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About Picardim
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Horde > Alliance, I play alliance currently and have played 4 out of my 5 top end char on ally side. I like gnomes, and think its easier for me to lvl allies, however where ever I play alliance at all the raiding guilds Q_Q so much and break up over stupid $h1t, horde are usually MUCH better both PVP and PVE, and they mess around the whole time. If an alliance character were to speak out during a raid, 5 members of that guild would leave out of frustration. Most ally players are below the age of 13 and that makes the skill level and cooperation go down. At 3 ST all the allies will start to lose BGs caz the kiddies get out of school then. Overall the alliance is very frustrating, at least on Hakkar, Doomhammer, Aggamaggen, and Wildhammer. Wildhammer Alliance by far is the worst progression i have seen in all of my game play, 2 guilds have illidan down (the got within the past week and a half) there is a shortage on all healing classes, warlocks, and mages. There are paladins, but 85% of them are Ret spec and are useless as much in WoW as they probably are in reality. There are about 4 MS warriors for every 10 players I would have to say. It is a mess, and either the players are one of the following, 11 years old, mentally handicapped, ret/ms spec, or since they are a healing class they are so full of themselves they think they are above joining guilds.In conclusion, being an alliance player, I would have to vote Allies are horrible and horde get #%@ done...
Most High schools in New Jersey have video cameras and other ways to keep track of the student. Typically one will get caught for doing such a think, however I have skipped my 1st and 2nd period classes a lot in the past. Usually in my particular high school and student must attend a saturday class for 4 hours for skipping class, as in leaving the building. Being late does not count.
Yes, America has its values quite mixed up at the moment. In reply to the addictiveness, it is only mentally addictive and this is because a majority of people, at least in the U.S, have addictive personalities. Everything need to be done in moderation though, so I agree.
I was attending my political science class when I brought up religion. The following statement was said: Religion has always been a form of government and has done the same amount of bad things the untied states government has. I believe there is a difference between a set religion like catholicism and the belief in Jesus Christ and deity compared to the religion it is linked to. If God is really all knowing, why would a person have to dedicate their life to prayer and attending church, when they can be out helping others and doing the basic set lines of how to be a good person and get into heaven. When discussing this, I was surprised to not be killed on the spot, knowing how controversial the religious issues are. In fact, I was praised for deep thought and had many people agreeing that set religion was good, but is now just abused and a way to brainwash people, when they should be out finding themselves and their own beliefs and knowing that as long as one is a good person they do not need to throw away their time when it can be used productively.
I wrote an essay similar to this for my English class, I was wondering what some people thought about it or maybe some nice people can point out some typos and etc since i have no one to proof read to me. Work Cited Brian S. Julin. “Cannabis FAQ Version: 1.0”. Erowid.org. Jul 19, 2007. October 21, 2007 < https://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/cannabis_faq1.shtml > “Welcome to the DRCNet Online Library of Drug Policy”. http://druglibrary.org/. DRCNet.10/15/07. < http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/hemp/hempmenu.htm > “Marijuana” WhiteHouseDrugPolicy.gov. March 26, 2007. October 21, 2007. < https://www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp >
For those of you who have lost friends to vicious "Wow" addiction, you'll find some sympathy below in the form of a YouTube. The news short tries to make a strong analogy between Warcraft addiction and more well-known deadly addictions, such as drugs and alcohol. We even get an "addict's mum" breaking down into tears, bewailing the tragedy of losing her son to WoW. For those of us who actually know something about the game, this is either hilarious or frightening (in the sense that stuff like this tends to whip the parents and legislators into a bit of coercive frenzy). After all, we've been dealing with these accusations since the days of Pong...Sigh. When will people stop blaming the medium instead of looking at the true cause of these "addict's" problems? I think a good place to start in this case, for instance, isn't WoW, but rather this kid's oddball relationship with his mom! There are even websites that state how to break this addiction. Here are some tips from various websites
Ha, sounds like a lot of websites for "free hosting" rip deceive a person someway of another, I am still trying to find out what the catch is for this hosting service, other than the credits.
Telemarketing Calls, How Do You Stop Them!?!
Picardim replied to birudagmawi's topic in General Discussion
Yes, there is a list online you can sign up for and it prohibits telemarketers from calling you, however, due to many people being on this list you will be more likely to get junk mail in your mailbox everyday.