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Posts posted by Elessar

  1. Breaking up is really a depressing and hurtful thing. I won't really understand how you feel about it since I've never been in a relationship before but what I went through is different and left me traumatized in a way. Here is my answer to your questions:

    1)So my real question is what can I do to deal with my pain?

    You can't really 'deal' with your pain. You just have to let go of it. It won't be easy, in fact, it'll be the hardest thing you'll ever do in your life. What matters is if you still have feelings for her, don't hold on to it in the sense that letting it controls your every thought and overpower your will. Trust me, it will destroy you and you will be like a zombie for a month. Try to let it wash over you and let yourself be numb. Accept the fact that she's gone (for now), and focus on other stuff, maybe something that you like, your hobby and such. Like me, I let myself go numb about it and focused on learning programming that after a month I kinda forgot about the whole episode.

    2)Should I call her or just let it be?

    For now you should let her be. She's probably still mad at you so the best thing to do would be to let her calm down and let things settle for a while. Only call her after some time has passed, probably when you figured she's feeling lonely. You won't be able to know, much will depend on your intuition.

    3)Is it a bad idea to ask to see her?

    Most of the time it is. She probably will think 'is he that depressed and desperate? That jerk!' or something like that. Avoid seeing her and even if you DO accidentally bumped into her, be nice, be polite and greet her like an old friend. Avoid making things awkward. If she ignores you, smile and pretend it never happened.

    4)Is it worth it to ask for another try?

    It is always worth it, unless you think its not. It all depends whether you really like her and want things to work out. Maybe she's not the right girl, so who knows. Give yourself a chance.

    5)Why was I ok yesterday and way depressed today?

    I had these kind of experience too. One moment you'll be laughing watching something funny on TV, next you're crying your eyeballs out thinking of the good times you had with her. You can't do much about this, only way to deal with it is to accept it and let the depression wash over you.

    6)Whats something good to eat when you have no appetite?

    Porridge? I dunno.

    7) I'm stuck living where we lived together, how can I make everything not remind me of her?

    You can't. Like I said, accept it and let it go numb first. Otherwise, you WILL always be reminded of her. Make the place less identifiable with the 'place with sweet memory' and decorate it more to your taste. Put up GUY stuff, u know? Like football posters, things that nerd/geek would put in their room. Whatever you like to make the place different.

    8) She said she still loves me, what is that supposed to mean?

    Of COURSE she does. What this means is that she needs time off until she realises she needs you back. Between this period and the period when THAT time comes, be as nice as you can. But this doesn't mean being all mushy and romantic like sending her flowers and doing all the yucky things lovesick puppies do. Do something mature, i.e. smt that she didn't expect or has never felt before. Try something new. Try being fresh and different, and surprise her.

    9) How do I tell my family and friends?

    Tell them you're going through a 'critical period'.

    10) I feel like going out with my friends won't help, any alternatives?

    Hang out with your good friends (guys). If she sees you too close with girl pals, that would seriously ruin everything. Do what guys do, hang out, chill out, be crazy, etc. I mean, do what you do when you were in high school. Let yourself go free and you'll be able to feel okay again and not let the pain stay always.

  2. Okay. I was just wondering if someone could give a few pointers. I understand that Xisto is ranked high in Google and the information will be leaked out to other hackers out there.I always thought it was possible to hack cPanel because there is a script written by an Iranian that could hack by using brute force into a cPanel account. I will try contacting admin again. Thanks for your help.

  3. I was wondering whether one could hack his way into cPanel and exploit the security loopholes.Okay, first of all I would like to clarify my intentions. I have no malicious intention whatsoever and I'm not a hacker, i.e. I dunno any programming languages at all. I have a hosting account at a certain post to host forum, meaning to say, the admin helped me create a cPanel hosting account. I know the username but I dunno the password so I requested it from the admin. He told me and I tried it, but still I can't log into my account. I guess the password's wrong.Now I'm getting a bit impatient so I wondered if there is a way to basically force my way into MY own cPanel account and change the password from inside out so I could access my cPanel properly the next time I log in. I tried the Brute Force exploit but not sure how that works. I just need to get inside. My question is whether there's a way to force myself inside, more so like a 'thief' trying to break into his own 'house' and opening the lock from inside out.I hope you get what I mean. Plus, its my own website so I see no harm in trying to hack my own website. Technically speaking, its not even a website yet since I can't log in to cPanel to do anything!

  4. Exactly! Now you get what I mean.We could modify existing plants to grow these huge leaves to maximise carbon dioxide absorption rate. Then, integrate nanostructures into living cells to carry hydrogen out of the leaves into integrated hygrogen pipes fed into a power generating system. The plan itself would have to be heavily genetically modified though.

  5. Well I just want a way to dispense all that credit into something useful. I don't need a hosting account but I'd rather use the credit to donate to someone else that needs it. I hope the admin implements this soon. I've taken selling the credits out of the question because like you said, its competing with Xisto. I just wanna find another way to use the credits, besides for hosting purposes.

  6. I have a subdomain with Xisto, but realised its really hard to get my credits up unless I post religiously everyday here.My question is:1. What happens if my credits run out? Does my account gets suspended?2. What happens after a period of time when I decide I don't want to unsuspend it?3. Does my hosting account get deleted after a period of inactivity? i.e. I decide to let it be because I don't want the hosting anymore.

  7. I read somewhere that we get to keep the excess amount of credits even after we have requested the hosting plan. Say, I have 100 credits and requested the 30 credits plan, after account activation I get to keep 70.But I found out this isn't the case. I came back here just to look for that exact thread but couldn't find it anywhere. My thanks goes to whoever that member is for posting such misleading information. As a result I lost over 60 credits, *blink* and gone, just like that. I don't blame anyone though, because it's pretty easy to get a hosting here. Ah well. Better get to posting then.

  8. @above post


    You realize asia is going through the same cycle america went through, right?

    Lets go from early 1900's to now

    You had the boom in industry and people fighting for their rights

    You had the "biggest and best" buildings competitions and gimmicks "world's tallest building" and such

    You have Freedom Fighters


    I could go on, but I doubt anyone would know exact things i was talking about.


    There is a definate cycle, and i can remember reading more than once that Japan and other Asian countries are following in the footsteps of america on the road to immaculate economy.


    again@above post


    Did you somehow magicaly grow up in america and then shoot across the world to grow up in Korea again? Well then, you don't have a well informed idea of what America is really like. Yes, the schools are pathetic but you can obviously see people on the internet trying to improve themselves and each other daily. There are overachievers, but unlike you and your people we aren't forced to do anything. We have the freedom to do whatever we want. Capitalism trumps all cards. Anyone can become rich and powerful, it is all just drawing straws.

    Well, obviously you misunderstood my intention. I think you thought I was criticising America, while in fact, I'm not.


    I said I admire America for its creativity, openness and innovation. Without America the world would be much, much further behind, as in, primitive and not technologically advanced. This is a fact, because America has top technology institutions like MIT. The freedom granted to civilians in America is also a good point. I never did once mention that America lacks overachievers because I know there are many bright students there. Yet, somehow, these intellectual students are labelled 'geeks'. Where's the dignity in that? In Asia, bright students get respect and people befriend them because they are more mature.


    Maybe I got my facts wrong, but all those Western movies propagate the idea that teenagers in America idolises what's 'in', always influenced by peer pressure and such. Don't misunderstand me though, I know there are a whole bunch of good kids out there that take their studies seriously and don't get involved in social vices. That's the America I admire.


    I did not grow up in America. I'm an Asian all the way, never stepping foot on any other Western countries. So if you think that I'm somehow a pessimist and I like to insult America, then you're wrong. Like you said, I don't have a well informed idea of what America is really like. But do you have a well informed idea of what Asia is REALLY like? So before you throw accusations, try to get your facts right. Asian countries are growing at a rapid pace, but the cycle its going through is way different from the Industrial Revolution era. We are building upon existing technologies, and compared to when the Revolution started, Britain used relatively new steam technology at the time.


    Plus, you forgot totally about the differences in culture, mentality and mindsets. Asian will never go throw the same cycle that Western countries have. We have a different approach to things and the Eastern values of humility, respect for elders and adherence to traditional values are very much alive in Asians. I don't mean to insult or anything, I'm just trying to get my point across. So if you are insulted, then you are narrow-minded indeed.


    Just my two cents.

  9. Well, I visited your site. My comment? What a rip-off. You're only trying to sell products to earn yourself money. Basically you're trying to suck up those newbies to money-making on the net and make even more profit by telling others that your method works.I seriously laughed at the site. Most of the stuff there require you to have loads of referrals or needs you to pay for it. What gives? It doesn't make sense. If you ask me, the earning figure is way overrated and is just a cheap marketing gimmick to draw people to his site.

  10. Its true that dieting doesn't get you any slimmer, it might actually make you fatter than before you were doing it. This is because our bodies are naturally 'programmed' in such a way that when we suddenly cut down on the food we take, it will launch itself into 'survival mode' and slow down metabolism to conserve energy. After a short period, that metabolism level will not go up anymore and one will actually gain weight because the body is trying to conserve energy.So the best way would be to be physically active. Exercising builds more muscles, which in turn burns more calories. This is the only proven way to stay fit. 10 minutes walk are best done 3 times daily, or it could be done in one go, i.e. a 30-minute session. Either way, moving around your body is definitely better than to stay put and do nothing.

  11. I think part of it too is that America values overachieving a bit too much, to the point where people just get too stressed out. We expect kids to be superachievers...we tell them that if they want to go to college and succeed in life, they must get straight A's, be a member of every single club/sport/organization that ever existed, do 294837273 hours of community service, etc., but they still want to have lives and hang out with their friends and such...and where do you get the time for all of this? When do you get to sit down and relax? You don't, and so the stress builds and builds and, in worst-case scenarios, causes you to act out. Many kids who committed heinous acts often leave their peers puzzled because they seemed like such good kids. It's just too much pressure. When you combine the stress with influences from the media, such as the seeming normality of violence, you have a recipe for disaster.
    There indeed need to be some major changes in our society. Major.

    I gotta LOL at this. No offence at Americans out there, because I appreciate America's openness, creativity and contribution to the world, but seriously, I don't respect their culture.

    America values overachieving? I don't know about this, but you should seriously come and take a look at Asia. Asians are much more stressed out, especially in education. Koreans, for example, value their education and their system is so exam-oriented that to fail a major public examination means failure in getting into universities. In Singapore, people fight over limited spots in their national university to the point that they study so hard until it changes their whole culture, moulding them into what they are now - a society that is scared of the future, taking every chances now to prepare for the worse. And don't even get me talking about Malaysia. Everybody here competes for the coveted JPA scholarship - JPA being the Public Service Department. Each year, thousands of scholarships are offered to bright students that get straight A1's and they are sent to prestigious universities everywhere. The ironic part is that there are simply TOO many students scoring straight A's and too few scholarship spots. We (as in, the students) are born into a system of rigorous examination-based education and to get a less than exceptional result in our public examination means to forfeit on that scholarship and go to a private college instead (which many people can't afford).

    Overachievers? Our Asian world is full of them. The smart ones get smarter and brighter, the idiotic ones gets left out and become society's gangster/rubbish/thugs/hooligans.

    I think the problem with America is the culture. Since the advent of the Hollywood era and sex symbols like Marilyn Monroe, Americans create a liberal, Western culture that reflect sophistication, modernisation and everything that 'should be'. The problem with this is that Western culture isn't perfect, and it appalls me that many Americans are actually stupid! Not stupid in the sense of retarded, but stupid in the sense that they do many foolish stuff, i.e. not valuing their future, dropping out of schools etc. This applies to teenagers only, mind you. I did this IQ test on Tickle and my score is at least 30 points higher than the average American (according to their statistics). I don't intend to brag that I'm a genius (I am one of the top scorers in my school though) because my friends got just about the same marks that I did for the IQ test, but I really am surprised that the average American teenager knows less than they should.

    Is it because of the education system itself? I think so. Western education system focus on personal development and creativity that it neglects knowledge and the important things that should be learned. Over here, knowledge comes first. My friend who is in Australia studying at their high school before entering university told me that their syllabus is at least 2 years behind ours - in the sense that we already learned what they are learning now. Yet, it surprises me that we are labelled 'third world country' and they are a modern, 'first world' country.

    So the central root to America's problem is the culture. I don't think there's much to be done, because that Western capitalist idealism is so deeply rooted that it's hard to change their mindsets now.

  12. OK, the amount of posts you make does not affect the amount of hosting credits you receive. If you post quality posts and put some reasoning behind what you are trying to express your hosting credits will go up by more than 1. A one liner or "Yes, lol I agree..." is the same as 0 (zero) hosting credits.
    If you put some reasonng behind your reply and answer with full sentences you will not only be a better typist and more proficient in the english language. :P It will also add the hosting credits at a higher number and you can receive up to 2 to 5 hosting credits for a good post. Then on the other hand, the downfall is the members who "cut & paste" from other sources when they lose more hosting credits than they gained by posting it.

    We use "Plagiarism-Finder" a tool used in colleges to find plagiarised work by students. It works just as great when it comes to find articles cut and pasted here.

    (btw, a post like the one I just made will give from 1.5 to 2.5 hosting credits as long as it's not posted in a topic with no post count)


    Yeap. I gotta agree to this. Just practise typing long sentences and eventually it'll become a habit. Take time to post a little longer, compose your thoughts, construct good sentences and type out a nice, long response. Pretend that you're writing an essay or conversing with an academician. You don't want to make yourself look like a fool for using bad language or speaking bad grammar.

    I believe that the system here deducts 1 credit per day. So, like I said, just find a topic here, post an extremely long, good reply and I don't see any reason why you won't be able to keep your hosting account up and running. It takes patience, and a little bit of hard work, but it pays off.

  13. Glad to see that many people hate smokers too. I hate smokers as well. I don't hate the person per se, I just hate them for being inconsiderate. In public places (in my place of course), they light up without consideration for other people. Smokers think they're so cool and macho for lighting up and its as if they want to show everyone how tough/cool they look. And the worst part? You can't show that you're unhappy, because if you do, most probably they'll glare at you. Some even got beat up, especially if the smoker is a gangster. Speaking of which, ALL gangsters smoke in my country, so smokers are associated with vice in my mind. Its hard to view smokers as good people, as I believe good people don't smoke. People who love their own lives won't smoke just for the fun of it. Its tantamount to killing yourself.Plus, my family wouldn't smoke, ever. All my family members don't smoke, and they'll NEVER smoke. My parents instill a sense of discipline and reasoning into us since we were children, so we grew up into responsible people that will never ever touch a cigarette.

  14. Well, you probably don't follow a correct method of face cleansing. As a general rule of thumb, follow the CTM rule. C for Cleanse, T for tone, and M for moisturise. You need to cleanse, that's a common knowledge. After that, use a toner, preferably those without alcoholic content. Toners will tone your face and reduce pore size so your pores don't get clogged up easily. No point in cleansing without toning. Finally, always moisturise. Your skin's hydration plays an important part to your skin's smoothness. Use non pore-blocking moisturisers. Drink plenty of water. I'd recommend Eve Taylor's essential oil for problematic skin types. It works wonders on my face! Google it, I'm sure you'll be able to find it.

  15. Like what Vera said, how on Earth could we get pearl powder? I doubt they're readily available in grocery stores.I already know some of the tips, like Song Hye Kyo's egg treatment. My cousins use it. Its cheap because eggs don't cost much. I tried it but can't really continue with the treatment because I can't really stand the smell of raw eggs. :PI'm interested with the black tea face mask treatment though.

  16. I think also that joomla is the best content menagment service available for the overral content however if you are about to have blog then the best thing to the would nbe to use wordpress. I use it also in my blog. And furthermore it is very accessible.
    Also I would like to note to all of you that there are many more alike and also free programs like pivot which is mostly used for blogging however it allows very easy custimizattion so you would be able to build dynamic sites very easily on this shell I say eventhough politically incorrect engine.

    And finally to return to joomla it is great I am still experimenting with its options and I making myself familiar with its code hoever it is really great service and all of you should try and use it. I think that it is the best free service available out there.

    I went to your blog and personally I think its very well done. You must have some sort of programming knowledge to be able to do it.

    In my opinion, I think Wordpress is a very good CMS for beginners like me too. Although the support isn't extensive, meaning to say you can't really find good solutions to your questions via a community-based Q&A section, they do provide a codex that should get your blog up and running (for the beginners).

    I've never used Joomla before but I kept hearing about it from other people. What is it really? I mean, I know the basic concept of CMS, but what can I do with Joomla? Create websites out of thin air? Start a cool-looking website about crap from scratch?
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