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Everything posted by CiniMen
?I?m bored?? How many times in a day do you say that, or hear it said? Too many. My parents used to always criticize me for saying I was bored. ?there?s no excuse for being bored,? they would say, ?you can find something to do.? ?whatever,? I would say and just walk away. ?there?s nothing to do?? this is also a phrase we hear too often. What is true about that? There is so much to do! I think we really mean we?re too lazy to actually do anything. There really is so much to do, I?m not even going to name anything because that list could go on and on. And even if you don?t feel like getting up to do anything, you could just think. Think about anything. Ask yourself questions, give yourself answers, come up with conclusions, philosophies, anything! Sounds weird, but sometimes it can be fun. More of a people person and not an introvert? Talk to someone. That?s just like thinking but you have two or more opinions to base yours on. No one with you? Call someone. I?m sure someone is just as bored and would love for someone to talk to. No phone with you of no one available to talk to? Write a letter to someone. It?s so much fun getting letters. Either e-mails or real, mailed letters, they let you know someone is thinking of you. Personally, I like hand written letters better. There is just something about them. And the best part is, if you write to someone, they might write back! One time I wrote a crazily long e-mail to a friend, and we ended up writing back and forth (really really long e-mails) for a long time. It was fun. See, there are so many things to do when your bored, even if your feeling really lazy. What do you think/talk/write about? Anything really. You could just go on the internet and google a random word, see what comes up, and share your opinions on it. Or look at some quotes, poetry, talk about books, TV, anything. Sounds lame, I know, but isn?t it lamer sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing, letting your brain turn to mush?
I think that groups are very restrictive at schools. You just sort of fit into a group and than stay their for the rest of your education. At least at my school we started out as a group in about 6th grade. After that it is basically the same people every year. Then every now and then their is a new student that comes around and all the groups try to get the new guy to join them. I have to say that it is somewhat funny how the groups just sort of start calling each other by a certain name. For instance in my school we have the farmer hicks, the thespians, and the people that think they are popular. It must be interesting to see what each group calls each other from there own points of view. But back to the point do you think that by classifying groups we are limiting our development as children? Is it sort of choosing the person we may be in the future? If so, doesn't that mean that a lot of who we are is created by peer pressure? And finally, if you hung out with everybody at your school would that broaden the paths you may take as an adult?~Thanks
I hate it when I am walking down the hallways at school and then I see some in special education. I feel so bad for them because they don't really have any friends and whenever someone sees them they get funny looks. I think that students today are to self concerned. They don't pity the kids that are different then them they just think they are strange and then keep walking. Maybe it is because they don't understand the differences so they just throw it off there mind. Other people simply just don't care about anyone else. I wonder how it would feel being someone in special ed to get some acknowledgment. I am not saying that this is true about all people, but it seems like the majority to me. Please post your points of view on this topic it would be much appreciated!
Child comes home, flips on the flips on the tv. Toasts the waffle, spreads the peanut butter with a grim face. Ready for some 'fun.' But this isn't the fun that you and I know and have come to love. I remember when fun used to be playing in the park, building a castle out of my sister's leftover girl scout cookie boxes. But not anymore, that is boring, a waste of time. I remember when being creative was fun thing to do. Why is it, that when a child of today is asked whether they would like to game, they remark, 'Sure, what site?' Why is it, that when a child of today is asked what they want for dinner they say 'Nah, I already ate.' I remember when it wasn't an option to eat dinner. 'You gunna eat what yo' mama gives ya!' But not anymore, you eat when you want, where you want. I'm here to tell you that if this is what they're doing. What is going to happen to future America?? I am adressing this because THEY are future America. The only way to help them do what's right, is to tell them now. We are already too late.So to help the future, we have to change the definition of 'fun.'
I like to eat popcorn. What kind of American doesn't? I also like oil, sugar, and cinnamon. Can you see where I'm going with this? So today, let's say at three in the afternoon, I decide to mix these things together. I, with my ambitious mind, simply cut open the compressed bag of popcorn. I pour in the oil, shake in the sugar, and sprinkle the cinnamon. I step back from my piece of art with a smirk on my face. But as I thought of it, the bag did seem a bit small? But that didn't stop me, for I masking taped the bag shut to simulate its original packaging. I pressed the popcorn button on the microwave and waited, waited for that moment where I would invent the most delecious tasting snack this world has ever seen. Nothing seems to happen? I open the microwave door, to be surprised like never before. A black cloud of smoke rushes outside the door like children after lunch!! I need to make this stop, is what I think. I open the door and the kitchen window, and let the chilly winter Minnesota air aid me in me seige against the thick black mist! So here I am, curled in the corner, of my kitchen, wondering, 'who has a really good recipe for sweet cinnamon popcorn?'
This is about the movie '300.' It just so happens to be one of my favorite recent movies. But my question is, with such a historical topic as the Battle of Thermopylae, why couldn't they make it more educational? Not once do they even state the word 'Thermopylae.' Producers of the film MUST'VE known that with action that is portrayed in this movie, kids and teenagers all over would be dying to see it. Yet, they still chose to not give any educational facts, other than the ones that they needed for the plot, like 'Archadians.' This disappoints me. All this film did to society was promote violence. For Example: "What do you do when you don't get what you want?'' "Kill them! Because, this, is, SPARTA!!" Not exactly the best way to portray a war that changed the history of the world, in my mind. I think that I can truthfully say that I am an average viewer of movies. I am also an average student. For a project of mine, I am to study Greece and create a presentation that will enthuse the class. If I want to even have a chance of putting a smile on their faces, I must at least mention Spartans. I've chosen to evolve the whole project around it. A risky decision, yet I can count on the enthusiasm part. I hope that they will be interested in the information portion, not just the bloody aspect of the project. But that will be risky as well.Dispite all of that, this movie has continued to be one of my favorites, and I recommend you see it. Thanks for listening.
Case 1. I believe that to many people today have just given up on school and education. For instance many people i know just don't try. They are perfectly capable of doing well, but they have decided not to work. A lot of these people have given up i would say around 4-6th grade and if it isn't dealt with quickly it becomes habit and then everything gets harder as teachers start to label these kids and then they just get shunned from proper education. In the USA now it is very hard to get a good job without an education at least through high school. These people who then don't get an education are forced to a hard life that can sometimes include the use of drugs and robbery. People need to be helped through the hard times in life. Some people need more help then others. All it takes is an extension of yourself as a person to help them through there education so that they can have a much easier life. Case 2. After people have gotten through high school what happens if they can't pay for tuition and perhaps didn't do well enough to get a good scholarship? I believe that a lot of talent is waisted when people are limited by the amount of money they have or when they can't get the scholarship, because they didn't do the best in their class.I am asking for your input on reasons people would have these hardships. Can we really help these people? What kind of practices would helping them out be? Can the government do anything to help or is it all the individuals fault?Thank you.
What you have said is true, but it is putting a large portion of our country out of the reach of things that are becoming more and more used. In some cases this ends up with theft to get things that are out of reach financially. In some cases the lack of opportunities to get the newer technology has left people with the lack of knowledge needed for many jobs. Most of the money is ending up in foreign countries anyway, a lot of the parts are being manufactured elsewhere. In the end we are paying large amounts amount of money that will supporting other countries and not putting it into American businesses.Thats all for my rave.
Hey have you guys ever heard of a rare lysosomal storage disease called mps 6? Well it is very rare and only about 4 in a million people have it. It starts out with storage of complex sugars in the joints of the body. As you get older your stature would be shorter than average. Your fingers start to curve and it can cause compression of the spinal cord. Eventually if untreated it leads to death. It is caused by the lack of an enzyme that breaks down complex sugar chains in the body. Currently today there is a replacement therapy that involves an infusion lasting around 4 hours. It does not cure it, instead it hopefully slows down the process of sugar storage if not halting it completely. This treatment currently would require treatment once a week for life. There is more than one type of Mps and not all have treatment options. These genetic storage diseases cause disability to walk, hear, see, and many more normal day activity. Do you think that the United States/ the world puts enough money to researching cures for genetic diseases that basically end in death or a completely altered life style? Also do you think that modern day schools and other establishments do enough to accommodate these people in need? Do you know of any other rare diseases like these? If you do you should post them here! Here is the link to the Mps society website if you wish to learn more. Mpssociety website Thanks for reading this post
Today in a country like ours, it is so easy to get what you want.'Click', a map of wherever you are, whenever you wish. A genie inyour pocket says, 'Hey your buddy's calling, wanna talk?'Breakthrough. But being amazed by something we take for granted isnot what I'm here to talk about. I have one point, if things likethese are available, why are they so out of reach to those who needthem. The man trying to make a few coins, raising corn, is the onewho needs the information on harvest. The man trying to get off thestreet is the one who needs to know where help is. The man blowinghis nose on twenties isn't the one who needs the car with the electricmap, or the brick that plays 80,000 songs. So what I'm trying to say,if you're targeting an audience with a product, make it in their pricerange! For example, I've been saving up since my birth to make apurchase of my dreams, a simple laptop. It's the cheapest of theirline, the smallest of their hard drives. I'm not saying I'm the manon the street, or the farmer in the field. I'm saying I'm the kid onhis parent's computer, knowing that he wants to build something thatwill change the world forever. But that can't happen if week afterweek, 'amazing improvements' are being made that raise the price by50$ increments.I just want to know, if anyone is where I am, and if I'm ever going toget where I want to be. I know that you need to 'bring yourself pastobstacles.' But I'm impatient, I know this. I want the wait to end.I want the rich companies to think about what's best for its customersand the future of their business with them.