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Posts posted by Phi

  1. Which game do you guys like better. Please post your opinions and why.

    Thank You!





    I like Halo 2 because alot of people play online with it more than Counter-Strike plus there are alot more tourneys and tournaments with the game.And people have made many sites dedicated to halo 2 and there are tons of halo2 clans. I personally am in a halo 2 clan. Its called Xassassinz. I made there site for them. And were hosted here a trap 17.(Of course were hosted here what do you think!! Best freakin host ever) Im just a member not leader.

    Halo 2

    Posted Image


    Posted Image

  2. Surf FTP is program i use.  Of all the ones I have tried, this one loads the fastest and has no ads whatsoever. The download is also less than a megabyte too.  I can even run it from a thumbdrive!


    it means that either the host has given you a limit of space and you have and your trying to upload something that would overload the sever which why it says "Disc Quota Exceeded" .

  3. If you ask me smartFTP would be a good one(in my opinion) , because it is simple yet easy to use., plus you they have no advertisements , its free , and its smart :lol: .If you want it you can download it here http://download.cnet.com/SmartFTP/3001-2160_4-10362660.html . (For those of you who have never downloaded anything from download.com)(Don't worry it does not contain any viruses or trojans or anything like that. It is pure safe. They scan the downloads before they even put it up.)

  4. Heres my opinion on what they (or who are the people that make the rpg games) should do and add to the gameThey should like put all the famous known rpg characters , like final fantasy , dynasty warriors tactics people ,fable , and more games. Then they should put like it so we can play each character and they have their own story and we meet other characters throughout the game. and they should put tons and tons of items , weapons , potions , powers , elements , and others type of things that would be nice to use in a rpg game. So thats my 2 cents :lol:

  5. i like both systems , i wouldn't say either is better than the other i like both evenly. Ps2 is slim and thin , though the xbox is fat and thick they both now have instense good games , like Halo , like ps2 they got nfsu2 , jade empire. and stuff but both systems are pretty even now when xbox2 comes out then we will compare ps2 to xbox2 so it should be good competition between both system consoles

  6. Topic says it all



    White background color

    Step 1 : Make the w x h any canvas size

    Step 2 : now click the brush tool and make sure the size is 13

    Step 3 : now click a bluish color for the brush

    Step 4 :change the default element for the brush to fluid splatter

    Step 5 :make sure the style of the brush is burlap

    Step 6 :now paint all over the background

    it should look like this

    Posted Image


    Step 7 : now click filters > blur > radial blur amount:90 quality : 100

    Now your done it should look like this



    Hope this tutorial shows you how i just mess around and stuff and learn

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