Lasik is pretty good now.Although I'm not a fan of lasik or any artificial vision correction, especially surgical, I would say that Lasik is not that bad.Most of the surgeries are successfull, people do see MUCH better than before, but most of them have some side effects.The eye exercises are very good too, but they require lot's of work and will power.I am a student of natural vision improvement and I want to be an optometrist too. I studied some cases when people needed corrections after lasik after some times (usually more than two years after the surgey), but I've met only one person that needed stronger corrections 4 after the surgery (He had only -2 before). This person went to natural eyesight treatment and after a year went back to -1, wearing them only for driving.So lasik is not bad, and remember that you can always go to the natural healling after it anyway...I would say...Go for it!Good luck!Eli.