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Posts posted by Starluv

  1. Blogs are the places where we can share our thoughts with the like minded people. Net has made the world small & accessible to everybody. Earlier we had to depend on the media to share our thoughts which was not accessible to everybody.Through blogs we can share what is happening right in front of us & discuss our experiences with each other. Blogs have made an impact on our lives. Like if someone is intrested to know about the latest happenings in the mobile phone. He can go to the blog with the topic mobile phone & find lot of genuine information about the latest technologies & upcoming models of the mobile phones. He can get enriched by the user experiences of the mobiles & can make a wise decision to go for the mobile suited to his needs. Similarly there are lot of blogs for different topics related with day to day life which can be really helpful to us.

  2. Weight lost. Very nice. It is very satisfying to achieve the target weight. But now what, nothing. That is where most of us go wrong. If we ponder about our habits which resulted in our weight gain. We will observe that slowly we again incorporatingthe same. It is our life style our environment which brings us to the same kind of habits. So it is very important that we try to make new habits permanent which resulted in achieving our weight loss target. Of course with certain changes to keep weightconstant instead of losing more. It will not be difficult to assess what is to be changed. After weight reduction maintenance ismost important to keep it constant. That is where we falter. Sometimes there is a feeling that if I will gain the weight again it willbe easy to shed it off easily as done before. But this is a dangerous practice. Think about all the hard ships you have undergone to shed those extra pounds. The sacrifices you have made. Don`t let your self fall in the trap again. Because that will only bringthe more negative feeeling in you. This will all have cascading effect on you & discourage you not to try again. Because youwill feel so low thinking that what is the use of all the hardships if I have to gain the weight again.

  3. for the beginner, how to do YOGA?may someone explain us?
    but doing YOGA with an easy one., just for beginner., :(

    It will be better if you learn the basics of yoga from some professional for few days. After learning the basics & certain fine
    points of yoga you can continue the same without any problems. Yoga initself is an art. It is very important to learn it
    properly to reap its benefits. If done wrongly it may do harm to the body than good. Happy learning.

  4. but as i have already mentioned, i am staying in hostel. so it is not possible to make that lemon jiuce. anyway thankyou very much for your reply. i will be very happy if you could please tell me any other option i can follow....

    If we want to achieve something then there should not be any ifs & buts. It is said where there is a will there is a way. First of
    all we should have the strong will to loose weight. Yoy should surround yourself with the people who have lost weight. You should make it a habit of noting down all you eat during the day. Number of calories your meals contain. Then requirement for
    daily calories burned according to your daily schedule. You can certainly add 45 to 60 minutess for your body daily. In this time time you can do physical exercise like aerobics.

    The aim is to burn more calories than your intake, until your target goal of weight reduction is achieved. You it is simple math of reducing your weight. I have reduced my weight by following this simple math from 96 KG to 74 kG within 4 months. As you will notice weight redution gradually you will be more motivating to sticking to your weight reduction routine. Of course weight reduction is simple but maitaining it is difficult. Because the fat cells have the tendency of going back to original position. Yes it is also important to keep checking the weight after reduction & maintaing it.


  5. Yup...I drink milk and have yet to break a bone :P

    Yes Milk helps making our bones stronger. Calcium is the main constituent of bones. This is derived from milk. Of course we also need sunlight to absorb the calcium.You know new born baby is completely dependent upon milk for its development for first few months.
    Really this the great invaluable gift given be almighty to all of us. There are lot of things we enjoy eating in which milk is the main ingredient.

  6. Research have shown that one or two small drinks a day for men over 40 can help prevent coronary disease. But it`s estimated that one in three adults is risking his health by drinking more than the recommended daily amount of alcohol.




    Binge drinking may result in OD of alcohol poisioning. When you drink in excess, alcohol suppresses the part of your brain that controls judgement, resulting in a loss of inhibition. A recent study states that even alcoholics and young adults who are heavy drinkers but not addicted to alcohol have poor decision-making skills. It also affects your bphysical coordination, causing blurred vision, slurred speech and loss of balance.


    Help :P


    1. Go out later, so you start drinking later.


    2. Repalce your "usual" drink with one containing less alcohol.


    3. Stop the "quick drinks" with colleagues during lunch or during the after-work hours.


    4. Have at least two alcohol-free days a week.


    5. Alternate each alcoholic drink with a non-alcoholic one.


    The toxic effects of alcohol can manipulate your brain`s neuro-transmitters, which are responsible for mood and judgement.

    Feelings of depression and suicide come along with binge drinking.

  7. Junk food saves time and is great help when you are kitchen challanged. But some foods shouldonly be consumed occasionally, as junk foods are usually low in nutrients and high in salt, sugar or fat.


    How it affects you :P


    Becoming overweight and developing vitamin and mineral deficiencies come wrapped up along with junk foods. The foods sold by popular fast food and takeaway joints are often high in saturated fats, which can cause your cholesterol levels to shoot up. Convenience foods usually contain high amounts of salt, which have been associated with an increased risk of high BP. soft drinks and cakes or pastries are high in sugar content and there is clear evidence that high sugar intake may contribute to the development of overwieght and obesity.


    Detoxify :P


    We all enjoy `treat` now and then and it`s okay to have some of these foods now and then as an extra. You can have them

    occasionally as long as you have had your daily quota of lean meat, dairy, fruits, vegetables and cereals. Cutting back on takeaway foods will help reduce your salt & sugar intake.


    1. Try to make a sesible choice as often as possible. Some fast foods can have relatively low levels of fat & salt.

    2. It`s possible to eat junk & smart at the same time. For example, have pizzas with less cheese and meat, grilled chicken

    and fish, grilled fish burgers. Team these with lemonade or iced tea instead if colas.



    Found abundantly in India almost through the year, this fruit is a nutritional goldmine. It is considered an exotic tropical treat

    in most countries.


    Having papaya in breakfast provides the required daily levels of ACE vitamins, giving you antioxidant protection. The hearty dose of folic acid keeps your arteries in good shape. The fibre-rich papaya helps keep your chlesterol levels down.


    Enzymes like papain and chemopapain are believed to have anti-inflammatory effects.


    It makes a delicious salsa to go with grilled fish. Combine finely diced papaya with some grated ginger, chillies and coriander

    and your salsa is ready. Diced papaya in fresh yoghurt can be served as raita.


    Papaya is better than Posted Image



    Dietry fibre- 1.8gm/cup

    (papaya- 2.8gm/cup)

    Vitamin C- 24mg/cup

    (papya- 94mg/cup)




    Folic acid- 27mcg/cup

    (papaya- 57mcg/cup)

    Vitanin C- 55 mg/cup

    (papaya- 94 mg/cup)




    Vitamin C- 14.5mg/cup

    (papaya- 94mg/cup)

    Potassium- 176mg/cup

    (papaya- 390mg/cup)

  9. Lower Back


    Once you start a regular practice of yoga, you will find that the lower-back pain that had plagued you for years has disapeared.




    Recent Yale University School of Medicine research says that just 30 minutes of yoga thrice a week can make your heart healthier in six weeks. How well the blood vessels dialate is a good indication of how healthy the heart is.




    Recent studies have found that 30-45 minutes of daily yoga with meditation & breathing exercises helped chronic insomniacs

    sleep though the night.


    Less Stress


    Yogic breathing can lower the heart rate and calm the nervous system. It is a powerful tool for alleviating anxiety and depression

    and neutralising the negative effects of stress, including cortisol-induced belly fat.




    Yoga bestows strength, stamina and flexibity to your body like no other exercise form.

  10. The World Heart Federation warned in September 2003 that failure to exercise is as bad as smoking a pack of cigarettes every day. Physical inactivity doubles the chances of developing heart disease and increases the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.


    How It Affects You

    Weight gain, osteoporosis, consistent feeling of fatigue, weakness of the muscles, constipation and metabolic syndrome.


    A study found that exercise and weight loss helped reduce BP and improve insulin sensitivity in people with metabolic syndrome.


    Make physical exercise a priority and look for excuses to increase physical activity. Look for a combination of activities so that

    you don`t feel bored doing the same thing and keep varying them to keep the interest level up.


    1. write physical activity into your schedule and stick to it.

    2. Surround yourself with people who are physically active.

    3. walk in three 10 minute bursts throughout the day.

  11. Instead of lapsing into a food coma after dinner, take a short walk. A 10 minute stroll after eating gives you a double boost of energy and speeds up your metabolism. Studies have shown that three 10 minute walks a day have the same benefits as a 30minute walk and it also helps lower cholesterol counts & acieve a slimmer belly.

  12. Could be lactose-intolerance. It's quite a common problem and I believe it's inborn. i don't know much about the condition except that people who have it can't vomit when they take milk or feel queasy. You could do a web search on it.
    I agree that milk is wonderful food. Furthermore, it makes you full too, so I believe it's good for people who are on a diet or have gastric problems but can't find time to eat properly.

    Thanks for the quick reply. I do agree with you that milk is a complete food initself. I will search the web about the lactose-

  13. Milk is a very important food in our life. The sixteen elements necessary to life are all found in milk. Milk contains sufficient carbohydrates, protein, fat, mineral and water. So, milk is also called whole food
    Any other food requires a certain amount of energy to digest. Milk requires no effort of digestion. Almost immediately it enters your blood as blood being a blood maker.

    To the growing child milk is the greatest food in the world. Right into his blood go the food materials that make blood for milk has in itself every constituent for blood making, except, perhaps, a sufficient amount of iron.

    There are different sources of milk and each milk type differs in terms of nutrition. Here is presented a chart depicting milk nutritional value. Nutrition in milk is calculated per 100 grams of milk

    Cow: Water (gm) 88, energy (Kcal) 61, protein (gm) 3.29, fat (gm) 3.34, carbohydrates (gm) 4.66;

    Goat: Water (gm) 87.03, energy (Kcal) 69, protein (gm) 3.56, fat (gm) 4.14, carbohydrates (gm) 4.45;

    Buffalo: Water (gm) 83.39, energy (Kcal) 97, protein (gm) 3.75, fat (gm) 6.89, carbohydrates (gm) 5.18;

    Sheep: Water (gm) 80, energy (Kcal) 108, protein (gm) 5.98, fat (gm) 7.01, carbohydrates (gm) 5.36;

    Human: Water (gm) 87.50, energy (Kcal) 70, protein (gm) 1.03, fat (gm) 4.38, carbohydrates (gm) 6.89;

    As you say milk is easily digested. But i found that there are certain people who can not digest milk or milk made items.
    My son is one of them. He vomits most of the times he takes milk. What could be the reason for that.

  14. Eat 55gm of fibre daily and have extremely low levels of bowel cancer.The Satiety Index, composed by Dr. Susanne Holt,from University of Sydney, shows that wholemeal breads are nearly 50 percent more filling than white bread. Because fibre increases your level of cholecystokinin, a harmone that slows the rate at which your stomach digests food andmakes you feel fuller for longer.

  15. It depends how your wavelenght matches with partner. If both are serious enough to exercise then this combination is best. If one is lazy but other partner is serious about fitness & convincing then he can convince the lazy partner to do the exercise. But if it is opposite, one is serious about fitness but other is lazy & convince the serious partner to have some leisure moments. Then it will prove counter productive to all the efforts made for fitness.

  16. Ok I am new to this and so I don't know what all has been said on here before but I have a question. I am wanting to loose about 10-20 pounds before my prom and my prom is in mid-April. Does anybody have any ideas on the fastest way to lose weight? I really need help!!! Thanks to all the people who help!!! You can respond or e-mail me at fabdoll100@yahoo.com . Thanks a lot!! :P

    There is very thin line dividing what we want to do & what we don`t want to do. First of all one should have the strong reason &
    will to loose weight. Then only he can get what he want to achieve. We always try to loose weight starting very religiously & with great discipline for first few days. What as the time progresses the desire to stick to our goal gets complacent. That is where we
    have to keep our self motivating & aware of our goal. We have to keep ourselves in the ambience which will act as catalyst for
    keeping the fire burning in ourselves.When we start our journey towards weight reduction, for first few days we loose weight very sharply which is only water weight of the body. After that weight reduction becomes slow.Due to which we start getting discouraged. This is the time we have to understand that actual physical difference of weight reduction in our body starts appearing only after 3 to 4 weekes of physical exercise & dieting plan subscribed by qualified person.

  17. Meditation is hard; you have to be able to concentrate on your thoughts, or nothing at all. It is said that if you practice looking at the heart of a flame and focusing on something you love, including someone, nonstop for about an hour, for about 20 years, you will be able to see with any part of your body.

    Human nature has the tendency of following the least resistance path. When we are just born we are completely dependent upon
    our parents. But as we grow we keep learning & start becoming independent. Things which are impossible for new born to do, now look too simple. Because we have learned & they have become our habit by repeating them again & again. Similarly meditation is hard (for beginner it may appear to be boring) when we start to concentrate & try to relax. But as we practice it consistenly for few days at the same place & at the same hour of the day. It statrs becoming spontaneous & soothing. You feel heavenly & relaxed. We can do it for 10 minutes daily increasing gradualy to 45-60 minutes. With practice we get control on our physical as well as mental health. Everything looks so beautiful.
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