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Posts posted by somertonlord

  1. Hi I'm somertonlord and I am here to tell you about the NX space cruiser which will be an N series battleship heavily armored with 42 deluxe 24 inch double barreled plasma cannons, the ship will be made from strong titanium alloy. It will hold a crew of over 3000 people and an area that will hold 3500 escape shuttles with space for more than 3000 people. This ship will be huge and fast with its turbo powered plasma engines and 17 floors, 3050 bedrooms, 1500 kitchens, 3200 bathrooms. 7000 dropships, long range radar and a giant mining drill for mining more plasma and other resources we haven't discovered yet. :P

  2. we already have SPACESHIPS. We have space shuttles, rockets etc etc.
    We won't have twin plasma engines, but Twin Ion Engines (Yes we'd be making TIE Cruisers).

    X-Ray scanners will be completely necessary! 3D Gammatrons (Not sure how to spell it) would be what we need. Also Radar that calculates positions using by triangulating.

    16-Inch Plasma cannons won't be necessary! All we'd be needing are Railguns! Yes Railguns! Along with RAILGUNS, we would have MAC (magnetic acceration cannons), Gauss weapons, and coilguns.

    We have bedrooms, bathrooms, although no kitchen (they have a thing called 'cupboards')

    Why would we need such a thing as titanium? and even more, why would we need wings? I say we make the ship out of carbon nanotubes!

    Not space SHUTTLES, space SHIPS you know like ships that float on water, cargo ships but cargo ships that float in space instead of water. :P

  3. Well this topic is nice reading I must say. I voted already on this as yes but because I haven't read the topic at first and I voted zes because I though t on the spaceships and stations that already exist. So t check it out. We already have spaceshps.
    However we do not have the exact spaceships as they are described in the science fiction books.

    However we are developing really fast and because of that we will soon be inclinecd to leave earth and wander around universe. :P :P Which will be really nice I would like to wander around universe and search for new things. Like Captian Jean Luc Picard. Hopefully i have spelled this OK. :P:D

    You are so right, i would like to hover around in space for a while in a spaceship to get away from earth and have fun.
    Space is the world with no laws. :D

  4. Keep your hopes up :P I voted yes even though i think a decade may be a little short for something that is so complex.
    I think human race got a little lazy.

    We should have flying cars until now, too. It is 2008 man, come on!! Don't you think it is time we see some hi-tech stuff flying around?

    Yeah but the government isn't helping much. :P

  5. HiI have 30 system in my network I want my network to become slow what I need to do can any one tell me even if there try to browes like yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc.the pages shoud not open any pages

    My network is 100mbps
    And my internet speed is 1mbps I dont have any router only unmanaged switch

    ''doing that can freeze your computer making you have to reboot it, wouldn't that be annoying. :P

  6. Tip number 6- Leave your exes or current past relationships out of it. No one wants to hear what a jerk Bobby was or how Diane could have been more faithful.
    Tip number7 - Eye contact is important. Nothing makes a person feel more important and listened to than direct eye contact. When you are busy checking your watch or staring past your date you are subliminally saying "I'm not listening and you bore me"

    Tip number 8 - Cologne/perfume......go LIGHTY on the stuff. More is NOT always better. Try to keep the body spray stuff to a lightly used lightly scented smell.

    Tip number 9 - Leave your current dramas at home. Your date is most NOT likely interested in hearing how Cindy ended up in jail because she slashed Janet's tires because Janet stepped on Cindy's dog who was present when Robert was just about to dump Samantha ( or some such silly nonsense).

    Tip number 10 - Be engaging in your conversations giving as much time to listen as you to in speaking. Hobbies, movies, favorite or worst places are neutral enough topics to work with while proving to be informative and even entertaining.

    ''thanks for the extra tips

  7. I have ten tips on what not to do on your first date. If anyone reads this post and wants to post more tips just come to me, somertonlord, lord of the somertons.Tip number 1:Don't go on about yourself and yourself only, compliment your date by saying I like your hair, you have nice eyes and so on and mean it.Tip number 2:Don't boast about your work life or your social life by talking about how you got a promotion at work or talking about your new mobile phone because people don't want to hear about phones and jobs on a date.Tip number 3:Don't take your date for granted, don't be naive by thinking your date will put up with you talking about yourself. You want to make him/her feel special, remember that you can only make first impressions once unless you have a time machine.Tip number 4:don't look plain, Swipe your date off your feet by ordering the most expensive champagne or buy a fancy box of chocolate.Tip number 5:Don't embarrass yourself by talking loud or accidentally knocking a champagne bottle over.And remember to note your anniversary in your diary. :P

  8. Wow... that's quite a tall order, isn't it? For that reason, I voted no.
    Actually, I was very much inclined to point out that, yes, we already have spaceships out there but, if you're really looking for science-fiction grade spacecrafts, then no. I don't think it will happen in another decade or so. Unless, by some miracle, we managed to end war and poverty and hunger and AIDS and cancer.

    Okay, humoring you, let's go over the list:
    1. Twin turbo plasma engines - engines powered by plasma? Or engines generating plasma? Either way, I think this is science fiction. I could be wrong, though.
    2. X-ray scanners - If you mean X-ray machines, yes. We have a lot of those in the hospitals. Getting them to orbit will be a piece of cake, somewhat.
    3. 16 inch plasma cannons - what for? I don't suppose we'd suddenly discover hostile alien life in the next few years... unless it's for petty politics and warfare, in that case, count me out.
    4. Long range radar - We have those too.
    5. Kitchens - I'm sure NASA will be glad to offer you samples of space food. Actually, more like flavored toothpaste.
    6. Bedrooms - Yes, nothing like a warm soft resilient horizontal surface lined with straps for a comfortably relaxing repose in the middle of an eternal night.
    7. Bathrooms - I'd rather not explain beyond, "Yes, it is there. Up there."
    8. Titanium armored wings - Hmmn... strong, durable and also unbelievably heavy. Perfect, if we could ever get the spacecraft into orbit.

    I am not really a sadist who enjoys shooting down other people's ideas but, really, sometimes, I think we could all use a reality check. Imagine a hungry boy in Africa, the youngest of a a recently-orphaned litter of fifteen. I'm sure he would appreciate a kitchen, a bedroom or a bathroom but it would be well beyond his comprehension to even enjoy titanium armored wings, wouldn't it? :P

    ''We might have to hold on to those plasma cannons because humans just can't trust each other these days and could start a space war and when you're the one with the ship with none of those you're not going to look very smart when they destroy it leaving you to float around in an escape pod having to freeze yourself until help arrives but you are quite right though.:P

  9. Cryogenics are the future, with the power to freeze ourselves we can sleep and not age one bit, we can also wake up thousands of years into the future, we won't have to listen to loud noises and stuff and we can dream for as long we like. Think about it, the power to sleep for as long as you like. You have an incurable virus so freeze yourself and wait for scientists to find a cure. you're living on a cargo ship and it takes 10 years to get to Earth but you don't want to be old and wrinkly by the time you get there so freeze yourself Be an ice sculpture for a while, you won't have to change your bedsheets ever again. Stuck in suspended animation.All of you may think cryogenics only exist in Sci-Fi movies like Alien. :P

    Notice from opaque, adminstrator:
    Topic Title and Description changed. Made it more meaningful and relevant to the post.

  10. I'm Somertonlord and I believe scientists will soon have the power to build spaceships.Motherships and drones. I even have a couple of ideas and names.Starship sx 1 commercial ship, Astro C class cargo ship, the military Argon N series battleship, SS Supernova mining ship and the S V star cruiser (holiday ship).Twin turbo plasma engines, 7 medical rooms with X ray scanners, 29 16 inch plasma cannons, long range radar, kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms you could live in one and as for the drone ships I'm thinking two double turbo plasma cannons, single plasma engine and titanium armored wings.:P

  11. Well, from personal experience as a guy, I respect a woman who is more independent. My best relationships have been with people like that, and my worst relationships are with people who say things like "I'll do anything for you." If you truly love someone, the anything phrase is alright sometimes, but definitely not if it's a highschool relationship that's been going for less than a month (which happened to me).
    Also... I'm not sure about that "safe" thing. It's a bit... dated. I don't think I've heard anyone use it recently.

    ''Everybody in my school says it. :P

  12. I'm sorry the previous topic was deleted accidentally when I went to control a spam post. Again, any spam reply will be deleted on the spot--no exceptions.


    Currently we have ranking name only up to 200 posts. I would like to add the followings:


    Post count: 500

    Member rank: To Be Announced


    Post count: 1000

    Member rank: TBA


    Post count: 2000

    Member rank: TBA


    Post count: 3000

    Member rank: TBA


    Post count: 4000

    Member rank: TBA


    Post count: 5000

    Member rank: TBA


    I was trying for few names like: TRAP 1, TRAP 2, Trappateer, Trap Cadet, Trap General, Trap Admiral, TRAP4Life etc.


    Suggest your own names according to how you see it fit. I would like everyone to participate in this thread.

    '' i think that trap admiral is good because it makes people who rise to that rank sound like naval officers.

  13. Thanks to Xisto, and two days of non-stop work on my website, I am now ready to announce what is now my third (and, I hope, final) relaunch of my website, Hangman, Inc. Gaming and Software.

    The last time I launched this website, I had this idea of integrating Forum Software with an effective Content Management System. The original aim was to make the website, forums, and the Games Database interact with each other so that they all worked with one another. The problem was that, instead of using an actual Content Management System, I instead chose to use a CMS-style Mod on an SMF Forum. This turned out to be too restrictive and also put strain on my database, and in the end the website practially killed itself. So I scrapped the old site, came here, and decided to start afresh.


    This time, my site does a proper job of things. The main website is done using Joomla! CMS, with an SMF Forum integrated into it thanks to a Joomla Bridge Extention. I decided on this combination because it allows for a professional-looking website while still being easy to use and administrate (and also because I have expirience with SMF).


    But, I want to know if my redesign was actually worth it. So now, I'm asking if anyone out there on the web can come to my website and tell me what you think! Your comments will help towards the development of my website, so don't be afraid to tell me your honest opinions. Oh yeah, and please vote on the poll on the front page once you're done. That's just another way of submitting your input.


    The website URL is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, or you can also try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, whichever you find easier. I should note at this point that this website was only just opened to the public, so while the Forums may be open, they are devoid of content at the moment, and while all the links do work, "Games" and "Software" don't actually lead anywhere yet. Thanks for your help!

    ''how about adding several polls and pictures''.

  14. If you have met a guy you really like, you've come to the right place

    Here are five tips on how to impress a guy

    1.Don't throw yourself at the guy, just say hi and engage in conversation.
    2.Don't be nervous just talk to the guy like you already know him.
    3.Tell the guy a bit about yourself.
    4.find out a bit about what he likes and talk about it for a bit.
    5.when you have finished talking just say bye/see you later or if you are a slang kid say ''safe''.

    Never give him your phone number unless he asks for it or you know him well enough to know he wants it and don't chat to him every minute or so because boys need their space. :P

    Notice from rvalkass:

    The Hosting Request forum is for hosting requests only. Moved into the Dating section.

  15. If you think school is boring you are wrong. bunking school all time won't get you anywhere.1.you will end up with a dead end job stuck in debt wishing you were still in school.2.you won't have the knowledge to get higher paying jobs.3.You might not be able to pay off your mortgages.4.you might have to work graveyard shifts at work.5.you might even have to get more than one job.So remember stay in school and have a better life later on. :P

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