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Posts posted by wiggy15

  1. I know what you mean. I haven't had weight trouble for the past few years, but in middle school I was fat. Honestly I was just flat out fat. I got on a program similar to yours though and now Im bone skinny. My nickname was Twig after I lost the weight. I have more energy and I just want to be out and active. I dont feel weighed down. Im light and floaty and my calf muscels are ripped from carrying my weight before compared to what they are carrying now!

  2. Hahahahahahaha. Alliance beating Horde anyday, anywhere? I played on Ursin(PvP), Illidan(PvP), snf Dragonmaw(PvP).
    On each of the servers I played Horde, and in every single battleground I had EVER entered we whooped the living TAR out of the the Alliance. Sometimes we even felt bad for them. Even the pre-made Guild teams would get whooped.

    I did however play alliance on Gorana, and we lost, but not as much as on the other servers. I perhaps it just depends on what server you're one.
    Horde pwns either way.

    That is very true. Maiev is a low pop server and when my guild moved there from Bonechewer we are one of the best guilds on the server. I have ripped gear and other pallies bow down to me randomly. That's kinda nice.
    The BG's are about the same unless we get a pre-made goin'. Anyways GL to you and your leveling.

  3. The bleed elfs aren't bad. When I play horde on other servers i try to play them. The hunter class for them is a quick level class and I like to solo stuff.STV is a real pain to me. I take my guys up and down it killing Horde and it always ends in disaster.For instace. Me and 4 other guys were goofing off and killing horde and we satumbled upon a Horde raid of about 20 men. we got owned.But then we got 5 more people making us outnumbered 2-1 and we owned them. Again and Again and yet again. Quite fun.Then the other 20 men from their raid came and that just isnt fun 4-1. So we mounted and ran like cowards :o But it was still fun

  4. Homosexuality is wrong in SOOO many ways! :D For one) 2 Guys or 2 Girls were not made to fit together naturally. 2) They expect themselves to be treated normally and want rights and stuff, when they are breaking societies' and god's law. Not happening.3) They are an abomanation. They sicken me making love in public. I can see Mr. Steve and Mrs. June going into the guys bathroom and doing it, but Mr. Steve and Mr. Adam? :o ugh..NO!God made adam and eve my friends; not adam and steve

  5. You really need to give the Death penalty to rapists.They just go ahead and violate anyones rights without real cause or motive or anything.Atleast most murders have a motive to kill or atleast a reason (good or not) Rapist just drop em down and go at it, really horrible. Worse than murder in my opinion.

  6. One man or not, Darwin's theory makes sense. God is a myth. Yes I know that's hard to take on, but he is. There is no real proof that Jesus could do any of the things that the bible sai. (Water into Wine ect..) I'm not saying he doesn't exist, because I am a Baptist myself, I'm just saying that even the Supernatural can be wrong about some things.

  7. I dont know how many levels of wrong commiting suicide is. It is your body and all, but it's still murder if you your not capable of making decisions properly (Which depressed peeps aren't). If for some reason a mentally stable person wanted to commit suicide, I think I would do it with him just because I would be that surprised!

  8. Now honestly, We should already know this answer! Alliance will own Horde any time any place.I don't know how many of you play WoW, but it is a very good game. Highly recommend it.I have a 70 Holy Pally and a 70 Mortal Strike (MS) Warrior. Both are Alliance and both have full season 2 and 3 with some nice Epic PvE's including Tier 5 Gear.In Battlegrounds horde might have the upper hand, but in world combat Alliance owns. The horde just go around and gank people because they have nothing better to do.And before I go any further let me say, I went to the dark side and got to 60 and gave up. Horde is just so boring. You only come together in BG's and your world chat is really about retarded things,that usually "own" the Allies, but you guys are so stupid that you won't come to STV or Tanaris or Nagrand or Blade's Edge or Netherstorm or Ashenvale or anywhere to fight us exept in BG's.And need I mention the owning that takes place in Arena's? That's what I thought.:*:Wiggy:*: :) Ally forever! :)

  9. If I was a hacker, And im not saying I am :) , I would just use a program like python and write my own "intrusion"Usually people who do this stuff have programs that devlop games and they write there own language. Then you just use telnet or other hacking tools I guess to activate your program onto the site and then it will take effect.A good counter is having those prgrams yourself to see how they operate. I have python on mine, and I just mess around with it andnow I see how simple hackers can use this to get in to your system. And never download a hacking tool that you see off you tube or get off a cheesy looking website.Because that probably is a virus in itself. If you do have a hacker come onto your comp. then go to Microsoft.com They usually are open to support you in the war on hackers. :*:Wiggy:*:P.S. I am NOT a hacker by any means.

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