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Posts posted by blood&CLASSIQUE

  1. Something for you here.. you can visit this web site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . This blog provides quite number of information about dark circles including some video clips on how to conceal dark circles, home remedies and eye cream reviews. Quite informative though. You can probably start with natural ways to reduce dark circles http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    ooh this is a great site! thanx alot, I'll start reading it now. Some of the stuff are great. Thanx guys!

  2. I agree with with the whole not being able to support the baby thing. I'm not sexually active...but I really don't believe in sex before marriage. No matter what, it's still THEIR responsibility! If they couldn't support the baby, I think they should of gave the sex thing a second thought. School nail the whole teen pregnancy blah blah blah stuff in our heads and yet we still keep doing whatever. So if you are not finacially/emotionall/physically ready, I don't think you should have sex. Whether abortion is right or wrong...I dont know, but I hate how (some) girls use it as an "easy exit". I mean, I know a girl who started having sex at 13. There are girls in grade 8-9 who've been (and ALMOST) pregnant. It's bad in that reason.Also theres a good reason for abortion too. I'm pretty sure there are cases where the baby might come out with a severe illness or disability. I don't think I would want to give birth to a baby with that severe ailment. Don't get me wrong, I'm just saying think about, if this baby is born and it's going to die or even worst, suffer years with tubes and treatments. I think as a mother, it would be hard for her to bear and it's unfair for the child to suffer through it.Pros, cons...

  3. actually, the only thing I don't like about school is the homework, like I said I don't listen to the rude comments and just have fun with my friends, and this year I have all awesome teachers which is awesome because I'm graduating this year so i'm going out on a great year!

    you make me feel such like a bad person!!! I wish I can be like you...Not caring like that. Well I guyss I am already like that. It's just some of the my friends are like that, that's the problem! Ya...the homework totally sucks...especially staying after school because the teacher isn't finished his lesson! And not to mention one of my labs too 3 hours to do so I ended up staying at the school till 9pm!!! 3:30pm is after school and I lived quite far and it was cold so I just went to the mall and ate dinner there...

  4. Ya I know what you mean. But I think ALL schools are like that. Especially high school. It's a real eye-opener and it ain't pretty! I liked elementary where going to school in messy hair was like so funny (ok well self-hygiene is important, but you get my drift). I know, I know...first impressions blah blah! But do you really need to cake on 5lbs of make-up on and is it really necessary to check your make-up after each run/game/sport in phys.ED??And almost everyone change in high school, even middle school. I mean it makes me mad how young and stupid some of the students are! Having pre-martial sex at age 13! And of course, the boy DUMP them the next day. My friend who used to be a good student went to doing pot and exstacy after he went out with this girl. I mean...I really don't get it. I'm actually surprised I survived the pressure of high school "standards". Really, high school is just a joke! And it's so not funny. I wish I could just finish school and be on my merry way sometimes!

  5. My pet peeves are:When eating or drinking, people making the slopping&slirping sound (because they don't close their mouths when eating)Hypocrits (I'm sometimes one, too...sadly)When good students go bad (that sounds cheesy...but ya)In the morning (when it's still dark) or at night, I hate when the blinds are upThe kitchen door MUST be closedWhen a part of my nail is broken so when I run my fingers on them, they're feel uneven

  6. Wait, what? They—a phone company—used your cell phone to order the replacement LCD screen and charged you for making the call? That's not right. Plus, they're a phone company—they should have plenty of phones themselves to order the screen. I'd argue for that money back.

    No the repair company I left my phone to. They called places to get screens and they used the estimate money for the calls. Which I find unfair because they shouldn't charge for the calls!

  7. This is referring to my cell phone problem...the LCD screen being cracked and supposedly getting repaired! I had to pay an estimate fee of $50 but they never told me they were going to use it for LONG DISTANCE calling to order the screen. I remember them saying it was for the screen and repair because the screen is usually $50-$70 (+repair fee). And I'm so mad that I can't get my money back. Maybe I'm being a child about this, but you've got to see this from my prespective (ok maybe not...)! I just feel, they could of e-mail Rogers to order the screen or the other companies to ask for the screen. Also, I specifcally told them that my phone work PERFECTLY FINE but they had to look at it anyways and they costed my money as well...:'(

    Notice from opaque:
    TITLE CHANGED FROM : Totally Cheated Of My Money! TO: Charged for free Customer Service to fix Cell phone

  8. Ok well I have a boyfriend and he's the greatest boyfriend ever~ Even though we're both shy, but I think it's really cute that way. Anyways, there's this other guy I like. Well I don't like him like how I like my boyfriend. I kinda idolize this boy because he's really smart, plays flute very well (and other instruments, too), mainly cuz he's smart haha. 99% idolize and 1% looks, because I think he's so cute~ Baby face and when he smile its so cute~(and he's a bit of a nerd :P )! But ya...I feel kinda guilty...Well how I feel for my boyfriend is so different from him...ya know. Like my boyfriend is still my #1.

    Notice from opaque:
    Changed title from "ita alright to" to "its alright to just be friends"

  9. Has that ever happened to you? It kind of bothers me because I dream in only english. Even people who don't know or I haven't heard them speak in english...they speak in English! It's their voice but they speak fluent english! It's so bizarre, and I say that because I'm fluent in Cantonese, too. But I never dream in Cantonese...So ya. So tell me, do you dream in different languages?

  10. That's generally my position - I am friends with some of the dorks though, which I guess brings me down on the social system scale.

    That seems kind of harsh to me...Well, I think there's 2 types of popular and one of them involves the typical high school snob/bully. If you want to be the other kind of popular, you should just be yourself! Hang out with the people you like and care about. Ya know? I think if you make alot of good friends, that's also a way of being popular.
    A good way to start is to not call your friends "dorks", we're all misfits, it's not our fault people give us labels.

  11. Gosh do I hate dark circles...it makes me look so old and dreadful (ok...not that extreme!). Are there good ways to lighten the appearance or remove them (please dont give surgical procedures!). Yes...high school students sometimes don't get much sleep and that could be my main problem, but it even if I get enough sleep, but the end of the day I get dark circles! I've massaged them to increase blood flow, yet again, but the end of a school day it dark!! Grr, please help!

  12. I have light acne so washing your face will do (i wash with antibacterial soap once in a while because inside the pimples are bacteria) and eat you veggies and fruits (yuck...i'm still a kid haha I don't like veggies!) and don't eat so much junk food for sure! I heard for people in there puberty that don't pimples, could mean that their body has high vitamin D, so eat those veggies!!!Tea Tree Oil is good, too. Try your local drug store!!

  13. Do they sell any of these anymore haha? I really want one because I wanted to try a new medium of art and these kinds of cameras would be so cool. But I'd like to know the price of the camera and the film-thingy. I've looked everywhere but it's mostly digital and a few film cameras or those professional looking black cameras with the detachable lenses. Can anyone clue me on what kind of shops to look out for?

  14. Well I phoned a place and they said they specialize on Sony products, so I think that should be ok, right? I waited three months hoping I could get a new phone with the Rogers hardware upgrade (but The Source people are totally stupid and wouldn't let me even though you're allowed to do it after a year). Anyways, the screen is almost completely black from the leak except for a few dots. But I never used the phone within the 3 months.So ya thanks for the advice, it really helped.

  15. A couple of months ago my W810i got ran over by a car, luckily it the whole cellphone itself was UNSCRATCHED but the LCD screen is cracked!!! The people from The Source said that it'll take the same amount of money to fix the phone as to buy a new phone. So that's like $100. But I found out (three months later) that there were repair shops that fixes phone LCDs for $50-$60, so I need an advice, should I try and go for it? It seems pretty tempting and I don't want then to mess up my phone (since it works perfectly fine, just that I can't see what I'm punching into my phone) and not get my money back!

  16. Isn't it called "lucid" dreaming when you are aware that you're dreaming and then you either wake yourself up or control it?Well ya I had that before, I was being chased by a person (I hate being chased in dreams because for some reason you run SO slow) and I tripped, and I think that's when I realised I was in a dream. So I told myself to get and run and I fell into a whole (that's the other thing I hate about dream...anything can happen!) and I just told myself, "wake up! c'mon its just a dream, wake up!" That's about it, nothing special.But the lucid dreaming didn't happen for a while...only on occasions. Like one time I was able to communicate to a person in my dream but the person answered back in complete gibberish and broken sentences. *laugh* dreams are so weird!

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