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Everything posted by Tunay

  1. lol? i don't think i've ever asked my bf these o.o;I've never asked him to call me more often o.o; girls should know that guys are bad at calling girls back lolcute list. made me laugh.
  2. If you love your new girl, then give it a chance! If she is going through rough times at the moment then support her! Its good that you have moved on from the previous girl. Allow your love to grow with your new girl you never know maybe she is the one that your true love!
  3. i got to level 9 and decided to go back to work lol its a great puzzle it gets your brain workin
  4. lol i like meteos. my boyfriend accidentally left it at my house when he went back home to california T.T but oh well haha its fun and addicting like tetris but it gets hard cause each planet is different.
  5. i started playing tetris when i was 4! lol I still play tetris now on my DS lite atleast. and i love how on Tetris DS you can go wifi and play people all over the world! its fun hahah and i randomly go against tons of japanese people! but o.o i still win lol does that make me a dork? hmmmSomeone should Host a tetris tournament lmao cause if there was one i would enter that tourny without a thought in my mind hah.
  6. i would definitely buy that. If i had the money. that would be awesome. Beats carrying a laptop around lol.
  7. The Wii is DEFINITLY worth it. Yes sometimes the buzzing occurs, but when you start playing a game and turn up the volume you don't really hear it. As for the wireless bar. you need to have it in a place where there is nothing blocking it or isn't far from your couch. Preferably on your T.V. uhm lol. the wii isn't like any other console out there. you have to "interact" with the game by moving your body lmao.So if you are lazy about getting up and moving your arms or something then don't get a wii. PLUS the wii does come with controller attachments for snes and gamecube and such for the downloadable games you can get for your wii online. Lol. Its only one pixel. deal with it. Just think about it. if you were in the customer services position and someone brought you a ds with 1 pixel out. i'm pretty sure you'd say its only one pixel its not like its big and notice able. So what if it is green lmao. you don't notice it during game play unless its smack dab in the middle. but seriously why waste their time when you can figure this out yourself. The lady was just doing her job. She was trained to deal with that stuff and you were just being a total jerk about it. If your controller was broken and you KNEW it was broken then go get new ones. or get new batteries. Nintendo is not a cruddy company. I've had Nintendo Products since i was 3 years old. And i've had zero problems with them. Get a Wii its definitely a different experience. ;D
  8. I currently own a laptop and a nintendo ds lite lol oh and i also have a SNES! (yay go oldschool nintendo). I am a nintendo fan girl lol <3 i've loved nintendo since i was able to pick up the controller (for the first nintendo system) and i was 3 when i picked it up lol.
  9. wow you have alot of pets! i have 2 dogs and a bunny. but in the past i've had about 6 hamsters 3 snakes 3 gold fish 4 mice and 4 birds x.x i really want a cat but my family is alergic to cats. kinda weird that i'm the only one that isn't alergic to anything
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