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Posts posted by cadastro

  1. I think it's possible as I have experienced many times nearly dead while sleeping. Many times did I dream that I was in a tunnel or down in a deep well (no water) hiding from bad guys running after me. And I suddenly woke up catching my breath and rushing to the fridge to drink cold water. Then I wouldn't like to fall asleep again 'coz my same dream might continue and finally kill me.

  2. Or just generally what have you found to be a successful method of birth control?

    :o If I may be allowed to participate and share my experience lovely ladies, the best birth control that I have known and experienced, is WITHDRAWAL. No condom. Just pure concentration and awareness. This method is well attested by many of my friends who did it too. I hope your mate can do it well. AWARENESS is the key to its success.

  3. Hmm, something is lacking in your love story. I understand, you met your internet girl with some friends. How many were they? Were they had the same looks? Were they all fat? Had there no one among them looked loveliest? You see, if there was one, even just one, who looked prettiest than the rest, didn't you think that she might had been her? And that they had their plan to mock you up in case you fall below her expectation? Straightly said, you might not also be that handsome and you are just equally matched with that fat woman you now despise. (no offense meant) :o

  4. Well, I think it's a normal thing to go out dating. It's the instinct, the urge, and the like that drive us do dating. It's also a way of testing someone's sexuality. Much more as a means of knowing someone's fertility (set aside hypocrisy please...) to form a family. So, if you think you are ready to handle a family, test your loved one's capability first. Just don't forget, a union of two hearts only set the pace in forming a family. And without a child born, there will never, ever be a family. What am I trying to say? Date and test, before you get marry. :o

  5. The message of that sick fellow was for all of us to cherish every day of our lives. To keep on trying to achieve all the goals that we have in life. To not give up until the day we die.However, there is something big that the message had not really imparted - FAITH IN THE LIVING GOD. We really don't have to forget our Creator, our God. He made us live, He would make us die. He is our time. He is our death.

  6. Why are we Born in this Earth? Why are we created in this earth? Why are we different from other animals/creatures? Why are we marrying and have children?I think there is an answer for all these questions. If you have brain with 6 senses and time to think, answer these questions..

    I think these questions are thrown at educators by a school grader being assigned by a kindergarten teacher.

    Alright, let me try to turn back the hands of time of my aging head... Why are we born in this earth? Because it would be impossible for us to live in the other planets - no food, no air. Why are we created in this earth? Because this is where God made all the provisions needed by His creatures. Why are we different from other animals/creatures? Simply because God wants us (man) to dominate the earth over other creatures. Why are we marrying and have children? Because God commanded us to "go and multiply". Is there God? That will be your assignment!

  7. Anyone can tell someone what to do, but that doesn't mean you're helping them. Sure, telling the ones that cut words up intentionally to spell words out entirely is all that is required, but for the ones that are still in the learning process?they need more than just a command. It's like a person with no money asking you for food, and you telling them, "Go eat," without giving them something to eat. You might argue that we are not obligated to feed these people, but if you want something to be done about it, then action is required from those who want a change.[/size]

    Two thumbs up for this statement of truefusion. Well expounded. At the very outset, I really don't care reading and interacting with posts that are grammatically wrong. Neither react to misspelled words that I come across. Again, as I said earlier, I am more of the substance than learning the new vocabulary word presented. Nevertheless, I feel benefitted from someone of, perhaps, higher intellect posting next level expressions that are new to my comprehension.


    To the people of much concern of English language decency, if you really want to help people (me included) with twisted english-tounge, my suggestion:


    - What if you adopt "footnotes" in your posts specifically intended for your unusual vocabulary words? Thus, helping the poor non-english reader understand immediately what you want to convey. And learn the way the word is being used in a sentence.


    Well, that is only a suggestion coming from an Ilokano tribe.


    If you do that, I think you deserve a thousand credit points for every post :)

  8. Certainly. Our susceptibility to falsehood set forth by mendacious minds will corrupt our reasoning degree. Especially so in forums. The silhouette stature of a forumer will push you to abstract acceptance of what it says. It will leave you in a limbo with crossroads of truth and falsity. Worse, you are led to accepting benign lies and unfounded statements embedded in lengthy and vocabulary-word-infested posts. Which, in Xisto, is delightful to some moderators.

  9. Whether true or false, everyone in this topic is sharing ideas brilliantly. But as for me, though I seldom go to mass ( i am a catholic but I hate priests and ministers) I set my belief that there is hell after death. That hell has the most painful pain that anyone would ever experience. Unfounded you may say, but I would rather think that there is hell for the livingdead rather than take the chance of its inexistent. By doing so, whenever I have a toothache or body pains, just to think about the endless pains in hell would give me tremendous courage to endure all my pains. And by believing that there is hell for the livingdead, would always avert my evil intentions that oftentimes subdue my righteous will.


    If only the priests and ministers focus about the existence of hell, I believe that crimes and mortal sins would be lessened if not totally eradicated. And to focus about hell means, they should further prove that there is life after death. Because if no one accepts that there is life after death, then, likewise, no one accepts that there is indeed a place like hell. If hell is totally unrecognized by the creatures of God, then crimes, war, evil deeeds will forever reign on earth.

  10. Hey guys! I'm not sure if this topic already exists in this active forum. But I would really love to exchange with nice people here some travel photos and their experiences. I believe this motive is great especially for those in school looking for pictures of interesting places around the world.


    To start with, I am posting here


    The Banking Island

    of Palawan, Philippines


    This island is located in the municipality of Narra in the southern part of Palawan province. Land travel is barely 4 hours from Puerto Princesa City. 10 minutes boat travel from the shoreline. It is only a kilometer away from the shoreline. The island is 17 hectares (170,000 sq.m.) in area.It lies in Sulu Sea. Nice for scuba diving, snorkelling, kayakting, and of course, fishing. You would love the fresh, delicious "Sugpo" (prawn) and "Alimasag" (crabs) in the area. The island is very native. It has no electricity. No fresh water yet (un-excavated as of date of posting). Plenty of coconut trees and wild plants. White sand shoreline encircling the whole island. Protected by mangroves.


    If you are planning to visit the Philippines, take time to discover this virgin island. It's worth the long trip!


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    Matabungkay Beach

    Lian, Batangas, Philippines


    Enjoy nature by the sea. This place in Batangas of Southern Tagalog Region in the Philippines remains untouched by the population. Only 2 hours drive from Manila. Best for scuba diving, snorkelling, and other water activities. Still undeveloped. A tourist destination that promises unforgettable experiences.


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    Boracay in Northern Philippines

    Anda, Pangasinan, Philippines


    Ever been in the Philippines? Ever heard of this beach resort near the famous Hundred Islands? If not, then visit this place when you travel in that country. Unbelievable but true. The sand is so white that can be mistaken as Boracay.


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    Notice from rvalkass:

    Try to avoid double posting. You can use the edit button to add to your previous post if no-one else has replied yet. Thanks :)

  11. What a cool topic indeed! I would really love to share my most recent travel experience. Especially shared to people looking for travel destination for vacation.Go to El Nido, Palawan, Philippines. You will love its pristine cool waters and the spectacular view of the bread-loaves-like limestone rocks that seem to be floating on the sea. Use Google Earth to locate this beautiful town located in the south-western part of the Philippines. It's not a remote part of the world. Communications and transpo facilities are abound.





  12. That was really fun.. by the way, what was the nationality of the boss? I got mine too that I could never forget. This sentence was uttered by my teacher (r.i.p.) during my sophomore days. He was angry that I did not show up to a school activity. He said, " When I go there, no more you!"

  13. The worst moments in my life is where I am still in for the last seven years. My wife hasn't been talking to me since I womanized. She wouldn't greet me at all even during my dirthday. She wouldn't dine with me together with our children. She wouldn't come to any family gathering if I do. And that's for seven years already!

  14. I always disagree to the idea of death penalty. Truly, laws exist to govern the rights and protect the lives of constituency. But all laws on earth should always fall under the divine laws of God. "Thou shalt not kill". Rapists. murderers, and other outlaws are only instruments of God for people to realize and understand His divine laws.

  15. For me, it's not the correct spelling nor vocabulary words that matter in a forum. It is the substance of the sentence that upholds the decency of English language. Who care about perfect English in a forum? The ones who use it as a venue for essay writing exercise and lingual students for higher grades in mass communication. A liitle message of concern to the one who started this topic: just live within the bounds of expressive limits. Afterall, the essence of a forum, as I believe, is for free expression. It should not be racist. Not unless Xisto is really meant for grandstanding where people of excessive vocabulary words dominate.

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