of how much they can fit into a normal comp. Think of how much music that would hold....how many games you could fit.....the possibilities are almost literally endless.
I'm a little iffy on getting firefox 3. I have 2, and I'm happy with it, but for all I know it could still be buggy, and I've heard that not all the addons work right now. I'd like to have fully operational addons...so yea, I'm gonna stick with 2 for now.But for those that have it, given what I've just said, is it worth the download?
I'm Moving Out within the next couple years
Inhuman replied to Inhuman's topic in General Discussion
amirborna: Yea, but that's TV.Aethix: It was my grandmother....but yea, I do agree that I need some maturity, but so does my mother. She constantly yells and screams to get her own way...she has slept on the couch in the living room for the past few years, instead of her own room. She lets my lil bro smoke (he isn't even in high school yet). To make matters worse, she takes away all my grandmother's confidence. She can drive pretty decently, but she does make mistakes on the occasion. It's because of those mistakes that my mom doesn't want her driving. She hasn't had a job for the last 6 months....I'm the only one workin and she'll give me crap for little things.As for my future room mate, she is a neat person...she told me she doesn't like a mess...and I'm kind of a messy person. But seriously, I don't mind changin that little aspect of myself. -
I'm Moving Out within the next couple years
Inhuman replied to Inhuman's topic in General Discussion
I do happen to know this girl quite well...as I said we've talked on the phone several times over the past 6 months or so, and we know what's going on with the other. My laptop is in one piece, but the screen is destroyed. No one can help get my mom a job. My uncle (one of her older brothers) even tried getting her foot int he door with something, but she didn't take the initiative. Though with my current pay rate and hours, I wouldn't be able to support myself, I am considering a second job...like seriously considering. I need more money anyways to get a new laptop. I try to be considerate, but its kinda hard when your mother flips her S and breaks the one thing you enjoyed...the one thing you took care of out of all your possessions. It was her Bday and I called her a few choice words, ones that I normally would apologize for, but I am still holding my ground on it. I can't stay in this house if she is gonna act like a tyrant with out a throne. -
I'm Moving Out within the next couple years
Inhuman replied to Inhuman's topic in General Discussion
Yea, I was goin to college, but I'm considerin droppin out so I can get out....then take up something that interests me later. I can't take being the only one working (2 jobs hopefully) while my mom just sits on the couch and gets fat, goes out to get drunk, or hangs out with her boyfriend. And yea, movin in with someone I hardly know may not be a grand idea, but it's certainly better than stayin here. I know what kind of person she (the girl I want to move in with) is, so I think it'll work itself out...if not, hey, a new learnin experience for me.As for my mother, my grandmother says she's depressed, but I don't see it. My dad (not my biological one, however) passed away a few years back, and her current boyfriend may not be doin too well himself, but I dunno. She acts like a high school drama queen and makes it seem like it's all about her. I mean, because of the laptop smashing, I can't even update my website....not like I did for a couple months, but I was planning on it!And thanks for the reply...maybe a different opinion could sway me from making a bad decision. People on that other message board said I need to GTFO ASAP. -
Seriously, I can't take this woman any more. My mother is a menopausal psycho. Last week she smashed my laptop that I got for my high school graduation. Here's the story: My grandmother asked me to mail a letter for her. I refused cuz the day was humid and I wanted ot save myself for work. I could have mailed it on my way to work, but no one had thought of that at the time. So my grandmother went to mail it and almost got into an accident. My mom freaked out about that, and the fact that I refused to go, so she threw my laptop out of the window. I can't get it repaired because it'd be more than what it's worth.I can't stand living with her any more....She acts like a high school drama queen. She thinks she can make up the rules as she goes, but the problem with that is that she has no credibility. She's been out of work for the past 6 months, and I've been busting my *bottom* at UPS. I'm actually considering a second job just so I can get more money quicker. Here's what I need to get/accomplish: Bank account, new laptop, new cell phone, car (I've been driving my grandmother's), and enough money to move far away from her insanity.I'm thinking of moving in with someone I et at another message board. She's pretty cool, and only lives one state south of me. We've talked on the phone several times over the course of the last 8-10 months (don't remember exactly when we were talkin on the phone). We haven't had the chance to hang out yet, but we have had our fights and gotten past them. I don't know when she'll be financially ready, but when I am, I'm out of here.
The Fight For Net-neautrality Has Begun First Up - Comcast
Inhuman replied to amirborna's topic in General Discussion
I hate Comcast with a passion. WITH A PASSION! (I want that noted, btw )First of all, the prices are terrible, for both internet and digital cable. Hell, we don't even use their On Demand service, yet we still have it. The internet speed is decent....I mean I got by when my laptop was working (my mother has since smashed it), but on my home comp...I feel slow....then again, it could be the comp itself. I do remember one early morning when I got locked out of my internet for some reason....I dunno why. I'm thinkin my mom hadn't payed the bill. When I woke up, it was back up. I personally want to switch to Verizon's internet service, but alas I won't have it till I'm out of here. (here being home) -
How Do You Pass The Time At Night Now?
Inhuman replied to backto1's topic in Dating And Relationships
Play video games? I mean, if you're only into the old school games, you can just download roms and emulators....Um, let's see.....you could always hit the gym and work out/fight people....Or you know, you could just call her and plead for her to take you back...unless she was the reason for the break up... -
Wrong wrong wrong. Paganism is a religion. Look it up. Your view on paganism, has been skewed by the church and pagans still exist today. I'm actually friends with a few. Pagans are only sinners in your eyes because they don't uphold a belief in god, therefore, I, as an atheist, am one as well. Please, educate yourself.
You see my whole beef with religion in general is that people actually believe it. I mean it's one thing to read the bible, or whatever the other religious books are, and understand the point behind each, if not most of the stories. There's so many parallels going on that it's sorta hard to type out, but here it goes. First off, every religion and mythology is based off of the stars. Now someone can and would claim "Jesus religions", as I call them (Ya know, Christianity, Catholicism, Baptist, etc.) ripped off Paganism, with the stealing of the dates of holidays and symbols. "Jesus religions" even went so far as to make Paganism look satanic, which it isn't. Satanism is totally different. (It's like the acceptance of God and Jesus, but deliberately going against that) Anyways, like I said, every mythology and religion was based off of the stars....think back to when you were learning about ancient Greece and Rome. Their gods were exactly the same. Now then, compare all other multi deity mythologies with those two, you might see even more parallels, not only in the gods, but in the stories. Keep doing said comparisons with the bible, and well you get about the first half an hour of this movie. (check it out...it'll be worth your while....hell, watch the whole thing, the rest of it is a topic of discussion for another time, however.) Basically what I'm saying in a nutshell thus far is that "Jesus religions" are a fraud. I mean, think about it, someone had to have written the bible, some man, or group of men, am I right? Therefore, wouldn't it be almost logical to say that God was created by Man, and not God created man? Now that I feel I have struck a nerve with creation, I'll kinda stream of conscience my way over to that. Like I said, I feel that Man created God. My reasoning: waaay back in the day, back when the bible was being forged...(wow, awkward choice of wording.)...people needed something to explain away the unexplained. Now with science, we can get explanations. The problem is that some people refuse to believe it because of their faith. There are a few things that are unexplained, yes, but you don't need to use religion for things that are explained....or at least have a theory behind it. Therefore, asking "Why does god let bad things happen" sounds kind of stupid to me, with all due respect to you. I mean, it's sorta passive aggressive or something, asking why does god let so and so happen, when really this world is a chaotic and ,essed up place to begin with. It's not a matter of god letting something happen, it's moreso, "Why is man so freaking crazy? Why does man do these things?"
I got 3 sources for you Gamepolitics....this one takes a bit to load, but it has the full story. Joystiq Kotaku Ok, for those that don't know who Jack Thompson is, he's an attorney who has spoken against video games....he lies to the public about them, and yet he's an "expert" on them, with even picking up a controller. He's basically a public nuisance, which is something he claimed the video game Bully to be. He really can't back up any of his arguments because of the fact that he has never played a single game, AND falsely accuses the games and makers of outrages things. And if you're a gamer who has never heard the name Jack Thompson, crawl out of your cave...you need sunlight. Judge Dana Tunis, of the Florida Supreme Court (I think), recommended the following guilty verdicts among the Florida Bar Offenses: My thoughts: Finally this guy got nailed, now I hope we can move on to more important things....like impeaching Bush.
Dude, I feel for ya. My first girlfriend is now a lesbian...I haven't been able to maintain or even get a relationship since then.
Bogus Grand Theft Auto Iv Contains Trojan
Inhuman replied to Saint_Michael's topic in Security issues & Exploits
That's why I'm waiting to "acquire" it. That and I didn't actually know if it was comin out for PC.