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Posts posted by brainless

  1. I'd definitely not refuse to sleep with a teacher ... but after all, I'm studying to become a teacher now so it'd rather be like having sex with someone your age working at the same place than sleeping with someone whom you're responsible for [i wouldn't do the latter one...]


    anyways, in most cases the student wouldn't get into too much of trouble [at least here in Germany] whereas the teacher would get into very serious trouble if he/she slept with a student whom he/she is teaching but might get away with it if they don't have any classes together and if it happened under the student's free will...

  2. L-O-L (yes, with the hyphens ... I usually don't put them in except when something's gotta be stressed B))

    reminds me of a thread on a german board with a guy who set up a gigabit network at home and wonders why there's such a heavy packet loss in the connection ("there are some doors and bends on the way, maybe the data packets lose grip on the cable?") -> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  3. I've liked the movie but it's definitely not a movie you can really understand without the book ... and it's running through the story pretty fast (well, as fast as two and a bit hours of movie can be; all the important scenes are in it and even those have been somewhat shortened...)my favorite scene was after the Yule Ball when Neville came back to the dorm telling Harry that "I've been out until now ... until now..." B)

  4. I know that 500 euros isn't that much, compared with other countries...


    ...I really thought that Germany had a great educational system until a few years ago (even though there was always some kind of social selection attested by several studies ... those whose parents are rich more often go to high school and university than people with non-rich parents) but then corporate taxes were decreased a lot, politicians began whining about not getting enough taxes [right ... corporate tax cuts here did not increase employment rates here even though both politicians and CEOs promised that] - and gues who's gotta pay for decisions made against the public's opinion?


    well, we've still got state support for people studying which is, IMHO, very good (up to 585 Euros per month to cover rent, food, books, a little partying; the actual amount varies depending on your social background, whether you're living at homeor not; how much money there is on your bank account etc) which is being given interest-free with 10,000 Euros debt maximum - and if you didn't find a job within 7 years after finishing studying, this debt will be cancelled.

    The tuition fees-loan however, will not be interest-free - so people who can't pay them at once will pay more, way more, for the same education the rich guy got. Where's our constitutional "the state tries to minimize social inequality" gone? I definitely need some time to send some bulk email to every delegate to the state's council who voted in favor of tuition fees asking them waht the f*** they think they've done...

  5. well ... representatives from Paris' suburbs tried to talk to politicians loads of times;demonstrations were constantly being ignored - and now that people began rioting, politicians are happy to welcome representatives.we learn: If you wanna change something, add a nice little riot to your claims so people at least listen to you...

  6. Here's the indymedia coerage: https://indymedia.org/en/2005/11/827280.shtml

    Some indymedia portals are somewhat low-quality but the main indymedia sites have kept a high level; it's still a good if not necessary addition to your corporate media. But don't forget to check corporate news just to make sure that there's another version of the story :P

    of course, our somewhat open borders [last month, about 10 people got shot when they tried to enter european exclaves in Morocco] might allow an "muslim extremist" to enter - but we've got several pro-violence right-wing groups in Germany alone, we've got the ETA in Spain (though I think I remember that they accepted to join a plan to disarm), we've got the IRA in Ireland (they've disarmed under british supervision a few years ago), we had the RAF in Germany (they weren't active anymore since the late 80's and announced that they do not exist as militant or non-militant group anymore in 1998) ... the IRA were catholic extremists, the RAF left-wing extremists; how could they have been stopped by oppressing muslims?

    but whatever impression I've made: I totally understand why the riots broke out but I do believe that this problem will not be solved by the use of force - from either side. Neither will a strict repression by the french police solve it nor aggression against public or private property. Burning Kindergartens, heck, there's no way destroying a kindergarten helps anyone; a better way would have been an occupation with a clear message to authorities why you're doing it and what needs to happen before you leave...

    [update -- 08-Nov-2005]
    I suppose I should get used to the university's keyboards, don't be offended by the many missing letters :P

    Here's another short but interesting (and very important if found to be true) article on the backgrounds of these riots: http://www.heise.de/tp/artikel/21/21296/1.html (although telepolis-articles are usually in german, this one is in english)

    an excerpt:

    [...]The conditions in France which bred such violence is very much the same as elsewhere in the world; the grievances of an underclass are held in check until an event unleashes the anger and frustration which has been bottled up for many years, even decades. Along these lines, the situation in France is not that much different to what happened in New Orleans in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. In both cases, even the media reaction was the same: shock and surprise. Yet, when looking behind the scenes, what happened in both cases should not have come as much of a shock nor a surprise.

    Notice from saint-michael:
    merge posts as requested.

  7. actually, what is surely known about those three youths in the transformator yard (yes, three ... one got away severly injured, the other two were killed) is that they attened a soccer match and at about the time they hid in the transformator yard, a blackout was registered in exactly this transformator's surrounding areas. Everything else are pure speculations at this time.
    What, in my opionion comes closest to what probably happened is that they left the stadium together with a crowd of other adolescents when some began to run because they've spotted some cops doing identity checks [french cops are known to be racist, check the amnesty report on France: https://www.amnesty.org/en/] - that's not even stupid, running from the cops will probably save you some hours of waiting for nothing in the police station and sometimes from being violated if you're non-white in the Paris' suburbs. Climbing over a secured wall is just as smart: Most cops are too lazy to climb anything if they're not sure what they're going to catch. And if it's just a young guy or two who didn't do anything - why bother?

    (the official account is that those 3 boys had broken into "private property" and tried to hide on the transformator yard; the third version is that the crowd who left the stadium began running - and noone knows exactly why they did that...)

    In the night from thursday to friday, the first militant actions were performed in Clichy-sous-Bois (the suburb with the transformator yard);
    in the following two nights the clashes spread to Montfermeil, a neighboring suburb.

    On Sunday evening a a tear gas grenade detonated in a mosque filled with about 200 muslims - and once again this led to two different stories from the police:

    In the first version, a police commission declared that the tear gas-grenade was fired from a gun and did not have a stable flight path but it did not detonate inside the mosque but in front of its door. This story was later [monday morning] updated and now contains the information that a cop from another part of Paris shot the grenade at a group of "highly mobile young people" and did not know that there was a mosque next to this group.
    The other version is that the grenade was not a tear gas-grenade but a pepper spray-grenade, which are not being used by any police departments in and around Paris.
    As the french police is not known to be friendly to foreigners, many people believe that the grenade was shot into the mosque on purpose.
    I assume that it was in fact a tear gas-grenade (hey, the story got an update after another part of the police department claimed that there was no police involved in this incident) which detonated inside the mosque - but I'm not sure if it was on purpose or an accident.

    well, whatever the real story is: This incident definitely did not help to stop the violence...

    by the way, during the last couple of nights there were some burning cars in Berlin, Bremen and Frankfurt [all in Germany] as well.

    (I tried to report what is known about the events triggering the riots as factual as possible; as long as there's no "I believe" or something like that in a sentence this is based on several german newspapers and the "racist police" is not an assumption but based on information gathered by amnesty international throughout many years)

    here's my opinion which is mostly not based on anything but my own interpretations - be more careful with the following statements than with the statements above:

    These riots are nothing which has been organised on a long-term basis but a somewhat sudden explosion of anger and frustration since most of the people participating in the riots are pretty young - but somewhat backed by their older neighbors, there have been reports about people cheering for them through open windows and several newspapers quoted people who think that violence is not the way they'd have handled things but they know exactly how "they" feel.

    I fear that european right wing parties can use these riots during the next election campaigns as a reason why aliens should be kicked out of Europe [or, when they don't accept the European Union, the countries they're in]. Those riots did not occur due to the violent nature of african people/muslims; those riots are the result of a racist policy and a racist police in France. There are two ways of preventing things like this from happening again:
    a) Deport all foreigners. Welcome racism.
    :P Change the police. Integrate foreigners, give them the same rights and treatments as everyone else gets.

    Michael: Whatever your source is, this isn't about muslim extremists - this is about european racism. The rest of Europe isn't much better when it comes to granting foreigners any rights at all, the french systematic racism is simply the most obvious.
    There's no reason why someone outraged about having to get a permission by german bureaucracy to see a doctor should be called a muslim extremist (yes, about 20,000 people in Germany have to do get a freakin' permission to see a doctor or, coem to that, be taken into hospital)...

  8. Beginning in the summer term of 2007, we will have to pay tuition fees in Lower Saxony (Germany); even though university studies were free up to now.

    A few weeks ago, our secretary of education wrote an open letter to inform all students in Lower Saxony "first-hand" about the facts concerning tuition fees - for those who understand german: I have mirrored it to my personal webspace on the uni's server: http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/error/error.html

    The tuition fees will be 500 Euros per semester in all Lower Saxony.This model has to be revised with respect to social problems after its introduction. Students who've been studying more than 4 terms longer than the regular studying time is will have to pay higher tuition fees of 600 to 800 Euros.

    actually, we're already paying about 200 Euros per term, some of it for purposes I accept, some of it (80 Euros) for stuff which should be covered by tax money.
    Even if I manage to stay within the regular studying time, I will have to come up with 1400 Euros per year, somehow.

    But: It's impossible to study english and physics at the same time at my university because one of my english lectures happens to be at the same time as my experimental physics lecture. Guess what I've been told to do? "Attend the english lecture next year, it will be held again".
    That wouldn't be a problem if the studies were free.
    well, next year will be in two terms. That'll add two terms to the time I'm studying. Half of what I'm allowed to need longer before I've got to pay additional 200-600 Euros per year. What if I fail one module for some reason? Right, I'll have to do it again the next year - but while others may fail two modules before exceeding their limit, I may only fail one.
    talk about equal conditions for everyone...

    ...and unfortunately, that's not all I've got to rant about:

    The profits gained from tuition fees will be used by the universities to improve studying conditions, not to create more subjects which can be studied.

    yeah, we absolutely need more money to convince our american/british studies-person to use the (already installed) microphone and the (already installed) speakers so every single person in the 150+-audience can understand her.
    Last week, we asked her to use the mic because noone except for the first rows was able to (acoustically) understand her. "I won't do so because I don't like this thing. It'll have to work out without the microphone..." - half an hour later I couldn't understand her anymore even though I've been in the third row. Two hours of wasted time, if you ask me. I'll have to pay for stuff like that in one and a half years...

    The tuition fees may not prevent anyone from beginning or proceeding his/her studies. Therefore all students will have the right to a low-interest loan which will be paid back beginning two years after graduation or abortion of studies.

    So I will have to pay even more if I can't afford paying the credit back at once?
    Low interest is still too much interest for me, there's a reason why my bank told me that they won't give me a loan...

    ...and I didn't even start with the reasons why we need to pay fees for an education (I hope you can guess what the reasons are when I tell you that they're completely based on empty phrases...)

  9. littleseth: yeah, that's a nice thing ... but here in Germany we build solid houses which are supposed to stand through a storm without being blown away :P

    Anti-Flag - The Panama Deception

    their 2 plus 2 does not euqal 4,their 2 plus 2 equals whatever they want us to die for,
    about face! snap to attention from your wrong cause,
    wake up to the things you see,
    about face! sometimes the explanations don't add up to the facts...

  10. actually it should be possible to accelerate particles to a speed greater than the speed of ligt already: take an average particle accelerator as they are in use today, accelerate your particle(s) to a speed near the speed of ligt in vacuum [yes, that does take a huge amount of energy ... those accelerators are usually run at night when the cities nearby don't consume as much energy as during the day] and make it crash into something where light travels slower than in vacuum (there are ways of slowing light down to something like 50 m/sec) - and during a short time, your particle should be travelling faster than light...


    Original post by apurva

    whats this matter waves??

    It's when matter travels in waves ... like waves in the sea or a rope when you tie one end to a tree and shake on the other end (or, somewhat more complicated to explain, sound -- there is no sound in a vacuum since sound waves are basically atoms or molecules interacting with each other and finally with your ear or a microphone's membrane or whatever happens to be in the way)



    its been discovered that we can decrease and increase the speed of light.

    As stated above, light is actually a section of the electromagnetic spectrum which is all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. However, visible light only accounts for a very small section of this spectrum. in order for light to remain light, it would have to stay within that small range. If you speed it up or slow it down too much, you will turn it into a different form of electromagnetic radiation. Thus, about the only thing you can do with your discovery is change colors.

    Actually the difference between "light" and "electromagnetic radiation" (which is, as you stated correctly, the same thing with different names) is not the speed but the wave length. The part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is called visible light is between wave lengths of 750nm (red) and 400nm (blue) (give or take a bit, depends on the tables you're referring to) red light travels just as fast as blue light, even though red and blue light behave differently when they change the medium they travel in due to those differences (from air to water or from air to glass ... that's the way prisms work)...

  11. so where are you living that it's illegal to give money to those who are in need (or think they are) of other people's change?well, if I gave everyone who approached me some money, I'd be poor within next to no time - even though there are only few beggars in the city where I live.But: There are some people who've been sitting in the streets ever since I remember and that's basically what they're doing from morning to evening: Go to their place in the city, make themselves comfortable and just about stay there for the rest of the day......well, I give some money to them on special occasions and I've got to learn quite a bit about their stories, why they're sitting in the streets every day - and I actually got some of them to consider how healthy the food they get might be (how good can milk be that's been standing behind a freezer's clear glass door in a clear bottle on a sunny day when the label says "Don't expose to sunlight"? well, milk in cardboard boxes doesn't taste that much different, is protected from sunlight and sometimes it's even cheaper...)anyways, I probably wouldn't give them some money from time to time if I hadn't been able to talk to them since I'd like to have some clue about where my money goes 'cause I don't have that much to spare...

  12. I suppose something like this has happened to many of us: You're following your everyday life, suddenly someone's talking to you and is gone the moment you realise someone's talking to you - and you're left wondering. well, this isn't about "real" dating stories but I think this thread fits into this board somehow. mods: feel free to move it)...here's my start:On Friday I had, as usual, lunch at university. While I was staring out the window (those trees in the wind are very, very interesting to watch ... yes, they really are, at leastas long as they still have leafs), some girl walked up next to me with the lunch tray in her hands and asks me whether the place next to me is occupied and whether she disturbed me in doing something important or not.I tell her that she could take not only the seat next to me but any other free seat at the table and that I was just staring out the window ... then she said that "it should be forbidden to disturb people while they're staring out of windows, that's when they realize that they're living in cages ... I'll just talk to you again somewhen, people who bother noticing that they're looking out of a window usually don't go anywhere else to have their lunch...", gave me a smile and walked on - and when I lost track of her I began wondering and continued gazing at the trees...

  13. oh yeah, the very first time ... mine wasn't any good either - I was going steady with this girl since about 8 months and when I finally realized what she was doing that day it was already too late...she didn't want to talk about anything right after it happened and the next day she broke up with me for no reason (well, obviously there was a reason but she just told me that she didn't want to see me ever again [we've been at the same school so there was no way she could avoid me all the time] or even talk to me longer than it takes to tell someone that it's over... oh, by the way, she's studying chemistry at the same place where I'm studying physics so we'll probably run into each other quite a lot during the next years...)

  14. yeah, officially we are a democratorship but ask minorities how they are being treated by officials... most won't have anything good to say about them (those immigrants from Africa are somewhat lucky that it's deemed racist to argue with a subsaharaafrican guy [the politically correct way of saying black guy ^_^], Italians, Polands and Greeks aren't that lucky...).

    But there are always two sides to the story, and it's hard being on the "armed side" when you're always in the minority. At what point do you consider the crowd to be getting a little too agressive? When you're out numbered 5-1, 10-1, how many chances can you take? Is one bottle okay, how about five?

    Right, there are always two sides. But: 1250 cops and 600 military police officers were assigned to protect the party. well, since the cops were outnumbered something like 2:1 at the demonstration, they brought their toys along: batons, pepper spray, vans, tanks and two water cannons (scary things, those are ... that actually means 4 water cannons since there are two high-pressure pumps on each of them and they're meant to be able to break bones from a distance of 30-40 meters).
    I don't know when a crowd becomes "too violent" but breaking several people's bones and injuring many, many peaceful protesters is nothing that can be justified by 2 bottles when you're denying the people a court-approved right, isn't it? By the way, I've been at somewhat more violent protests where the police did not fight back even though there were some people attacking them in the clear space between the crowd and the police line...
    (I'm not trying to justify violence, I'd just like to point out that it seems to be safer to be in non-peaceful protests...)

    most people in germany still believe in Hitlers way of life and still waiting until another comes along or something like that, [...]

    I was trying to tell why I would yell "No" at the thing with Hitler's way of life but I failed at several attempts to explain why this is not true. It's general consensus that Hitler's antisemitism was bad and that it was also bad that he started WWII - but you seldom hear anything about the years before WWII when there's anyone speaking about how bad the Nazis were.
    But one thing I can tell for sure: Those waiting for another guy like that are a minority which is loathed by just about anyone. Unfortunately, there's still a strong notion to obey authorities, no matter how stupid they are...

    well the woodstock chain of events wasn't supposed to happen the bands said screw and didn't play at all, and then you have alcohol and weed flowing like a river as well.

    actually, the experiences in the Netherlands show that legal usage of weed is nothing you have to worry about when you're trying to figure out where violence will occur. Take, for example, the soccer european championship (or was it a world cup? don't ask me, I don't care about socccer) hosted by Belgium and the Netherlands a couple of years ago: In Belgium, weed is completely illegal but beer was sold at and in the stadiums and completely legal everywhere. In the Netherlands, weed is (and, of course, was at this time) completely legal but there was no beer sold at the stadiums and illegal in the public transports to the stadiums. It was peaceful (at least peaceful enough to be called peaceful by the police and therefore by the media) in the Netherlands but during the rioting in Belgium, one cop was killed. Of course, it might have been that there was a general agreement among the Hooligans that they'd all travel to Belgium but I doubt that this is the only reason why it was peaceful in the Netherlands...

  15. Posted Image

    No Oath,

    No Murder,

    No Morning Sports... (join us!)


    Two days ago, on Wednesday, the german government celebrated the 50th anniversary of german's army. All the members of parliament attended this event except for the entire fraction of the newly-formed socialist party [officially formed only a few months ahead of the elections; entered parliament with 8.x% of the votes], some of them declared they would join the "50 years Bundeswehr are 50 too much"-demonstration which was supposed to start in the late evening. Police officials stated that at the beginning, there were about 1,500 people in the demonstration and half an hour later this number had risen to about 2,000 - remember, this was a protest in the middle of the week so many of us didn't have the chance to travel to Berlin like we would have done over the weekend.


    What seemed to be a peaceful demonstration should become a nightmare for those in it:

    After the spokesperson of a major german pacifist organisation held a speech near the Humboldt University, for a reason no one knows yet, a police squad attacked the demonstration's front line, punching several people into their faces and stomachs. A few seconds later, they retreated just as fast as they had rushed in.


    Some hundred meters before the demonstration reached the Paris Plaza, where the final speech was to be held, police once again blocked their way - but this time it was not meant to be peaceful:

    The local court had ruled only days before that there was no reason to prohibit this speech and even though the orga team read the court ruling out and asked the police to obey it, they did not clear the road. well, it was a peaceful protest - more peaceful than a gathering of 2,000 people in Berlin usually is. But this should change:


    Two bottles flew in the police's direction [official police count - if they can tell that exactly two bottles were thrown I suppose I can rely on this figure; usually they just state that they were being (massively) attacked] and the police's reaction was kind of extreme:


    One plain clothes officer pulled out a baton and began clubbing down people who did nothing but peacefully protest [one point in favor of the police: He's being persecuted for assault while serving now], breaking one protester's hand. At the same time, a police squad rushed into the crowd, breaking one arm; another protester's both (!) legs; about 200 people were injured (though not as severe as these three) during the next couple of minutes...


    Posted Image

    Ouch. I got hit by one of those batons once and it did hurt - even though 'my' cop didn't even hit me hard...


    Some video footage:


    -> https://de.nachrichten.yahoo.com/ (I couldn't watch this one yet since I'm lacking an appropriate codec; it's said to be about both some people claiming that all of Germany loves the army at the army festivities and about the protest)


    -> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (low quality; from indymedia germany; 8MB)


    -> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (better quality; from interpool.tv (watch that cop from the picture in action - I've never seen anyone swing a baton that fast...; 11MB)

  16. what did you do to it, john?anyways, there are 3 1/2 comps at home (the one I just put together for my sister from spare parts does not work completely (yet?)) since we tend to not throw stuff away if it's still useable (you can guess when we got those comps ... the first is a Pentium 100MHz, the second a PIII 667MHz, mine is an AthlonXP 1800+, my sister's falls out of the row: PII 400MHz but in the shape it has now less than two months old)at the university [where I spend most of my days so I consider it the place where I live] we've got about 300 public comps for 12,000 students, another 25 in the library (surprise: they're all 1.7GHz and up P4/AthlonXPs with lots of RAM, a fast (really fast) internet connection, TFT screens and all the bleeding edge-stuff ^_^) and don't ask me how many in the labs...

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